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研究生(外文):Hong-Heng Lin
論文名稱(外文):Study of Two-step Machining Process by Creep Feed Grinding and Mirror Finish Grinding with Ultralow Feed Rates for Silicon Nitride
指導教授(外文):Rong-Fue Long
外文關鍵詞:Silicon nitridegrinding efficiencytwo-step combined grinding process
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摘 要
實驗結果顯示二階段研磨加工製程可有效改善單純進行深切緩進研磨所產生的加工損傷,並提昇單純進行鏡面研磨之材料移除率,使整體的加工品質提昇,加工成本降低。以號數#1200WA砂輪進行二階段研磨加工中之第二階段鏡面研磨製程,可獲奈米級工件中心線表面粗度值(Ra = 34 nm)。而以號數#3000鑽石砂輪進行相同參數之加工製程,可獲最佳工件中心線表面粗度值(Ra = 24 nm)。添加氧化鋁自由磨粒確實有輔助修整工件表面之效果,透過自由磨粒與工件表面之相互磨耗,可去除工件表面的微小損傷及裂紋,使工件表面達到高精度的加工品質
本研究發現使用低號數D#270砂輪進行第一階段深切緩進研磨能夠快速大量移除工件表面材料,進而以高號數#1200WA砂輪及#3000及#5000鑽石砂輪進行添加粒徑3 □m氧化鋁自由磨粒之第二階段鏡面研磨加工,搭配進刀量1 □m/pass、砂輪轉速3000 rpm及工作台速度1 m/min等研磨加工製程參數,可獲最佳的氮化矽陶瓷工件表面加工品質。


Post-sintering grinding and polishing processes are a common practice to eliminate the occurrence of dimensional non-uniformity of ceramic materials due to the shrinkage during sintering, however such a process also needs to meet the requirements of good machined surface quality with least machining damages introduced in the ceramic bodies. Silicon nitride, as our interest in this study, is well known for its remarkable mechanical properties such as high strength, high elastic modulus, high specific grinding energy, low toughness, and its fracture behavior associated with the brittle mode, which would heighten the difficulty of machining process and the machining cost as well. The machining process would directly affect the mechanical properties of surface and sub-surface regions of silicon nitride ceramics. Thus, this research is aimed to investigate how to achieve better ceramic performance and higher grinding efficiency via the two-step combined grinding process through the creep-feed grinding and the mirror-finish grinding for enhanced machining performance of silicon nitride based ceramic products.
There are various machining parameters involved in the two-step combined grinding process such as the abrasive type and bond type of grinding wheels, depth of cut, and wheel speed, and the application of alumina free abrasive slurry. These factors would substantially affect the ceramic workpiece quality, wear of grinding wheel and machining efficiency in such a grinding process. This work was meant to systematically investigate how these machining parameters would influence surface fracture mechanism of silicon nitride, surface integrity, and grinding efficiency as a result of the two-step combined grinding process. Both machined surface quality and effectiveness of two-step grinding process are evaluated by the analysis of SEM, AFM, XRD, ESCA and profilometer.
The results indicated that the greatly improved machining efficiency can be achieved through the creep-feed grinding in conjunction with mirror-finish grinding for fine-grained Si3N4 doped with 2 wt% Al2O3 and 6 wt% Y2O3 (avg. grain size 0.306 □m) with either diamond or white alumina (WA) wheels. The minimum average surface roughness (Ra) of Si3N4 samples,34 nm and 24 nm, was resulted from using #1200 WA wheel and #3000 diamond wheel at the second step mirror-finish grinding, respectively. The residual stress at surface and sub-surface zones of Si3N4 responding to grinding process, which was qualitatively examined by lowering and broadening of major XRD peaks, was similar for both diamond and WA wheels as the same machining parameters in mirror-finish grinding were employed. The injection of alumina free abrasive slurry into the grinding contact zone between the wheel and workpiece was demonstrated as an effective means to illuminate the fine machining damage and microcracks at sample surface by exerting the addition wear of silicon nitride sample by free abrasives during the grinding process.
