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研究生(外文):Man-Ching Lin
論文名稱(外文):The development of the business model and critical factors for the center of technology transfer and licensing in the institutes of higher education
指導教授(外文):K. H. Tang
外文關鍵詞:Technology TransferCenter of Technology Licensing
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Research institutes, universities and industries are working together to form a highly efficient innovation network is an important concern of many governments’ technology policy in the last decade. The innovation network can speed up the knowledge creation, acquisition, accumulation, and application and enhance the competitiveness of the industries. In Taiwan, there are several universities and research institutes have already established their center of technology licensing (CTL), and implement their strategies in technology transfer and intellectual property. The aim of the study is to analyze the structures, strategies and procedures, environmental impacts, as well as their performances of technology transfer organization of foreign and domestic universities and research institutes. The results can be used as a guideline for the center of technology transfer and licensing in the institutes of higher education.
Technology transfer in universities and research institutes of western countries has a remarkable progress in these years, their patent and licensing strategies, expertise of technology transfer professionals, experience in start-up companies, and the coordination of the outside environment are worth learning. The functioning of technology transfer in institutes of higher education of Taiwan is still on the initial stage. Most of the offices of technology licensing were set up with second level in organization hierarchy. The revenue of the office of technology licensing can not cover the expense. Therefore, these organizations still need financial support from the National Science Council. It is also found that the income from patent licensing performance is little for CTL and the structure of CTL is improper. For the better performance of CTL, it is believed that research institutes and universities may strengthen the intellectual property mechanism, enhance patent and licensing strategies, as well as recruit and cultivate technology transfer professionals.
The study was based on the view of CTL, it was accomplished a number of discussions with managers of CTL, extensive literature research, and couple of case studies. The research contents included the research project initial, implementation and control, technology transfer, and promotion of research results phases. The effects of one phase to each other were also conducted. The results concluded some remarks: (1) Structures, strategies and policies of office of technology licensing, and environmental concerns are key factors in the technology transfer. (2) The attitude and policy of government must cooperate with internal technology environment, then, it has the possibilities to advance the competition of industries. (3) Government, industries, and research institutes must establish the same ideology to make the technology transfer successful.

第一章 緒論....................................................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景及動機.............................................................................................1
第二節 研究目的.........................................................................................................3
第三節 研究範圍及限制.............................................................................................4
第四節 研究步驟.........................................................................................................6

第二章 文獻探討...........................................................................................................9
第一節 技術移轉的相關文獻.....................................................................................9
第二節 組織理論相關文獻.......................................................................................14

第三章 歐美先進國家之技術移轉運作...................................................................18
第一節 歐美先進國家技術移轉之現況分析...........................................................18
第二節 歐美先進國家技術移轉的環境...................................................................19
第三節 歐美先進國家技術移轉組織特性...............................................................25
第四節 歐美先進國家技術移轉之策略與績效.......................................................27
第五節 小結...............................................................................................................35

第四章 概念性研究模式建立與研究方法...........................................................37
第一節 概念性研究模式...........................................................................................38
第二節 研究設計.......................................................................................................40

第五章 技術移轉現況探討與分析..........................................................................43
第一節 現行技術移轉流程......................................................................................43
第二節 組織面的現況與分析..................................................................................45
第三節 功能面的現況與分析..................................................................................58
第四節 執行面的現況與分析..................................................................................63
第五節 環境面的現況與分析..................................................................................65

第六章 結論.....................................................................................................................69
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