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研究生(外文):Yi-Hsiung Chen
論文名稱(外文):Optimal File Placement in Adaptive VOD System Using an Intelligent Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm
指導教授(外文):Shinn-Ying Ho
外文關鍵詞:system optimizationadaptive video-on-demand systemmultiobjective optimizationdistributed architecturevideo placementgenetic algorithms
  • 被引用被引用:2
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本論文以智慧型多目標演化式演算法做可調適隨選視訊系統的檔案配置最佳化,期能彈性地因應當時不同的使用者需求行為,在滿足限制條件下來調整分散架構下伺服主機的視訊配置策略。可調適性隨選視訊系統具有以下三點特色:1)大量的視訊資料;2)依不同使用需求提供不間斷的服務;3)傳輸頻寬需求量大。由於實際系統複雜度高,所以對於隨選視訊系統最佳化都缺乏通盤性的考量,其中包含提昇網路傳輸品質、以有限的系統資源提供更多的使用者服務需求、及保證不間斷的網路服務等議題。本論文以分散架構為基礎,擬達成下列兩項目標:1)以建構一個具有高效率暨低成本的隨選視訊系統為原則,在考量伺服器資源限制和使用者需求行為的前提下,將視訊配置問題數學模式化,並使用智慧型多目標演化式演算法來最佳化視訊配置策略。2) 以系統效能評估函數來提供可調適性隨選視訊系統自動更新的機制。在不影響服務品質的前提下,透過模擬結果驗證了提出的方法能夠快速找出更新代價低的檔案配置策略,
In this paper, an intelligent multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is used to optimize the performance of file placement in an adaptive video-on-demand (VOD) system by considering current users’ on-demand behaviors and hard/soft constraints flexibly. The adaptive VOD system has three characteristics: 1) huge amount of video data, 2) ongoing service for various requests, and 3) requirement of high bandwidth. The comprehensive consideration in optimizing VOD systems, that involves sufficient use of network resource, efficiency of serving users, and guarantee of concurrent services, is rarely investigated due to its complexity in practical systems. This paper aims to archive the following two objectives using distributed architecture: 1) Optimizing the file placement of VOD systems. In order to implement a high-performance and low-cost VOD system, the file placement optimization problem takes the practical environments of VOD, such as resource constraints in video servers and user behaviors into consideration. 2) Providing an automatic update mechanism using evaluation functions of system performance. Experimental results show that the proposed method is effective which can fast obtain a satisfying solution to the file placement problem with low cost of update.
第一章 導論
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究動機與問題描述
1.3 研究目標
1.4 論文結構
第二章 相關文獻探討
2.1 隨選視訊系統設計要點
2.2 隨選視訊系統相關研究文獻
第三章 系統之設計
3.1 系統架構
3.2 系統運作流程
3.3 智慧型多目標演化式演算法
3.3.1 通適化且不受尺度因素影響的的評估函式
3.3.2 智慧型多目標演化式演算法流程
第四章 實驗結果與分析
4.1 系統數學模型定義
4.2 實驗設定
4.3 結果分析與評估
第五章 結論與未來展望
5.1 結論
5.2 未來展望
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