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研究生(外文):Chih-Yu Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):Network Anomalous Pattern Identification Using Sequence Mining Method
外文關鍵詞:Event ExtractSequence PatternFault Knowledge Model
  • 被引用被引用:6
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Since network constructs and extends rapidly, network environment is getting more and more complicated and immense. It makes the construction of network management system harder. The developing point of network management system is the event correlation rule, the fault knowledge base. It means that if there is something wrong with the network, the following events are the best source to gauge the fault root. We can achieve faultless realizing of network management system by setting up the behavior knowledge of network problems or faults.
Among the most cases, it requires experts to identify the event patterns but it takes time and is easy to get error in the process of reasoning. Therefore, according to the experiences accumulated by network manager, we design a semi-automatic event pattern identification system to help network experts analyze anomalous event patterns. It helps to build the behavior knowledge of network problem faster and more effectively and the needed time would be much shortened.
In this thesis, we propose a sequence mining algorithm that is generally explored to produce an identifying system of network anomalous pattern. With the definition of the fault knowledge model of network management system, we can construct a semi-automatic system that interacts with the experts to gather the important event sequence pattern happened in the network effectively. After being identified the event sequence pattern by network experts, we can put the result into the fault knowledge base of network management system to make it faster and more effectively to build up the fault knowledge of network management system.
First, we offer event extraction module and design a static and dynamic way to get the anomalous event in a network environment. Meanwhile we would display the 3-D interaction relation between the events, equipment and time to help the network expert assume and generalize at the time the anomalous pattern happens in the network.
Second, in order to make the event sequence pattern that we find out to conform to the definition of network fault knowledge model, we design a sequence mining algorithm. Thus, the identified event sequence patterns are able to conform to the requirement of fault knowledge model.
Finally, we explain the whole processes and results of the entire system by the identified event sequence pattern from a real network. Besides, we will compare and explain the accuracy of the result identified by network experts with the event sequence pattern identified by our system.
第一章 導論11
1.1 研究動機及目的11
1.2 系統架構12
1.3 論文章節概要13
第二章 相關研究14
2.1 警訊與事件的意義14
2.3 網路異常事件型樣的驗證15
2.4 NAPIS系統18
第三章 網路異常型樣驗證流程之探討20
3.1 知識萃取流程分析20
3.1.1 資料探勘型樣萃取程序20
3.1.2 網路錯誤分析模組28
3.1.3 融合錯誤分析模組之知識萃取31
3.2 三階段式驗證系統架構33
3.2.1 事件的萃取彙整34
3.2.2 型樣探勘演算法38
3.2.3 型樣結果後端處理42
第四章 探勘演算法之考量與設計43
4.1 網路錯誤蔓延時空解析43
4.1.1 錯誤蔓延的三個種類44
4.1.2 事件的偶發性質47
4.1.3 序列的多樣性49
4.2 序列探勘器之設計50
4.2.1 順序式探勘演算法修改52
4.2.2 眾多事件序列收斂機制53
4.3 知識表示與回饋機制54
4.3.1 規則描述語法54
4.3.2 知識轉換介面55
第五章 系統實作56
5.1 NAPIS系統架構56
5.5.1 解決人工方式數據分析效率問題77
5.5.2 NAPIS網路異常型樣驗證系統的速度瓶頸與極限78
5.5.3 支持度設定範圍與修正調整建議78
第六章 結論與未來展望80
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