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研究生(外文):Lee-Yun Li
論文名稱(外文):Reclamation and Reuse for Secondary Effluent of the Paper-Mill Industry
外文關鍵詞:Pulp and Paper-mill IndustryUF MembraneReclamation and ReuseOzonationActivated Carbon AdsorptionIon Exchange
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實驗中比較兩種不同材質、相同孔徑大小(MWCO 10K Da)的UF薄膜對於該造紙廠二級放流廢水之適用性,結果顯示,Biomax薄膜雖然其基本流通量與廢水小壓力操作時之流通量較大,但因為比Plcgc薄膜更容易阻塞與積垢,反沖洗後通量恢復率也較低,較不適合長時間操作,因此,Plcgc薄膜較適合本研究之廢水水質的操作。
UF薄膜對於濁度與BOD5分別有72 ﹪與69 ﹪的去除率。因廢水中以低分子量有機物所佔比例為高,因此,TOC只能移除17 ﹪。臭氧與活性碳對於色度、UV254 都皆有96 ﹪的去除能力,有機物方面活性碳吸附99 ﹪去除效果會高於臭氧氧化的71 ﹪。離子交換處理程序中,SO42-、Cl-、導電度與硬度也有98 ﹪以上的高去除效果。整體的再生水質而言(大腸桿菌除外),以經過活性碳吸附並經離子交換樹脂之處理流程,將比經臭氧氧化再經離子交換樹脂處理有更良好之成效;另外若是針對高細菌性污染指標之原水建議仍以臭氧作為消毒的流程。
Increasing demands on water resources for domestic, commercial, industrial, and agricultural purposes have made water reclamation and reuse an attractive and promising alternative for many countries on conserving and extending available water supplies. In Taiwan, the shortage of water resources has led to a severe barrier that potentially limits or hinders its economic development and industrial sustainability. Therefore, techniques associated with water reclamation and reuse should be fully developed in advance. Due to the fact that the water demand and wastewater generation in pulp and paper-mill industry is relatively abundant compared with other traditional industries, reclamation on this specific wastewater should be extensively addressed in the future.
This research was focused on the evaluation of reclamation and reuse from the secondary effluent of paper-mill industry using advanced treatment processes including UF membrane, ozonation, activated carbon adsorption, and ion exchange. The alteration of water quality of secondary wastewater was analyzed, such as turbidity, organics, dissolved inorganic salts, and E. coli. Two different types of UF membranes, Biomax and Plcgc, having the same molecular weight cut off (MWCO) equal to 10,000 daltons were used as pretreatment. Although results show that Biomax UF has higher water flux than Plcgc UF, membrane deterioration by fouling has been observed in a long-term operation test for Biomax UF. Therefore, membrane material like Plcgc is though having better suitability to be performed for the paper-mill wastewater. Both UF membranes enable to remove turbidity for 72% and BOD5 for 69%. Ozonation and GAC adsorption processes can eliminate color and UV254 for more than 96%. However, GAC adsorption is demonstrated to degrade organic substances better than ozonation process. Ion exchange is found to effectively remove dissolved inorganic salts, such as sulfate, chloride, hardness, etc. In summary, processes combining UF, GAC, and ion exchange would be recommended as the best treatment train for the reclamation of paper-mill wastewater. As for reuse purpose with the treated wastewater, secondary effluent of paper-mill wastewater treated by UF process alone will meet the category of USEPA in non-contact recreational and irrigational use. If ozonation or GAC is applied with subsequent chlorination, it would additionally enhance the reuse quality of wastewater for contact recreational and irrigational use. When combining with ion exchange process, the water quality, except ammonia, can meet the domestic standards of drinking water and groundwater recharging.
第一章 緒論1
1-1 研究緣起1
1-2 研究目的2
2-1 回收再利用3
2-1-1 回收再利用基本介紹3
2-1-2 各國回收再利用規範5
2-1-3 回收再利用相關實例11
2-2-1 概述13
2-2-2 造紙業污染源14
2-3-1 薄膜17
2-3-1-1 薄膜原理與機制17
2-3-1-2 薄膜膜組構造與材質種類23
2-3-1-2.1 薄膜膜組構造23
2-3-1-2.2 薄膜材質種類24
2-3-1-3 薄膜之操作條件暨積垢探討27
2-3-1-4 薄膜應用實例30
2-3-2 臭氧33
2-3-2-1 臭氧之基本性質33
2-3-2-2 臭氧與有機物的反應機制34
2-3-3 活性碳吸附40
2-3-3-1 活性碳基本性質40
2-3-3-2 活性碳的種類42
2-3-3-3 活性碳吸附之影響因子42
2-3-3-4 等溫吸附模式44
2-3-4 離子交換48
2-3-4-1 離子交換原理48
2-3-4-2 離子交換樹脂之分類49
2-3-4-3 離子交換之應用52
3-1 實驗材料與設備53
3-1-1 UF薄膜設備53
3-1-2 臭氧裝置55
3-1-3 活性碳吸附裝置56
3-1-4 離子交換裝置59
3-2 實驗方法61
3-2-1 實驗流程61
3-2-2 薄膜處理實驗61
3-2-2-1 基本流通量測定64
3-2-2-2 操作壓力與流通量關係之實驗64
3-2-2-3 反沖洗與流通量恢復率關係之實驗64
3-2-2-4 薄膜長時間操作積垢測試實驗65
3-2-3 臭氧氧化實驗65
3-2-4 活性碳吸附之實驗66
3-2-4-1 活性碳前處理66
3-2-4-2 活性碳管柱填充66
3-2-4-3 等溫吸附模式實驗66
3-2-4-4 連續流管柱實驗67
3-2-5 離子交換樹脂之實驗68
3-2-5-1 離子交換管柱填充68
3-2-5-2 經臭氧氧化後之連續流管柱實驗68
3-2-5-3 經活性碳吸附後之連續流管柱實驗69
3-2-6 水質分析設備與方法69
3-2-6-1 水質分析設備69
3-2-6-2 水質分析方法70
第四章 結果與討論72
4-1 正隆造紙廠二級放流廢水基本水質分析72
4-2 回收處理技術75
4-2-1 UF薄膜處理75
4-2-1-1 基本流通量特性試驗75
4-2-1-2 操作條件之影響79
4-2-1-2.1 操作壓力與流通量之關係79
4-2-1-2.2 TMP與去除有機污染物之關係84
4-2-1-2.3 反沖洗時間與通量恢復率之關係86
4-2-1-3 污染物去除效率87
4-2-1-4 薄膜材質選擇與長時間操作積垢試驗88
4-2-2 臭氧氧化與活性碳吸附91
4-2-2-1 臭氧氧化91
4-2-2-2 活性碳吸附93
4-2-2-3 臭氧氧化與活性碳吸附水質特性比較95
4-2-3 離子交換樹脂98
4-2-3-1 離子交換試驗98
4-2-3-2 水質特性之比較101
4-2-4 整體污染物去除效果及再利用方向103
4-2-4-1 整體污染物去除率103
4-2-4-2 再利用之方向104
第五章 結論與建議108
5-1 結論108
5-2 建議109
第六章 參考文獻110
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