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研究生(外文):Tsai, Chun Wei
論文名稱(外文):A framework for multi-criteria decision support systems for the procurement problem with quantity discounts
外文關鍵詞:decision support systemprocurement decision supportmulti-criteria programmingdata warehouseelectronic commerce (EC)
  • 被引用被引用:3
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Traditionally, one of the most demanding managerial decision-making problem is the procurement of raw materials from all possible providers over time to optimize some measures of performance such as cost, quality and delivery reliability, etc. Due to the difficulties for obtaining all the required information concurrently, manufacturers could not complete an integral plan for evaluating the purchasing policies. Recently, this situation of insufficient information has been significantly improved by the emerging information technology. At present, although the information about appropriate suppliers can be obtained without difficulty, decision makers must face a large amount of raw data from different sources and the subsequent situation becomes another more difficult problem.
In order to solve the above problem, a framework for decision support systems for the purchasing problem over the Internet is presented in this research. Considering different criteria for purchasing activities and the relevant multi-dimensional database, a procurement model integrating the technology of data warehouse is developed for providing effective decision support to solve the proposed problem with quantity discounts.
Furthermore, this research presents the design of three different decision styles for solving the proposed multi-objective linear programming (MOLP). The first method is called ε-Constraint Method what is used for unexperienced decision makers. For the experienced decision makers, analytic hierarchical process (AHP) and weighting method are included in the second and third methods respectively. The design of such a system will be more flexible and adaptable for decision makers to satisfy their requirements.
A prototype system based on the case of a chemical company was constructed and several examples illustrated the complexity of the purchasing process. This research concludes with some managerial guidelines and the identification of some fruitful directions for future research.
第一章 緒論
 第一節 研究動機
 第二節 研究目的
 第三節 論文架構
第二章 文獻探討
 第一節 決策支援系統
 第二節 採購決策的目標與準則
 第三節 資料倉儲
 第四節 相關研究不足部份與本研究努力方向
第三章 研究方法
 第一節 研究架構
 第二節 理論基礎與使用工具
 第三節 研究設計
第四章 多目標採購模式
 第一節 多目標規劃方式
 第二節 ε-限制法
 第三節 分析層級程序法
第五章 多目標採購決策系統
 第一節 系統流程
 第二節 系統同作實際案例
 第三節 管理分析
第六章 結論與未來研究方向
 第一節 結論
 第二節 研究限制
 第三節 未來研究方向
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