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研究生(外文):Liau Huei Ling
論文名稱(外文):The effects of Thujae orientalis Semen, a Chinese sedative herb, on immune function of mice
指導教授(外文):Chou Shiu-Huey
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柏子仁、酸棗仁、遠志、茯苓、肉桂、甘草、大棗、川芎是常見的安神中藥單方,安神中藥具有養血健脾、寧心安神、清心補氣等作用,藥理研究顯示此類藥物多具有中樞鎮靜與免疫保健的雙重功效。本研究主要評估八種安神中藥對免疫活性的影響,及探討此類中藥對壓力荷爾蒙所引發的免疫活性改變是否具有調節作用。實驗結果顯示柏子仁、茯苓、甘草、大棗、川芎皆能增強T淋巴球的增殖作用,且由於柏子仁是主要常用的安神中藥,因此決定以柏子仁作為活體實驗的評估對象。實驗設計是將20-25克的BALB/c雄性小鼠分為四組(0、0.1、0.5、1mg/g/隻),每組小鼠以腹腔注射方式給予柏子仁水性粗萃取液,連續施打三天後,取血液、脾臟、胸腺及骨髓細胞分析柏子仁水性粗萃取液對小鼠免疫活性的影響。統計分析結果顯示隨著施打劑量的增加,柏子仁水性粗萃取液顯著促進ConA刺激脾臟或胸腺T淋巴球的增殖,分析柏子仁對脾臟或胸腺中T淋巴球子群的分布顯示,柏子仁輕微減少脾臟中CD4+及CD8+T淋巴球的分布,但增加血中中CD4+及CD8+T淋巴球的分布,另外,柏子仁注射可顯著增加脾臟T細胞之IL-10的產生,但卻抑制其IL-2與IL-4的產生,而對 IFN-γ的產生並無影響。相反的,柏子仁可促進胸腺T細胞之IL-2與 IL-10的產生,而柏子仁對TNF的產生並無顯著改變。柏子仁注射同時亦促進B淋巴球的增生,並且增加血中B淋巴球IgM的活性。此外,柏子仁可促進脾臟自然殺手細胞的活性,對於骨髓顆粒性白血球及單核球前驅細胞的分化,以及脾臟、胸腺及骨髓細胞液中NO的釋放量並無顯著影響。評估血清中corticosterone的含量顯示柏子仁注射可增加小鼠血清中corticosterone濃度,而血清中corticosterone的含量增加與小鼠免疫活性改變的關聯性有待進一步證實。綜合以上的結果顯示,柏子仁含有免疫活性的物質可以影響小鼠免疫功能的表現。

Chinese sedative medicines have been shown multiple functions including sedation, haematinic, nourishment of spleen, and vitality. Thujae orientalis Semen, Ziziphus jujuba Mill. var. inermis(Bge.)Rehd., Zizyphus juyuba Mill., Polygala tenuifolia Willd., Poria cocos(Schw.)Wolf., Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort., Cinnamomum cassia Presl., and Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. are common Chinese sedative herbs. Studies of the pharmacological effects of sedative herbs had found that Chinese sedative herbs posse both effects of the nerve system sedation and immune modulation. The purpose of present research was estimated the effects of sedative medicines on immune function and studied the regulation effect of sedative herbs on stress hormone-induced immune modulation. Eight sedative herbs extracts were prepared used phosphate buffer saline solution. The results from in vitro study used mitogen-stimulated proliferation indicated that Thujae orientalis Semen, Ziziphus jujuba Mill. var. inermis(Bge.)Rehd., Zizyphus juyuba Mill., Polygala tenuifolia Willd., Poria cocos(Schw.)Wolf., Ligusticum chuanxiong Hort., Cinnamomum cassia Presl., and Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. Had capability to enhance proliferation of T lymphocyte. Since Thujae orientalis Semen is chosen in further animal study. Inbred strain male BALB/c mice were used and eposed to 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mg/g intraperitoneum (IP) injection for three days. Control mice were received saline injections. Twenty-four hours after last injection, the blood, spleen, thymus, and bone marrow were collected. Results indicated that Thujae orientalis Semen PBS-extract significantly dose-dependent enhanced T-lymphocyte proliferation of spleen and thymus in cultures stimulated with ConA. Moreover, Thujae orientalis Semen PBS-extract mild decreased the percent of CD4+、CD8+ T-lymphocytes in the spleen, but increased the percent of CD4+、CD8+ T-lymphocytes in the blood. The results of cytokines production in spleen had showed that Thujae orientalis Semen significantly increased spleen IL-10 production but decreased the IL-2 and IL-4 production. However, there was no effect on the spleen IFN-γ production. The production of IL-2 and IL-10 in thymus was increased in animals that received Thujae orientalis Semen injection. Thujae orientalis Semen also increased the LPS-stimulated spleen B-lymphocytes proliferation and IBM antibody production in the blood. In addition, Thujae orientalis Semen injection increased the splenic natural killer cells cytotoxic activity. It also decreased the apoptosis in spleen and thymus. However, there were no effect on the spleen and thymus TNF production and nitric oxide production in cultures of ConA- and LPS- stimulated splenocytes or thymocytes. Furthermore, there was no effect on the differentiation of bone marrow-derived granulocyte-monocyte progenitors. Administration of Thujae orientalis Semen extracts induced a dose-dependent increase of corticosterone level and Thujae orientalis Semen effect remaind further study. These results suggested that Thujae orientalis Semen induced the change of both specific and non-specific immunity.


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