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研究生(外文):In-Jou Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Integration of Genetic Algorithm and Granular Computing for the Development and Application of Cellular Formation Method in Group Technology
指導教授(外文):Sheng-Chai Chi
外文關鍵詞:Cellular FormationGranular ComputingGenetic AlgorithmGroup TechnologyNeural NetworkRevolutionary Constraint Satisfaction Model
  • 被引用被引用:3
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為達成群組技術的目的,本研究提出了結合粒化運算、遺傳演算法和限制滿足神經網路觀念於群組技術中群化模式建立。運用此方法能處理二元值的機器/工件矩陣問題,而且問題本身能夠以多途程間的競爭性及粒化運算本身的關聯性來分群。簡單的來說,就是產生一個適當的細粒數目來涵蓋所有的資料以及在限制滿足一個工件只使用一個途程下使得途程最佳。也就是說,本研究方法藉由所提之演化限制滿足模式(Revolutionary Constraint Satisfaction model, RCS),拓展了處理傳統單元形成問題的能力,而具有處理多途程之問題。本研究方法是二階段模式。第一階段主要以一個工件只有一個途程之觀念來形成途程集合。而第二階段是以第一階段所形成之途程集合來將工件分族及機器分群。
In the recent world, the requirements to product from the customers are no longer the satisfaction of sufficiency and cheapness, but the provision of variety of delicate and extraordinary products. In other words, mass production of a uniform product is not so appreciated by the customers. Thus, the new principle of “lot size production” has become the main stream of manufacturing philosophy. Nevertheless, the problems sprouted by this change are significant so as to the increase of costs, the waste of resources, the increase of work-in-process, the difficulty of scheduling and the complexity of material handling. All of the problems caused by lot size production indicate the necessity of a sophisticated production system or technique to reduce the costs and increase the productivity. Group technology, which combines the similar parts or machines in design or manufacturing into families or machine cells, can improve the efficiency of design and production because of the full utilization of resources and the advantage of similar manufacturing processes.
To complete the purposes of group technology as mentioned, this research attempts to propose a clustering analysis model, which integrates granular computing method, genetic algorithm, and the concept of constraint satisfaction neural network. In this model, the problem is simply considered as the clustering analysis for a two-dimensional data, an incidence part/machine matrix with multiple process plans for each part. The problem itself is inherently association with machine granules and machine granulation with the involvement of the competition of multiple process plans. Simply speaking, one may think it is to produce an appropriate number of granules that cover almost all of the data and to maximize the goodness fit of designing the process plans for the parts under the constraint satisfaction of each part with only one process plan.  In other words, this research method expends its capability of handling the cellular formation problem with the involvement of multiple process plans through a proposed Revolutionary Constraint Satisfaction model (so-called RCS model). It is a two-stage model. The first stage is to organize a set of process plans in which each part must and only has one process plan. The second stage is to cluster the parts into families and the machines into cells based on the set of process plans selected in the first stage.
The advantages of this technique are the simplicity of computation, the capability of handling a large scale of clustering analysis, and the reduction of the possibility of falling local minimum in the solution searching process. The main contribution of this research is the effectiveness of integrating genetic algorithm, granular computing and the concept of neural network for dealing with large-sized cellular formation problem. The novel ideas include embedding the energy function of neural network in the genetic algorithm for multi-process plans problem and combine the granular computing concept with the genetic algorithm for cellular formation. This proposed model has been verified and confirmed by its accuracy using several popular cases.
誌謝 I
摘要 II
目錄 IV
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究流程 5
1.4 研究範圍與限制 6
1.5 章節概要 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
2.2.1檢視法與分類系統法 9
2.2.2生產流程分析法 10
2.3求解最佳化問題的探討 18
2.3.1區域搜尋法 19
2.3.2典型搜尋法 19
2.3.3區域搜尋法與典型搜尋法的比較 20
2.3.4區域搜尋法的搜尋型態 21
2.4.1基本原理與起源 22
2.4.2遺傳演算法的演算流程 23
第三章 研究方法 27
3.1研究架構 27
3.2問題模式 28
3.2.1方法說明 29
3.2.2符號說明 29
3.3演算方法 31
3.4演算流程 32
3.4.1演算流程(一):演化限制滿足模式 34
3.4.2演算流程(二):粒化遺傳演算模式 41
3.5演算實例 47
3.5.1實例前半部(演化限制滿足模式) 47
3.5.2實例後半部(粒化遺傳演算模式) 57
第四章 範例與演算結果分析 64
4.1參數設定 64
4.2範例資料說明 65
4.2.1範例(1) 66
4.2.2範例(2) 73
第五章 雛形系統說明 82
5.1系統概論 82
5.2系統實例說明 82
第六章 結論與建議 86
6.1結論 86
6.2研究貢獻 87
6.3對後續研究建議 87
參考文獻 88
作 者 簡 介 92
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