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研究生(外文):Chen-Chieh Lee
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Lossless Compression and Encryption Scheme for Large Binary Image
指導教授(外文):Wei-Bin Lee
外文關鍵詞:image securityrun-length compressionSCAN languageimage encryption
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當透過公開網路傳送重要資訊時,這些重要的資訊必須被保護,而加密對於保護秘密資料是一個很好的技術也是目前一般常用的方法,然而傳統的密碼學技術並不適合直接應用在數位影像之中,主要的原因是因為數位影像的資料與文字型態的資料有二個不同的差異性,第一個主要的差異在於數位影像的資料量相較於文字型態的資料量大得許多,而另一個主要的差異性在於當數位影像在解密時能夠允許些許的失真,而文字資料不能,因此有必要針對影像設計新的加密的方法。在本論文中對於二元影像安全上的問題我們根據影像的特性提出有效的解決方法,首先利用二維跑長度編碼(two-dimensional run-encoding)的技術對二元影像作壓縮的動作,然後再使用掃描樣板(Scan Pattern)與翻轉位元對壓縮後的資料作加密的動作,因此我們的架構不僅有高安全性與低時間複雜度,同時還具有高壓縮率的特性。

Important information must be protected when transmitting through public network environments. Encryption is a good technique for protecting secret information and is also a general method. However the traditional cryptology techniques are not directly suitable to deal with digital images because there are two main differences between textual data and image data. One difference is that the size of image data is much greater than the size of textual data. The other difference is that the decrypted image allows little distortion. Therefore, it is necessary that proposes a new digital image encrypted scheme. In this thesis, we propose an efficient solution for the problem of the security of binary images according to the properties of digital images. We utilize a two-dimensional run-encoding (2DRE) technique to compress binary images, and then use scan patterns and flipping bits on it. Hence, our scheme not only has high security and a lower time complexity but also has a good compression ratio.

Chapter 1 Introduction ................................................... 1
1.1 Background and Motivation .......................................... 1
1.2 Previous Researches ................................................ 1
1.3 Discovery Problems and Turning Point................................ 2
1.4 Organization of Thesis.............................................. 6
Chapter 2 Related Theories ............................................... 7
2.1 Bit Plane of a Gray-Level Image .................................... 8
2.2 Quadtree ........................................................... 11
2.3 Two-Dimensional Run-Encoding (2DRE) ................................ 13
2.4 Chung-Chang’s Scheme .............................................. 17
Chapter 3 Lossless Compressed and Encrypted Binary Images ................ 24
3.1 Compression of a Binary Image ...................................... 24
3.2 Encryption of the Compressed Binary Image .......................... 25
Chapter 4 Experimental Results and Security Analysis ..................... 29
4.1 Experimental Results................................................ 29
4.2 Security Analysis .................................................. 31
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Researches .............................. 33
References................................................................ 35
誌謝...................................................................... 39
Vita...................................................................... 40

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