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研究生(外文):Chun-Chi Huang
論文名稱(外文):Study on the thick film dielectric materials on the low temperature co-fired ceramic substrate
指導教授(外文):Chi-Shiung HsiHsing-I Hsiang
外文關鍵詞:BaTiO3Liquid phase sinteringLTCC
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BBS、PBS、ZBS1、ZBS2四種硼矽酸玻璃玻璃,皆與鈦酸鋇有極佳之潤濕性,有利於燒結緻密化的進行。添加BBS玻璃之樣品其緻密度較差,相對密度皆在85%以下,而添加12 wt% PBS、5 wt% ZBS1於900℃或12 wt% ZBS1、5 wt% ZBS2於850℃皆可得到90%以上之相對密度。
BBS玻璃添加量為5 wt% 800℃,即有二次相生成,PBS玻璃於5wt% 850℃,ZBS1為5wt% 900℃,ZBS2則在添加量為12wt% 800℃才有二次相的生成。而鈦酸鋇與BBS之間的鹼度差為1.031,與PBS、ZBS1、ZBS2玻璃間之鹼度差分別為0.859、0.15、0.072,表示鹼度差越小,陶瓷與玻璃間越不易反應生成二次相。
利用添加12 wt% ZBS2之鈦酸鋇介電膠製作LTCC基板用表面式厚膜電容器,結果發現鈦酸鋇與基板之間無二次相的生成,而所得之鈦酸鋇介電層之相對密度較塊材為小,乃因燒結時間較短,及後燒過程中下電極與基板之束縛所致。在基板、介電層、電極層間並無反應層的形成,而有少量銀離子擴散至介電層中,故在設計表面後燒式電容器時,需儘可能降低燒結溫度與時間,並考慮介電層之厚度,及使用之電極材料,以減少銀擴散對其可靠度之影響。

In order to develop the thick film dielectric materials on the low temperature co-fired ceramic substrate, the effects of BaO-B2O3-SiO2 (BBS), PbO-B2O3-SiO2 (PBS), ZnO-B2O3-SiO2-1 (ZBS1)and ZnO-B2O3-SiO2-2 (ZBS2) addition on the sintering behavior and the dielectric properties of BaTiO3 (BT) were investigated. And finding the best composition and sintering condition of the BT to make dielectric paste fabricates the thick film surface capacitor on the low temperature co-fired ceramic substrate.
Four glasses, BBS、PBS、ZBS1 and ZBS2, all have good wetting to BT. The addition of BBS glass in the BT ceramic obtained the worst relative density(<85%). However, 12 wt% PBS and 5 wt% ZBS1 in 900℃ and 12 wt% ZBS1 and 5 wt% ZBS2 in 850℃ produced a high relative density (>95%).
5 wt% BBS -800℃, 5 wt% PBS -850℃, 5 wt% ZBS1 -900℃ and 12 wt% ZBS2 -800℃ produce secondary phase. And the difference of basicity between BT and BBS, PBS, ZBS1 and ZBS2 are 1.031, 0.859, 0.15 and 0.072. It seems that the larger difference of basicity it is, the easier it is to produce the secondary phase.
The dielectric constant is enhanced by the increasing relative density, and decreased by the increasing secondary phase. In these four glasses, ZBS2 can get the best dielectric properties. The proper addition of ZBS2 glass in the BT ceramic enhanced the relative density and dielectric constant. The BT sample with 12 wt% ZBS2 sintered at 900℃ produced a relative density 95% and a dielectric constant 941 at room temperature.
The thick film surface capacitor with 12 wt% ZBS2 dielectric paste on the low temperature co-fired ceramic substrate, there is no secondary phase between BT and substrate in the interface. However, the relative density of the dielectric layer is less than the relative density of the bulk sample because of the shorter sintering time and the constraining from electrode and substrate in post-sintering process. There is no reaction between electrode and dielectric layer, but some silver ion diffuse into dielectric layer. It needs to lower sintering temperature and time to reduce the effect of reliability caused by the silver ion diffusion. And the thickness of the dielectric layer and the material of the electrode are important , too.

目 錄
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
誌 謝 Ⅲ
目 錄 Ⅳ
圖 目 錄 Ⅵ
表 目 錄 Ⅸ
第一章 緒論 01
1-1前言 01
1-2研究目標 02
第二章 理論基礎-前人研究 03
2-1鈦酸鋇的性質 03
2-2介電性質 06
2-3影響鈦酸鋇介電性質的因素 07
2-4液相燒結理論 09
2-5鈦酸鋇添加低溫燒結促進劑 15
2-6低溫共燒陶瓷材料(LTCC) 17
第三章 實驗方法 19
3-1介電材料的分析 19
3-2樣品印製及燒成 23
3-3成品性質測試及分析 23
第四章 結果與討論 24
4-1玻璃對鈦酸鋇燒結行為及介電性質之影響 24
4-1.1玻璃性質 24
4-1.2鈦酸鋇添加玻璃於不同燒結條件下與緻密化之關係 29
4-1.3 鈦酸鋇添加玻璃之相分析及鑑定 44
4-1.4 鈦酸鋇添加玻璃之電氣性質分析 51
4-2鈦酸鋇添加玻璃(ZBS2)- 表面式後燒電容 61
4-2.1 基板特性 61
4-2.2 電氣特性 65
4-2.3 微結構及相分析 66
第五章 結論 70
參考文獻 71
附錄 一 BaTiO3原始粉末之基本性質 A-1
附錄 二 鈦酸鋇添加不同比例BBS玻璃於各燒結溫度下之X光繞射結果 A-2
附錄 三 鈦酸鋇添加不同比例PBS玻璃於各燒結溫度下之X光繞射結果 A-3
附錄 四 鈦酸鋇添加不同比例ZBS1玻璃於各燒結溫度下之X光繞射結果 A-4
附錄 五 鈦酸鋇添加不同比例ZBS2玻璃於各燒結溫度下之X光繞射結果 A-5
附錄 六 鈦酸鋇添加不同比例BBS玻璃於各燒結溫度下之品質因子 A-6附錄 七 鈦酸鋇添加不同比例PBS玻璃於各燒結溫度下之品質因子 A-6
附錄 八 鈦酸鋇添加不同比例ZBS1玻璃於各燒結溫度下之品質因子 A-7
附錄 九 鈦酸鋇添加不同比例ZBS2玻璃於各燒結溫度下之品質因子 A-7
附錄 十 各BaTiO3與玻璃試片之處理條件及編號 A-8

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