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研究生(外文):Jiun-Ming Chen
論文名稱(外文):Erosion Behavior of Gas Tungsten Arc Welded TiNi Intermetallic Overlay
指導教授(外文):Keh-Chang Chen
外文關鍵詞:CavitationTiNi intermetallicDC polarizationGas tungsten arc weldingSolid particle impactingErosion
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鈦鎳介金屬的擬彈性行為,在塊材方面的研究資料顯示具有良好的沖蝕及窩蝕抵抗能力,然而諸多競相提出的表面工程手段中,若能以硬面處理的方式將TiNi介金屬被覆於物體表面,不但設備成本極低,並可藉以減少高單價鈦鎳介金屬的使用,不失為一值得探討的主題。研究中即以非消耗性鎢極銲覆(GTAW)TiNi介金屬於S45C中碳鋼及SUS 304不□鋼上,所使用的銲材合金成分為Ti50Ni50,銲覆時藉由改變銲接電流以得到不同結構的TiNi銲覆層,並探討銲覆層在氣固混合撞擊沖蝕及不同溶液環境下窩蝕之行為。
實驗結果顯示:在使用高電流值130 A進行銲覆時,因入熱量太大,所產生的銲接殘留應力造成在不□鋼上的銲覆層表面龜裂,以致於在高電流參數下所得的TiNi銲覆層無法進行後續之研究。在低電流值85 A下銲覆所得的TiNi銲覆層,其金相顯微組織為常見的銲後樹枝狀結構。銲覆層結構經XRD分析,SUS 304之TiNi銲覆層大致為TiNi-B2、TiNi-B19’、TiNi3及Ti3Ni4相,S45C之TiNi銲覆層大致為TiNi-B2和TiNi3相。
窩蝕試驗採用ASTM G32-92 之標準試驗法分別在純水、3.5 wt% NaCl及3.5 wt% HCl水溶液中進行。實驗結果顯示,無論是在純水、3.5 wt% NaCl及3.5 wt% HCl水溶液中,TiNi銲覆層均能抑制窩蝕的損失。從窩蝕前後的XRD繞射圖得知,其過程中並無發生任何的相變化,因此TiNi銲覆層優越的抗窩蝕能力乃因本身的高硬度所使然。從直流極化試驗結果顯示TiNi銲覆層在3.5 wt% NaCl及3.5 wt% HCl水溶液環境中因其腐蝕電位高於及腐蝕電流低於基材,造成抗窩蝕的加成效果。

The pseudoelasticity of TiNi intermetallic alloy provides excellent fatigue resistance and cavitation erosion resistance. A variety of surface engineering processes have been proposed using TiNi coating to reduce damage of erosion. It may be a good idea that using the hardfacing process to yield TiNi intermetallic overlay to protect the commonly used materials with a low cost. Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) was chosen to yield an overlay by using Ti50Ni50 intermetallic onto SUS 304 stainless steel and JIS S45C medium carbon steel, and structure of TiNi overlay is manipulated by welding current. Solid/gas impingement and cavitation in different solutions were carried out to explore the erosion behavior of the overlay.
Experimental results show that using higher current (130 A) produces a larger heat input and residual stress to make the as-welded TiNi overlay on SUS 304 cracked. Because of this, a proper welding current 85A was determined and microstructure of the weld overlay was characterized. It shows a common as-welded dendrite structure. The X-ray diffraction pattern shows that the as-welded overlay on SUS 304 was approximately TiNi-B2, TiNi-B19’, TiNi3 and Ti3Ni4 phases, while it was TiNi-B2 and TiNi3 phase on S45C.
Solid particle impact test was carried out to explore the erosion behavior of the overlay. Substrates and TiNi overlays impacted at 45 m/s shows that all the overlay mass loss were higher than bare substrates at any impact angle indicating a poorer resistance to erosion damage, due to the composition of TiNi overlay was changed lead to lose the behavior of pseudoelasticity, and the dendrite structure. TiNi overlay’s erosion rate was increased with increasing impact angle revealing that the TiNi overlay presents a behavior of brittle material. The XRD diffraction patterns after erosion test suggest a lattice distortion without any phase change by the so called pseudoelasticity. A post heat treatment for the TiNi overlay can reduce internal stress and increase toughness to improve the TiNi overlay erosion resistance. This, however, is helpless to eliminate dendrite structure.
Cavitation resistance was evaluated using the ASTM G32-92 standard test in fresh water, 3.5 wt% NaCl water solution and 3.5 wt% HCl water solution. Experimental results show that TiNi overlay in the three solutions significantly increase cavitation resistance. Again, the overlay XRD diffraction patterns after cavitation test suggest a lattice distortion without any phase change. The excellent cavitation resistance due primarily to the higher hardness of the overlay itself. The DC polarization behaviors of TiNi overlay were measured to explore the electrochemical behavior in corrosion environments. It shows that the TiNi overlay in both 3.5 wt% NaCl solution and 3.5 wt% HCl solution exhibit higher corrosion potential and lower corrosion current than the bare substrates. This brings a positive effect to the cavitation resistance.

第一章 前言1
第二章 文獻回顧3
2.1 材料的沖蝕損壞模式3
2.1.1 固體沖蝕行為3
2.1.2 窩蝕10
2.2 硬面處理合金在沖蝕環境之選擇15
2.2.1 硬面合金被覆材15
2.2.2 介金屬被覆材18
2.3 TiNi形狀記憶合金的特性21
2.3.1 形狀記憶效應24
2.3.2 擬彈性29
2.4 硬面處理技術在沖蝕行為的應用32
2.4.1 非熔融硬面法33
2.4.2 熔融硬面法36
2.5 TiNi合金在硬面銲覆的應用37
第三章 實驗步驟與方法40
3.1 TiNi線材之製備41
3.2 試片準備41
3.3 銲覆基材41
3.3.1 銲覆電流值的選用42
3.3.2 研磨整平45
3.4 沖蝕試驗與窩蝕試驗46
3.4.1 沖蝕試驗46
3.4.2 窩蝕試驗49
3.5 硬度值量測52
3.6 X-Ray繞射分析52
3.7 顯微組織觀察52
3.8 銲道成分分析52
3.9 直流極化試驗53
第四章 結果與討論54
4.1 銲覆電流對銲覆層的影響54
4.2 銲覆層顯微組織觀察55
4.2.1 銲覆層金相組織觀察55
4.2.2 銲覆層成分分佈分析59
4.3 銲覆層結晶結構65
4.4 銲覆層之硬度66
4.5 銲覆層之乾砂撞擊冲蝕行為67
4.6 熱處理對銲覆層沖蝕速率的影響86
4.7 銲覆層之窩蝕行為92
4.8 銲覆層的直流極化行為108
第五章 結論111

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