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研究生(外文):I-Shu, Chien
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Study of Relationships of the Perceived Environments, Competitive Strategy, Politico-Economic Relations and Performance of Taiwanese Firms in Mainland China
指導教授(外文):Yie-fang, Kao
外文關鍵詞:Perceived EnvironmentsCompetitive StrategyPolitico-Economic Relationsperformance
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本研究以製造商為主要研究的對象,透過問卷調查的方式進行,共發出問卷700 份,回收有效問卷為80份,有效回收率為11.42%。經由集群分析,將台商投資大陸的競爭策略區分為:「審慎探勘者」、「審慎防衛者」與「大膽西進者」。透過變異數分析及迴歸分析發現:
Recently, the Taiwan Government is arguing about the policy of permitting native corporations to run their business in Mainland China. With rapidly growing of economic development between Taiwan and Mainland China, it becomes an important issue for native business of Taiwan. Thus we are going to discuss that Taiwanese Firms how to choose their competitive strategies and they how to establish the relationship with industries in the Mainland China and China government.
The object of this study was the manufacturing industries invested in Mainland China. In totality, the study mailed 700 questionnaires, 85 questionnaires returned and of which 80 were valid, and the response rate was11.42%. After the cluster analysis, we divided the competitive strategies of Taiwanese firms into 3 groups, respectively named them「Cautious-Prospector」,「Cautious-Defender」and「Bold-Investor」.
By using ANOVA and Regression analysis, the results are as follows:
(1) The results of this study reveal that when the Enterpriser perceived the political environment was uncertainty, he preferred the cautious strategy; perceived the industrial environment was uncertainty, he preferred to choose the cautious-prospector strategy.
(2) When the Enterpriser perceived the political environment and industrial environment was uncertainty, he preferred to develop input relations closely with industries; the cautious strategy; when perceived the industrial environment was uncertainty, but the political environment was stable, he preferred to develop marketing relations closely with industries.
(3) When the Enterpriser perceived the military and political situation was stable, he preferred to develop extensive relations with China government; When the Enterpriser perceived the laws and policy situation was uncertainty, he preferred to develop close relations with China government. With the China market, Cautious-Prospectors developed closer marketing network relations and closer relations with China government than others.
(5) With the China market, Cautious-Prospectors lead to better financial performance and ability than others.
(6) With the China market, firms that established the marketing networks lead to better revenues.
(7) With the China market, firms that established the marketing networks nurtured better ability of grasping the consumer needs; firms established the research and development networks nurtured better ability of developing the new product; firms established the input networks nurtured better ability of product quality.
(8) Guanxi that established with China government will lead to higher financial performance.
第壹章、緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究對象 4
第四節 研究流程 5
第五節 論文架構 6
第貳章、文獻探討 7
第一節 企業競爭策略相關文獻之探討 8
第二節 環境不確定性文獻之探討 13
第三節 產業網絡關係相關文獻探討 18
第四節 政商關係相關文獻之探討 29
第五節 組織績效相關文獻之探討 35
第六節 各構面間之關聯性文獻探討 36
第參章、研究方法 39
第一節 研究架構與操作性定義 39
第二節 研究假設 48
第三節 問卷設計 58
第四節 樣本選取 60
第五節 統計方法 61
第六節 問卷信度與效度分析 64
第肆章、實證分析 66
第一節 廠商基本資料分析 66
第二節 問卷變數彙整 71
第三節 競爭策略之資料分析 76
第四節 環境認知與競爭策略之關聯性 90
第五節 環境認知與產業網絡關係之關聯性 92
第六節 環境認知與政商關係之關聯性 96
第七節 競爭策略與產業網絡關係之關聯性 99
第八節 競爭策略與政商關係之關聯性 102
第九節 競爭策略與組織績效的關聯性 104
第十節 競爭策略與組織能力之關聯性 106
第十一節 產業網絡關係與組織績效之關聯性 109
第十二節 產業網絡關係與組織能力之關聯性 113
第十三節 政商關係與組織績效之關聯性 117
第十四節 研究假設之檢定 119
第伍章、結論與建議 125
第一節 實證結論 125
第二節 管理意涵與建議 138
第三節 研究限制 143
第四節 未來研究方向 144
參考文獻 145
附 錄 154
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