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研究生(外文):Shui-Chin Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Life Style Change of Inner Court Community
外文關鍵詞:inner courtlife style
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In the eighties, developers intend to change traditional land-developing styles. They bring in the concept of sharing, which is much different from the traditional concept of property privately owning. They also strengthen the durable capacity of living space, create the method of centralized using open land and come up with the disposition concept of buildings facing towards courtyard and the separation concept of movement line system between people and cars. Under the circumstances of users’ ideology to ask high safety and high private, different concepts of living value have shown up. Then, the type of courtyard-centralized houses has occurred in the real estate market. How their space has been used and adjusted, how the living ways have changed, how the neighborhoods communicate, what problems municipal and non-municipal style communities have faced between the ideal and realistic, and whether they conform to the original design idea or they have other developing aspects are the major points which will be discussed in this research project.
After discussing the evolution of living space in courtyard community in this research project, we get the following conclusions.
I.As far as the outside space domain is concerned.
A.The outdoor space of courtyard community is the extension of dwellers’ living domain. Private domain, ambiguous domain and public domain are designed and used by dwellers and they expect to distinguish and define the domain scope more clearly. This reflects our nationals’ concern about the definition of all the related domains.
B.Dwellers show the agreement to enjoy and share the community land together and recognize the changing concept from privately owning to both privately owning and sharing together, which is not like the traditional concept that all the land are privately owned.
C.In adjusting the definition of public domain and private domain in outside space, dwellers take activities, such as using potted plants, landscape rocks and stones, flower wares, to distinguish and define the dividing line between ambiguous domain.
II.As far as the inside space domain is concerned.
A.Public Room Domain: The disposition of living rooms facing towards courtyard is much different the traditional, which living rooms face towards roads. The orders of public room space follow this model: main entrance, living room, dining room and kitchen, no matter the community is municipal or non-municipal style. The arrangement of living room disposition conforms to the original design idea. It indicates that dwellers have recognized the disposition of the front side, main entrance and living rooms of courtyard living buildings facing towards the open space of courtyard, and the back side and second entrance facing towards the lane.
B.Private Room Domain:
a.The disposition of master suit facing towards courtyard is recognized by most dwellers and it conforms to the original design idea. Then, boys and girl bedrooms are in lower floors.
b.The master suit bed is inclined to avoid conflicting with the movement line direction. Instead, the direction of most dwellers’ bed in the master suit is vertical to the movement line direction.
C.Living Life Style
a.When dwellers use the corner windows in the living room and French window curtains in the master suit, they always close them and daytime is more than night. If they are opened during daytime, most of them face towards the north so as to get more natural light or it is because they are farther to the adjoining building. Therefore, the distance between two buildings is an important factor affecting the private right.
b.Dwellers define and distinguish the attributes of porch space and the direction of the living room by using all kinds of space disposition methods. It shows that dwellers pay much attention to porch space.
c.The function of dwellers’ using on the windowsill in corner windows of the living room is mainly to display and secondly chairs arrangement, to raise the using function of the living room.
III.As far as the communication between neighborhoods is concerned.
A.The network styles of the ordinary communication between neighborhoods are divided into: non-communication style, straight-line style, L style and square style. Among all of them, square style has the largest communication scope and communicating houses are more.
B.The time knowing new neighborhoods at the first time is mostly when they moved in. The ordinary communication ways are mainly chatting. The main communication places are mainly the courtyards in each community. Moreover, a tendency shows that the longer dwelling time is, the more they communicate with each other.
C.With the dwelling time, the communication places between neighborhoods, whether in municipal and non-municipal style communities, or from knowing new neighborhoods at the first time to chatting with each other in ordinary time, are all the courtyard places. It shows that the courtyard is an important place in the relationships between neighborhoods communication
目  錄

  第一節 研究動機與研究目的................. 1
  第二節 研究範圍與研究內容..................2
   1-2-1 研究範圍...........................2
   1-2-2 研究內容...........................3
  第三節 用詞定義............................4
  第四節 相關研究回顧........................6
  第五節 研究方法............................8
   1-5-1 研究步驟及內容....................10
   1-5-2 研究流程..........................11

  第一節 形成中庭式住宅經緯.................13
  第二節 配置形態特徵.......................13
  第三節 調查分析...........................20
   2-3-1 調查概要..........................20
   2-3-2 居住者基本屬性....................35
  第四節 小結...............................55

  第一節 外部空間構成概念...................57
   3-1-2 住宅外部空間之功用................57
   3-1-3 住宅外部空間之層級................57
  第二節 外部空間配置形態...................60
  第三節 外部空間公領域調整內容.............65
   3-3-1 共用步道調整內容..................65
   3-3-2 共用庭園調整內容..................67
  第四節 外部空間私領域調整內容.............69
   3-4-1 門前外玄關調整內容................69
   3-4-2 門前庭園調整內容..................71
   3-4-3 門前步道調整內容..................73
  第五節 小結...............................74

  第一節 公室領域平面空間...................75
   4-1-1 公室領域空間概要..................75
   4-1-2 公室領域空間調整內容..............78
  第二節 私室領域平面空間...................88
   4-2-1 私室領域空間概要..................88
   4-2-2 私室領域空間調整內容..............91
  第三節 起居樣式的特徵.....................97
   4-3-1 公室領域起居樣式特徵..............97
   4-3-2 私室領域起居樣式特徵.............103
  第四節 小結..............................108

  第一節 鄰里交流關係與居住者屬性關係......110
   5-1-1 平時交流戶數.....................110
   5-1-2 交流家庭主要職業.................111
   5-1-3 平時交流代表人物.................112
   5-1-4 交流代表人物職業.................112
  第二節 鄰里交流形態關係..................113
   5-2-1 最初認識途徑.....................113
   5-2-2 最初認識地點.....................114
   5-2-3 平時交流方式.....................115
   5-2-4 平時交流時間.....................116
   5-2-5 平時交流地點.....................117
   5-2-6 交流地點變遷.....................118
  第三節 鄰里交流關係人氣佳之居住者屬性關係119
  第四節 鄰里交流類型關係..................122
   5-4-1 鄰里交流關係概念.................122
   5-4-2 一字型交流類型...................122
   5-4-3 L型交流類型......................124
   5-4-4 口字型交流類型...................127
   5-4-5 無交流類型.......................129
   5-4-6 鄰里關係交流類型配置關係.........132
   5-4-7 健全交流網絡關係.................135
  第五節 小結..............................139

  第一節 結論..............................141
  第二節 後續研究..........................145

附錄一 參考文獻..............................147
附錄二 調查訪談表............................148
附錄三 入居後全區庭園配置圖..................155
附錄四 鄰里關係交流分析表....................157
附錄五 鄰里關係居住者人氣佳分析表............185
附錄六 鄰里關係健全交流網絡分析表............187
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