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研究生(外文):Yang-Cheng Hsiu
論文名稱(外文):The Improvement of Erosion-Resistanceof TiNi Shape Memory Alloys
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Chih Lin
外文關鍵詞:TiNi shape memory alloyslurry erosionprecipitation hardening
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本研究應用真空電弧熔煉爐配製TiNi 形狀記憶合金,施以固溶處理
實驗結果顯示Ti49Ni51 合金經過時效後由於析出硬化及應力誘發麻
田散體相(stress-induced martensitic,SIM)的效應,使抗沖蝕性增加;冷
加工雖可提高TiNi 合金之強度及硬度,但由於合金內部堆積大量差排使
趨勢。於水砂沖蝕試驗中TiNi 合金沖蝕速率隨沖擊角度之遞增而增加,
直到30〜45 度後開始降低。而氣砂沖蝕之沖蝕速率較水砂沖蝕為高,
氣砂沖蝕的最大重量損失出現在45〜60 度。
TiNi 合金於沖蝕後,晶格嚴重變形扭曲,致使XRD 之繞射峰變寬、
強度降低,並產生應力誘發麻田散相及應力誘發R 相之結構。

The Ti49Ni51 and Ti50Ni50 alloys were used and prepared by vacuum arc
remelting technique. We studied the basic properties and erosion
characteristics of these alloys subjected to solution treatment, aging and cold
working. The erosion characteristics of these alloys have been systematically
studied by using cavitation erosion, gas-solid and liquid-solid impingement
Experimental results show that the aged Ti49Ni51 alloy can exhibit a
better erosion resistance because of the effects of precipitate hardening and
stress-induced martensitic (SIM) transformation. The work-hardening
increases the alloy’s strength and hardness, but the alloy’s erosion resistance
decreases because of the decreased ductility and toughness.
The gas-solid and liquid-solid impingement tests have similar erosion
behavior. The impinged morphologies exhibit a lot of long and narrow
furrows at low impingement angles, but the overlapped chips at high
impingement angles. In the liquid-solid impingement tests, there appears the
maximum erosion rate at the impinged angle of 30~45° . The erosion rate of
gas-solid impingement is larger than that in liquid-solid impingement. The
gas-solid impingement has the maximum erosion rate at impinged angle of
45~60° .
After impingement tests, the lattice structures of all TiNi alloys have
been distorted. This effect results in the broadened XRD peak with lower
peak intensity. Mean while, the stress-induced martensitic (SIM) and
stress-induced R-phase (SIR) transformation also occur during the

第一章 前言
第二章 理論基礎與文獻回顧
第三章 實驗方法與流程
第四章 TiNi 合金強化後之基本性質
第五章 坑穴沖蝕
第六章 水砂沖蝕試驗
第七章 氣砂沖蝕試驗
第八章 結論

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