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研究生(外文):Yao-Ta Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Bacteriocin-Producing Lactic Acid Bacteria on the Inhibition of Pathogens in Minimally Processed Salads
指導教授(外文):Chihwei Perry Chiu
外文關鍵詞:SaladBacteriocinLactic acid bacteriaMinimally processPathogen
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自八十七年七月至八十八年一月間,就北市某速食連鎖店進行生菜沙拉微生物品質分析。在抽檢63件生菜沙拉檢體中,生菌數以103-104 CFU/g者最多,共計22件;檢體中有30件檢出大腸桿菌群,而金黃色葡萄球菌及大腸桿菌在所有的生菜沙拉檢體中均未被檢出。
Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris、Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis及Pediococcus pentosaceu所產的三種粗細菌素液經過減壓濃縮十倍後,對Aeromonas hydrophila、Escherichia coli O157:H7 、Listeria monocytogenes 、Staphylococcus aureus 及Salmonella enteritidis均有良好的抑制效果(p<0.05)。於7℃時,粗細菌素液抑制食品病原菌的效果優於25℃。粗細菌素濃縮液於pH 3的環境下,抑制病原菌的效果最佳,越趨近中性環境,抑菌活性均顯著下降。在相同pH環境時,P. pentosaceus的十倍濃縮粗細菌素液的抑菌效果最佳,對於pH值變化的耐受力較強,即使在pH 7時,仍具抑制病原菌的活性。
以將含病原菌的濾紙浸泡P. pentosaceus的十倍濃縮粗細菌素液的方式抑制病原菌效果最明顯,浸泡60分鐘可將A. hydrophila、E. coli O157:H7、L. monocytogenes與S. aureus完全殺滅;浸泡120分鐘能降低S. enteritidis2.6個對數值。將P. pentosaceus的十倍濃縮粗細菌素液噴灑含病原菌的濾紙亦有部分抑制病原菌的效果,噴灑120分鐘後將A. hydrophila、E. coli O157:H7與S. aureus的菌數降至無法檢出,降低L. monocytogenes約2.6個對數值。而未經濃縮的P. pentosaceus的粗細菌素液抑制病原菌的效果最差,即使120分鐘後,對於A. hydrophila、L. monocytogenes與S. aureus幾乎沒有抑制能力,僅對E. coli O157:H7與S. enteritidis有顯著的抑制能力。
During July 1998 through January 1999, vegetable salads had been sampled from fast-foods chain stores in Taipei for analysis. Results indicated that Coliforms was detected in 30 samples, and the total aerobic count of 103-104 CFU/g were found in 22 out of 63 samples. E. coli and S. aureus were not found in all samples.
Tenfold concentrated crude bacteriocin solutions produced from Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and Pediococcus pentosaceus inhibited Aeromonas hydrophila, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enteritidis (p<0.05). The inhibition effect of at 7℃was much better than that at 25℃. The antimicrobial activity of concentrated bacteriocin solutions was best at pH 3, however it decreased with increasing pH. Tenfold concentrated bacteriocin solution produced by P. pentosaceus had the strongest inhibition effect. It was stable at various pH values and still possessed the ability to inhibit pathogens even at pH7.
Immersion of filter paper containing pathogens in tenfold concentrated crude bacteriocin solutions produced by P. pentosaceus effectively inhibited the growth of pathogens. After immersion for 60 min, it completely destroyed A. hydrophila, E. coli O157:H7, L. monocytogenes and S. aureus negative and reduced 2.6 log CFU/g of S. enteritidis. Spraying filter paper containing pathogens with tenfold concentrated bacteriocin solutions produced by P. pentosaceus showed complete inhibition of A. hydrophila, E. coli O157:H7 and S. aureus after 120 min of treatment. It also reduced 2.6 log CFU/g of L. monocytogenes. Crude bacteriocin solution without concentration significantly inhibited E. coli O157:H7 and S. enteritidis, it did not inhibit the growth of A. hydrophila, L. monocytogenes and S. aureus, even after 120 min of treatment.
(三)大腸桿菌(E. coli)……………………………..………23
(四)E. coliO157 : H7…………………………………………23
(五)單核細胞增生李斯特氏菌(L. monocytogenes)..………27
(七) 金黃色葡萄球菌(S. aureus)…………………………30
4. E. coli的測定…………………………….……………..59
5. S. aureus之檢測…………………………………....…..59
1.處理方式與反應時間對P. pentosaceus的粗細菌素
圖 目 錄
圖六、P. pentosaceus的十倍濃縮粗細菌素液抑制S. aureus情形…72
圖七、十倍濃縮粗細菌素液於不同pH值對A. hydrophila抑菌效果之影響….…………………………………………………………79
圖八、十倍濃縮粗細菌素液於不同pH值對E. coli O157:H7抑菌效果
圖九、十倍濃縮粗細菌素液於不同pH值對L. monocytogenes 抑菌效果之影響………………………….……………………………85
圖十、十倍濃縮粗細菌素液於不同pH值對S. aureus抑菌效果之影響……………………………………………….………………88
圖十一、十倍濃縮粗細菌素液於不同pH值對S. enteritidis抑菌效果之影響………………………………………….……..………90
圖十二、P. pentosaceus的粗細菌素液的處理方式與反應時間抑制A. hydrophila的情形…………………………………………….94
圖十三、P. pentosaceus的粗細菌素液的處理方式與反應時間抑制E. coli O157:H7的情形……………….………………………...96
圖十四、P. pentosaceus的粗細菌素液的處理方式與反應時間抑制L. monocytogenes的情形………………………………………..98
圖十五、P. pentosaceus的粗細菌素液的處理方式與反應時間抑制S. aureus的情形………………………………………………...99
圖十六、P. pentosaceus的粗細菌素液的處理方式與反應時間抑制S. enteritidis的情形……………………………………………102
表 目 錄
表十三、溫度對培養於trypticase soy broth中E.coli O157:H7生長
表二十一、溫度對L. lactis subsp. lactis 的十倍濃縮粗細菌素液抑
表二十二、溫度對P. pentosaceus的十倍濃縮粗細菌素液抑制病原菌
表二十三、溫度對L. lactis subsp. cremoris的十倍濃縮粗細菌素液抑
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