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研究生(外文):Chuan-Hsin Chang
論文名稱(外文):A Configurable Hard Real-Time Operating System Based on uC/OS-II Kernel for Flight Controls
外文關鍵詞:safety-criticalreal-time kernelembedded systemReal-time systemconfigurableschedulinghard real-timeuC/OS-II
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Recently, real-time systems have become more and more important in the field of electronic and information applications. And the requirement of hard real-time has often become the basic specification for the real-time systems used in national defense, space technology, medication application and industrial automation.
Many applications deal with sets of activities or tasks and make them real-time systems. They need an appropriate real-time operating system to support their development and operation.
The basic design criteria for hard real-time systems includes hardware selection, tasks arrangement, scheduling design and support of real-time system. Among them, the real-time operating system is the most critical and essential issue.
uC/OS-II is a real-time operating system with open source code. Because of the characteristics of priority-driven and preemptive for uC/OS-II, it is only used to develop the soft real-time system. So we tried to revise the original kernel and increase its hard real time performance.
In this paper, we discuss how to make uC/OS-II a configurable hard real-time operating system. We verified our proposed solution on a simplified standalone simulation system. And an existing hard real-time system is implemented base on our revised uC/OS-II. The whole system is tested in the integrated development environment. Finally, the design criteria to build a hard real-time system are also evaluated.
1. Introduction.....1
2. Background.....5
2.1 The Hard Real-Time Issues.....5
2.2 The Architecture of the uC/OS-II.....7
2.3 The Operation of the uC/OS-II Kernel.....9
2.4 Shortcomings of uC/OS-II to Support the Hard Real-Time System.....12
3. Proposed Solution.....18
3.1 Revisions of uC/OS-II to Support the Hard Real-Time System.....18
3.1.1 Hard Real-Time Guarantee.....18
3.1.2 Deadlock Check.....22
3.1.3 Real-Time Metrics.....26
3.1.4 Reconfiguration.....27
3.2 Analysis.....30
3.2.1 A Typical Flight Control System.....30
3.2.2 Evaluation.....38
3.3 Design Criteria.....42
3.4 Integrated Development and Verification Requirements.....43
3.5 Experiment Results.....45
4. Conclusions and Future Works.....50
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