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研究生(外文):Kang-Lian Liu
論文名稱(外文):The Feedback Control for the Optimal Ventilation Device Based on the Dynamic Respiratory Mechanics
指導教授(外文):Shyan-Lung Lin
外文關鍵詞:optimalfeedback controlventilation devicerespiratory control simulator
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本文主旨則在架構一套呼吸生理訊號即時監視系統,用以監視本研究之送氣裝置及人工肺通氣反應後之狀況,所得之訊號可作為送氣裝置之控制指標及人體呼吸控制模擬器參數調整之依據。接著利用GM350 Graphical Monitor、人工肺、與呼吸機械特性量測裝置,進一步實現上述模擬機構的回授控制,使得人工肺所模擬的病患,其呼吸機械特性一旦改變時,回授系統將量測的訊號傳送回控制器界面進行訊號處理,而使呼吸控制模擬器能迅速地因應。模擬器在更新的參數下,重新進行最佳化運算,把產生的最佳送氣波形與呼吸範型,重新驅動機械送氣裝置,對人工肺進行通氣。有別於先前設計之以靜態呼吸機械特性為指標的回授控制系統,本研究採用動態呼吸機械特性指標來完成送氣裝置之回授控制。本系統的完成,將使這一系列實驗研究更趨完備,並期能在發展一具智慧型控制器來控制人工呼吸器的未來研究中,增加寶貴的參考依據。
In previous work, an integrated system was implemented by including the Human Respiratory Control Simulator, a ventilation device, an artificial lung, and the PneuView software to simulate a ventilation apparatus with arbitrary spontaneous breathing waveform. However, this experimental apparatus was not able to perform any automatic adjustment subject to possible changes by a patient.
The object of present study is to construct a real-time measurement system to monitor the signals of the ventilation device and artificial lung. On the other hand, a feedback system is also aimed on the simulated system for close-loop control. Once any change of respiratory mechanics occurs, the variation signals will be transmitted to the implemented feedback controller for further processing. To achieve the above task, firstly the simulator has to be modified that the oncoming signals can be processed and optimization process can be invoked. The regulated optimal respiratory breathing patterns and airflow waveforms will then be issued to control the mechanical ventilation device. The focus of this thesis is the feedback control for the optimized ventilation device based on the index of dynamic respiratory mechanics. The fulfillment of current integrated system is expected to decrease the gap between experimental apparatus and future clinical needs. Furthermore, an intelligent feedback controller for any ventilator is intended in future studies.
第一章 緒論1
1.1 前言1
1.2 研究動機1
1.3 國內外相關研究3
1.4 前期研究的內容5
第二章 理論與研究方法10
2.1 呼吸的控制10
2.2 呼吸機械學13
2.2.1 肺臟的順應性(Compliance)13
2.2.2 肺順應性的決定因素14
2.2.3 肺臟的彈性(Elasticity)14
2.2.4 呼吸道阻抗(Airway Resistance)14
2.3.2 呼吸機械特性的生理公式17
第三章 實驗架構23
3.1 人體呼吸控制模擬器(Version 3.3)24
3.1.1 Input-生理參數的輸入25
3.1.2 Controller-控制器26
3.1.3 Signal Monitoring-訊號監視27
3.1.4 Mechanical Ventilation-送氣裝置的控制28
3.1.5 Measurement of Respiratory Mechanics-呼吸機械特性量測28
3.1.6 Feedback Control of Mechanics Ventilation-送氣裝置之回授29
3.1.7 Dynamic Monitoring & Feedback Control-動態監測及回授30
3.2 送氣裝置32
3.3 人工測試肺33
3.3.1 Adult/Pediatric Lung Model34
3.3.2 Adult/Pediatric Lung Model訊號監測軟體─Analysis Plus!TM39
3.4 Beacon GM350 Graphics Monitor 訊號示波器43
3.4.1 Beacon GM350功能簡述44
3.4.2 Beacon GM350之系統設定與感測器校正46
3.4.3 Beacon GM350之警報設定48
3.4.4 Beacon GM350的主要監測項目50
3.4.5 Beacon GM350的ANALOG輸出52
第四章 呼吸訊號之監視與量測53
4.1 呼吸生理訊號即時監視系統53
4.1.1 呼吸訊號監視系統之操作流程54
4.1.2 呼吸參數量測57
4.2 量測的結果58
4.2.1 動態呼吸道阻抗及肺順應性之量測數據59
4.2.2 量測統計結果75
第五章 送氣裝置之動態回授控制80
5.1 機械換氣的指標80
5.2 動脈血二氧化碳分壓(PaCO2)門檻值之決定81
5.3 動態回授控制流程84
5.4 實驗方法與結果89
第六章 結論與討論91
6.1 阻抗及順應性在雙肺及單肺模式下量測差異的原因91
6.2 呼吸道阻抗量測值偏高的原因91
6.3 即時呼吸訊號監視系統之修正依據91
6.4 研究貢獻92
6.5 未來方向92
6.5.1 吐氣期的控制92
6.5.2 通氣模式的建立93
6.5.3 人工呼吸器智慧型控制器之研發93
附錄A 呼吸器常見之通氣模式96
附錄B 迴路函數(Loop Function)97
附錄C NI PCI-6024E擷取卡腳位102
附錄D 已在國內發表之論文103
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