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研究生(外文):Lien Yung-Lung
論文名稱(外文):The design and implementation for evolving agent model
指導教授(外文):Kuo Jong Yih
外文關鍵詞:Software AgentFuzzy LogicGenetic Algorithm
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Due to the development of Internet makes data accessible at any time and any place. The software agent has been widely adopted in the application area. As numerous agents are roaming through the Internet, they compete to achieve their goal. In the end, some of them will succeed, while the others will fail. However, when agents are initially created, they have little knowledge and experience with relatively lower capability. They should also strive to adapt themselves to the changing environment. It is advantageous if they have the ability to learn and evolve.
This paper addresses evolution of software agents. Agent fitness and fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making approach are proposed as evolution mechanisms, and goal-driven use case and fuzzy soft goal is introduced to facilitate the evolution process. Genetic programming operators are employed to restructure agents in the proposed multi-agent evolution cycle.

第1章 緒論
1.1 背景
1.2 動機
1.3 論文架構
第2章 相關文獻
第3章 代理人系統模型
3.1 智慧型軟體代理人特性
3.2 智慧型代理人內部BDI模型
3.3 BDI模型之目標導向使用案例分析
3.4 以模糊邏輯描述BDI模型
第4章 演進式決策方法
4.1 編碼行動計畫為基因
4.2 目標適應值評估
4.3 多重代理人系統之演進步驟
4.3.1 產生第一代
4.3.2 選擇與複製下一代
4.3.3 基因交配程序
4.3.4 基因突變程序
第5章 實例探討與系統製作
5.1 實例說明
5.2 系統架構
5.3 策略分析
5.4 系統製作
5.5 模擬結果
5.6 討論
第6章 結論

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