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研究生(外文):Jen-Sheng Lien
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of the Properties and Microstructures of the Carbonized PAN Fibers
指導教授(外文):W. S. Kuo
外文關鍵詞:AFMcontinuous carboncarbon fibermicrostructuresgraphitization
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摘 要


In this thesis, a PAN-based carbon fiber and its graphilized fibers were made by using continuous carbonization and batched graphilization under a stress-free condition. The heat treatment temperatures were 1300 and 2400°C. There are six types of specimens with different conditions in the control of the feed and take-up speeds. There are three types with shrinkage rates 2.1%, 11.4%, and 14.9%, respectively. There are also three types with elongation rates 4.9%, 9.4% and 15.6%. The experimental results showed that the fiber diameter is proportional to the rate of shrinkage and inversely proportional to the rate of elongation. The densities of the carbon and graphite fibers are virtually identical at the shrinkage rate lower than 9.4%. But the density was increased with the elongation rate. The results also indicated that the mechanical properties were improved at the 4.9% elongation rate. The fiber has the highest strength at the largest elongation rate. The distance between basal planes is decreased with the shrinkage rate. The elongation in the continuously fed oxidation fiber has proved beneficial to the thickness of crystallized carbon layers (Lc). The over feeding leading to shrinkage was found to increase the width of the carbon basal plane (La). The resulting configurations in the fractured cross-section of the carbon and graphite fibers can be in three forms: the brittle-plastic fracture, the plastic fracture, and the fracture from defects. The graphite fibers are stiffer than the carbon fibers, and their fractured sections under bending fracture are smoother. At the compressive side, micro-buckling of the micro-structure was observed.
目 錄


第 一 章 前 言…………………………………………...1
1.2 碳纖維的分類與優異性能………………………………………...3
1.3 碳纖維的廣泛用途與發展趨勢…………………………………...5
1.4 實驗研究目的與方向……………………………………………...6

第 二 章 原 理…………………………………………...7
2.1 PAN纖維紡絲工程………………………………………………..7
2.2 PAN纖維穩定化工程……………………………………………...8
2.2.1 穩定化發展進程……………………………………..…………..8
2.2.2 穩定化工程……………………………………………………..10
2.2.3 穩定化期間纖維的物性變化…………………………………..13
2.2.4 氧化纖維的結構………………………………………………..14
2.3 碳化工程………………………………………………………….15
2.4 石墨化處理……………………………………………………….17
2.5 碳纖維的微觀結構……………………………………………….17

第 三 章 實 驗………………………………………….23
3.1 實驗流程……………………………………………………….…23
3.2 實驗材料………………………………………………………….24
3.3 實驗設備……………………………………………………….…24
3.4 纖維連續式牽伸碳化與批式石墨化熱處理………………….…24
3.4.1 牽伸機構………………………………………………………..24
3.4.2 連續式碳化工程………………………………………………..26
3.4.3 批式石墨化熱處理……………………………………………..27
3.5 試樣規格定義…………………………………………………….27
3.6 實驗測試………………………………………………………….28

第 四 章 結 果 與 討 論………………………………..31
4.1 纖維直徑變化分析……………………………………………….31
4.1.1 碳化工程………………………………………………………..31
4.1.2 碳纖維直徑變化………………………………………………..31
4.1.3 石墨化處理與石墨纖維的直徑變化…………………………..33
4.2 纖維密度變化分析……………………………………………….36
4.3 機械強度測試與結果分析……………………………………….40
4.3.1 理論強度………………………………………………………..40
4.3.2 材料纖維強度試驗……………………………………………..41
4.3.3 單纖強力測試…………………………………………………..44
4.4 X射線繞射分析………………………………………………….49
4.4.1 氧化纖維廣角繞射……………………………………………..49
4.4.2 碳纖維廣角繞射與結構分析…………………………………..52
4.4.3 石墨纖維廣角繞射與結構分析………………………………..59
4.5 拉曼光譜(Raman Spectra)分析………………………………..66
4.5.1 拉曼散射機制與拉曼光譜……………………………………..66
4.5.2 碳纖維平均結晶寬度…………………………………………..69
4.5.3 石墨纖維平均結晶寬度………………………………………..72
4.5.4 纖維石墨化度分析……………………………………………..75
4.6 樣品成分分析…………………………………………………….76
4.6.1 纖維元素分析…………………………………………………..76
4.7 纖維表面型態分析……………………………………………….79
4.7.1 掃描式電子顯微鏡表面分析…………………………………..79
4.7.2 纖維表面AFM掃描分析………………………………………88
4.7.3 纖維斷面可變真空掃描式電子顯微鏡掃描分析……………105

第 五 章 結 論………………………………………...110
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