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研究生(外文):Hsiu-Hsien Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):Carbon-coated optical fibers prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition method:effect of hydrogen/methane ratio
指導教授(外文):Sham-Tsong Shiue
外文關鍵詞:CarbonThermal stressOptical fiberPlasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition
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本實驗使用電漿輔助化學氣相沈積法研製密封碳鍍層光纖。碳鍍層厚度固定為100 nm,研究不同的氫氣/甲烷流量混合比對密封碳鍍層性質的影響。實驗期間分別使用雷射拉曼光譜儀及原子力顯微鏡來量測碳鍍層之結構及其表面粗度。然後使用拉伸試驗機量測碳鍍層光纖之拉伸強度,最後將完成鍍膜的光纖浸泡於液態氮中進行低溫試驗,並利用光學顯微鏡觀察碳鍍層表面之裂縫分佈情形。結果顯示,由於氫氣/甲烷氣體流量比增加,氫原子蝕刻碳鍍層表面而有利於類鑽相的成長並使碳鍍層之表面粗度值降低。另外,拉伸強度隨氣體流量比增加而增加,而應力誘發之裂縫密度則隨氣體流量比增加而降低。研究亦發現,應力誘發裂縫的密度與拉伸強度兩者的變化受到碳鍍層之結構及表面粗度的影響。

Hermetically carbon-coated optical fibers were prepared by Plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. The effect of hydrogen/methane ration on properties of carbon coatings with thickness 100 nm was researched. During the experiment, the structures and surface roughness of carbon coatings were determined by Laser Raman Spectrometry and atom force microscopy, respectively. Then, the tensile strengths of carbon-coated optical fibers were measured by the tensile machine. Finally, carbon-coated optical fibers were immersed in the liquid nitrogen for one day and stress induced cracks on the surface of carbon coatings were observed using the optical microscope. As a result, because of the increase of hydrogen/methane ratio, the effect of hydrogen etching advantaged the growth of diamond-like phase and decreased the surface roughness of carbon coatings. Alternatively, the tensile strength increased with hydrogen/methane ratio increased, but the density of stressed cracks decreased with hydrogen/methane ratio increased. From this experiment, we also found the changes of the density of stressed cracks and tensile strength were effected by structures and surface roughness of carbon coatings.

第一章 緒論
第二章 實驗原理
第三章 實驗步驟
第四章 結果與討論
第五章 結論

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