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研究生(外文):Chia-Hui, Hsu
論文名稱(外文):In View of the Relationship Marketing here below is the Research for Finding the Factors Affecting Customer’s Future Intension-For Credit Card as Example.
指導教授(外文):Yie-Fang Kao
外文關鍵詞:Relationship MarketingFuture IntensionCredit CardCustomer ValueOverall SatisfactionTrustCommitment
  • 被引用被引用:33
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In the traditional concept, active marketing strategies were emphasis on advertisement and promotion to increase sales. But it ignores the profit that come from customers satisfy and repurchasing. In recent years, marketing concept in each industrial was much important, no matters services or products selling. Now, the corporate consider at the first period of new products, they are not only want to attract the customers to know them, but also they are more serious on the customers repurchasing behavior. The customer’s overall satisfaction now is an important index to forecasting the customers behavioral. In the customers relationship marketing there are some important indexes, like ‘trust’, ‘commitment’ these variables maybe could forecast customers’ behavior. The customers’ value is to fit the target customers’ crucial needs, and to perform better than the competitors, created unique advantage to the customers. This paper is trying to investigate the customers value between the customers’ overall satisfaction, trust and commitment degree relationship would affect the customers’ future intention.
This paper object of study is who had credit card and lives at Taipei. Because the credit card business one of the main profit comes from encourage people use credit card shopping, so I choose five important shopping districts that to get the samples, use quota sampling, send 200 questionnaires and recycled 191 questionnaires. The datas analysis method use normal statistics analysis,reliability and validity analysis, fact analysis, multiple regression, and lisrel model.
There are my research results: first, the customers’ value has positive influence to the overall satisfaction. Second, the customers’ value has positive influence to the commitment. Third, the customers’ value hasn’t obvious influence to the trust. Forth, the overall satisfaction has positive influence to the trust. Fifth, the overall satisfaction has positive influence to the commitment. Sixth, the trust has positive influence to the commitment. Seventh, the commitment has positive influence to the future intention. Eighth, the overall satisfaction has positive influence to the future intention. Ninth, the trust hasn’t obvious influence to the future intention.Tenth, in the low customers relationship, the overall satisfaction is the main intermediary variable to influence the future intention; in the high customers relationship, commitment and overall satisfaction is the main intermediary variables to influence the future intention.
At the management suggestions, first, pay much attention to fit the target customers’ crucial needs: that people is on the working with credit cards, they attach important the customers’ value in turns are, ‘good image’, ‘efficiency care’ and ‘convenient and safe’. Second, to enhance the overall satisfaction and commitment the credit card users: to enhance the contact people, core services and credit cards’ banks’ satisfy, and make the credit cards users like the credit card banks, and even be proud of them, still keep interaction to the credit card banks. Third, enhance different intermediary variables to different customers with different relationship to increase future intention: the low credit cards users, they must enhance the basic overall satisfaction. But to the credit card high users, they were already had overall satisfaction of the credit card bank, so they must enhance more trust and safe to the credit card bank that increase commitment in the long time.
第壹章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的 3
第三節、研究流程 4
第貳章、文獻探討 5
第一節、關係行銷 5
第二節、顧客價值 14
第三節、整體滿意 19
第四節、信任 22
第五節、承諾 26
第六節、顧客價值、整體滿意、信任、承諾與重購意願的關係 29
第七節、信用卡 33
第參章、研究設計 36
第一節、研究架構 36
第二節、研究假設 37
第三節、變數定義與衡量 40
第四節、研究對象及抽樣方法 44
第五節、資料分析工具 45
第肆章、實證分析 46
第一節、問卷回收 46
第二節、敘述統計分析 47
第三節、信度與效度分析 50
第四節、因素分析 54
第五節、迴歸分析 57
第六節、LISREL線性結構關係 66
第伍章、結論與建議 75
第一節、實證結論 75
第二節、管理實務的意涵與建議 78
第三節、研究貢獻 80
第四節、研究限制 80
第五節、未來研究方向 81
參考文獻 82
附錄-問卷 88
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