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研究生(外文):Ping-Sheng Tsai
論文名稱(外文):The effects of loading moving angles, lifting heights and frequencies on asymmetrical lifting abilities
指導教授(外文):Cheng-Pin Ho
外文關鍵詞:Asymmetrical Lifting AbilityPsychophysicsMaximum Acceptable Weight of LiftLoading Moving Angle
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本研究旨在探討負重移動角度對國人非對稱抬舉能力之影響。NIOSH(1991)所推演的抬舉模型中針對非對稱抬舉作業均只考慮軀幹扭轉角度,意即無論負重移動角度於軀幹左右側,只要扭轉角度相同其抬舉能力就相同,此與Marras和Davis(1998)的研究中利用生物力學法所推論結果的不同。因此本研究旨在針對一小時工作時間,採用心物法來探討負重移動角度、抬舉高度與頻率對於抬舉能力的效應。共計男性11位慣用手為右手之華梵大學學生參與實驗,每位受試者必須執行20種不同抬舉作業,包括五種負重移動角度(軀幹左側:-90°和-45°、軀幹右側:45°和90°及對稱式0°,共計五水準)、二種抬舉高度(地面至指節高與指節至肩高)和抬舉頻率(1 次/min及4 次/min),並收集受試者的最大可接受抬舉重量(MAWL)、心搏率(HR)和主觀知覺評量(RPE)等效標。統計分析後發現:(1)非對稱抬舉作業中,負重移動角度、抬舉高度與頻率對受試者所決定的最大可接受抬舉重量具有顯著效應,且受試者所決定之MAWL值隨抬舉高度與頻率增加而降低。此外在負重移動角度方面以0°為最大,其次為45°與-45°,而以90°與 -90°抬舉作業為最低;(2)本研究亦證實在非對稱抬舉作業中,抬舉高度與頻率對受試者之心搏率具有顯著效應,但不同負重移動角度對心搏率則並無顯著效應;(3)本研究亦證實在非對稱抬舉作業中,負重移動角度、抬舉高度與頻率對受試者主觀知覺具有顯著差異。此外,在非對稱抬舉能力預測模式方面,本研究使用動態肌力、靜態肌力與人體計測資料建立六類共22個預測模式,結果顯示整合動靜態肌力與人體計測模式的預測模式最佳(R2=0.96,Ra2=0.95,Press=520.82)。
The aim of the study was to explore the effects of loading moving angles, lifting height and frequency on asymmetric lifting abilities. There was a distinct difference between NIOSH (1991) and Marras and Davis (1998) for the discussions of asymmetric lifting abilities. In NIOSH (1991) equation the asymmetric lifting abilities were the same if the angles between the loading and the sagittal plan of the carrier were the same. Marras and Davis showed different conclusions using biomechanical approach. Psychophysical approach was adapted in this study. There were 11 male students from Huafan University who used right hand as their primary hand were recruited in the study. All experienced 20 different combinations of asymmetric lifting activities including 5 loading moving angles ( left side of the body: -900 and -450; Right side of the body: 900 and 450 , and in the neutral position 00 ), two lifting height (floor to knuckle and knuckle to shoulder) and two lifting frequencies ( 1 lift/min and 4 lifts/min). Maximum acceptable weight of lift (MAWL), heart rate (HR) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were been collected as response variables in the study. The study shows that the MAWLs were significant affect by loading moving angles, lifting height and frequency. The maximum MAWLs incurred when the loading moving angle was 00, then -450 and 450, and the minimum MAWLs happened at -900 and 900. The study also showed the MAWLs decrease as lifting height and frequency increase. We also show that HR was significant affected by lifting heights and frequencies. However, the effect of loading moving angles on heart rate was not significant. In addition, the effects of loading moving angles, lifting height and frequencies on RPE were also significant. Furthermore, 22 prediction models for the asymmetrical lifting abilities were developed which based on isometric strength, isoinertial strength and anthropometric data. The advantages and disadvantages of these models were compared. The results show that the integrated model with some parts of isometric strength, isoinertial strength and anthropometric data was the best (R2=0.96,Ra2=0.95,Press=520.82).
Keywords: Asymmetrical Lifting Ability, Psychophysics, Maximum Acceptable Weight of Lift, Loading Moving Angle
誌 謝 I
摘 要 II
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XI
第一章 導論 1
第一節、研究背景 1
第二節、研究動機 2
第三節、研究目的 2
第四節、研究方法 3
第五節、研究流程 3
第六節、研究範圍與限制 4
第二章、文獻探討 6
第一節、人工物料搬運的研究方法 6
第二節、NIOSH(1991)抬舉公式 9
第三節、國內外有關非對稱抬舉之文獻評述 12
第三章、實驗方法與步驟 25
第一節、受試者徵募 25
第二節、實驗步驟 26
第三節、實驗設計 31
第四節、實驗設備 37
第四章、實驗結果與討論 38
第一節、受試者特徵分析 38
第二節、最大可接受抬舉重量分析 38
第三節、心搏率分析 48
第四節、主觀知覺施力評量分析 52
第五節、結語 70
第五章、抬舉能力預測模式 72
第一節、抬舉預測模式建立的步驟和準則 72
第二節、迴歸模型之模式建立 77
第三節、迴歸模型之結果比較 92
第六章 結論與建議 95
第一節、非對稱抬舉實驗結論 95
第二節、非對稱抬舉迴歸模式結論 96
第三節、建議 98
參考文獻 99
附錄A 實驗同意書 103
附錄B 心物法指示語 104
附錄C 受試者的主觀施力知覺評量表(RPE) 105
附錄D 受試者人體計測資料 106
附錄E 受試者動靜態肌力資料 108
附錄F 受試者抬舉能力資料 109
附錄G 非對稱抬舉能力殘差分析(以模式八為例) 111
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