In this study, we found that the first-step creep feed grinding process by using coarse-grit #270 diamond wheel (avg. grit size 53 □m) would reach maximum material removal rate, which can be followed by the second-step mirror-finish grinding process as using fine-grit #1200WA, #3000 diamond or #5000 diamond wheel in conjunction with the alumina free abrasive (3 □m). The optimal surface quality for silicon nitride under the two-step grinding process was achieved with 1□m/pass depth of cut, 3000 rpm wheel speed, and slow table feed rate of 1 m/min.
Keywords: Silicon nitride, grinding efficiency, two-step combined grinding process, creep-feed grinding, mirror-finish grinding, alumina free abrasive slurry, ESCA, AFM, slow table feed, machining damage
目 錄
第一章 緒 論…………………………………………………….....1
1.1 前言………………………………………………………….1
1.2 研究之背景及目的………………………………………….5
第二章 理論基礎…………………………………………………….12
2.1 氮化矽基複合陶瓷材料簡介及其實際應用……………...12
2.1.1 氮化矽( Si3N4 )簡介…………………………………..….12
2.1.2 氮化矽基複合陶瓷材料相關性質之實際應用………….14
2.2 研磨加工基本原理………………………………………...15
2.2.1 砂輪和研磨研削力………………………………………15
2.2.2 研磨加工之特色…………………………………………21
2.2.3 研磨區域的交互作用……………………………………22
2.2.4 陶瓷工件的切屑形成………………………………..30
2.2.5 砂輪的削正與削銳…………..................................37
2.3 研磨加工種類…………………………………………......39
2.3.1 深切緩進研磨與鏡面研磨………………........................39
2.3.2 細磨粒白色氧化鋁砂輪與氧化鋁自由磨粒於鏡面研
2.4 研磨加工參數對加工件表面品質與機械強度之影響.......44
2.4.1 進刀量、工作台進給速度及砂輪轉速對加工件表面
2.4.2 磨粒尺寸、研磨加工方向及表面粗度…………............47
2.4.3 切削液種類………….......................................................51
2.5 Si3N4陶瓷材料之加工損傷行為………………………….52
2.5.1 表面與次表面的加工損傷……………………………....52
2.5.2 殘留應力……………………………………………...….54
2.5.3 加工變質層………………………………………………54
2.5.4 AFM於鏡面的分析……………………………………..55
2.6 研磨加工的磨耗情形….………………………………......57
2.6.1 砂輪表面的磨耗……………………................................57
2.6.2 工件表面的磨耗………....................................................58
2.7 加工成本與加工效率……...................................................58
第三章 實驗步驟與方法…………………………………………...61
3.1 氮化矽粉體的製備………………………………………...61
3.2 氮化矽坯體成形、燒結、與加工件前處理………………64
3.3 二階段研磨加工製程……………........................................66
3.4 磨加工製程與加工件性質之評估………………................70
3.4.1 材料移除率………………………………...........................70
3.4.2 加工件之比研磨能量…………………………………....72
3.4.6 三點抗彎強度……………………………………...............77
3.4.7 括痕試驗…………………………………….......................77
3.4.9 加工件表面之化學分析電子儀探測…………..................80
4.1 S3N4加工試片之顯微結構與機械性質………….………..82
4.2 S3N4加工件之材料移除率與比研磨能量…………….......85
4.3 S3N4加工件之表面粗度與表面平整度…………………...89
4.4 括痕試驗…………………..................................................103
4.5 加工參數對於加工件殘留應力與加工件強度………......107
4.5.1 殘留應力...............................................................................107
4.5.2 三點抗折強度………..........................................................112
4.6 S3N4加工件之表面加工品質………..................................116
4.6.1 加工件表面之SEM顯微結構………………………….116
4.6.2 加工件表面之AFM顯微結構………………………….133
4.7 S3N4加工件之表面磨潤化學…………..............................143
4.8 本實驗工作的未來方向與建議…………………………..152
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