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研究生(外文):Hui-Ju Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The influences of Fe2O3 Content on Microstructures and Properties of Li2O-Fe2O3-MnO2-CaO-P2O5-SiO2 Glass Ceramics
指導教授(外文):Chi-Shiung Hsi
外文關鍵詞:glass ceramicsuperparamagnetic
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.. 本研究在Li2O-Fe2O3-MnO2-CaO-P2O5-SiO2(LFMCPS)系玻璃中添加不同量的Fe2O3,探討Fe2O3之添加量對其結晶相種類、顯微結構及磁特性的影響。由X-光繞射分析結果顯示,經850℃結晶化熱處理後之LFMCPS玻璃陶瓷樣品中含有藍磷酸鋰鐵礦(triphylite, Li(Mn,Fe)PO4)、矽灰石(β-wollastonite ,β-CaSiO3)、磁鐵礦(magnetite , FeFe2O4)、Li2Ca4Si4O13、MnFe2O4以及矽酸鋰(Li2SiO3)等結晶相。顯微結構觀察得知,矽灰石及矽酸鋰為基地相,富鐵錳相外觀呈現橢圓形,且晶粒大小隨著Fe2O3含量的變化而變化,另外還有富錳相的小晶粒聚集區域。此外,由DTA之分析結果得知,此系列玻璃有三個放熱峰產生,與X-光繞射分析結果比對後可知,此三放熱峰由低溫至高溫依序為Li2Ca4Si4O13、CaSiO3及Li2SiO3晶相形成時所產生。而由SQUID及EPR的結果可知,LFMCPS玻璃陶瓷的Fe2O3添加量為4 wt%時,其850℃熱處理樣品呈現順磁性;Fe2O3添加量為8wt%時呈現超順磁與鐵磁混合磁性;而當Fe2O3含量為16 wt%時,呈現鐵磁性。

The influences of Fe2O3 contents in the microstructures and magnetic properties of Li2O-Fe2O3-MnO2-CaO-P2O5-SiO2(LFMCPS)and glass ceramics were investigated. Titanium oxide (TiO2) was applied to the LFMCPS glass ceramics, which was recognized as LFMCPST sample in this research, to study the alteration of the microstructure of the glass ceramics and their magnetic properties due to adding of nucleation agent.
Phases formed in the LFMCPS glass-ceramic were observed including magnetite (FeFe2O4)、β-wollastonite(β-CaSiO3)、lithium silicate(Li2SiO3)、Li2Ca4Si4O13、MnFe2O4 and triphylite(Li(Mn,Fe)PO4). The microstructure studied by X-ray and SEM of the LFMCPS glass-ceramic system indicated that the matrix of this glass-ceramic was mainly composed by β-wollastonite and lithium silicate. Most of the Fe/Mn-rich grains were confirmed to be elliptic and the grain size changed as the Fe2O3 content changed found to be. In the mean time, SEM results showed that the precipitate founded in the lithium silicate matrix were Mn rich in content. Three exothermic peaks observed in the DTA measurement were characterized by X-ray to be Li2Ca4Si4O13、β-CaSiO3 and Li2SiO3. The three exothermic peaks shifted to the higher temperature as the content of Fe2O3 increased indicated that the crystallization formed at higher temperature at higher Fe2O3 content. LFMCPS glass-ceramic was paramagnetism when Fe2O3 content was 4 wt%;however, as the content of Fe2O3 increased to 8 wt%;the specimen exhibited superparamagnetic and ferromagnetic mixed behaviors. As the Fe2O3 content further rose to 16 wt%, it showed the ferromagnetic behavior only.
In comparison with the LFMCPS glass-ceramic, the LFMCPST glass-ceramic consisted of CaTiO3 phase in extra. Other than that, the magnetic behavior of both systems showed not much in difference.

中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅲ
誌謝 Ⅴ
目錄 Ⅵ
圖目錄 Ⅸ
表目錄 XⅣ
附錄目錄 XⅤ
第一章 緒論 1
1—1 前言 1
1—2 研究動機及目的 2
第二章 理論基礎 3
2-1 玻璃之結構與特性 3
2-2 玻璃陶瓷之製造原理 5
2-2-1 玻璃中的相分離 6
2-2-2 成核劑 9
2-2-3 成核與成長 10
2-3 熱差分析 15
2-4 磁性 18
2-4-1 磁性物質的種類 19
2-4-2 磁滯曲線 21
2-4-3 超順磁性 23
2-4-4 混合磁場效應 29
第三章 實驗步驟及方法 30
3-1 玻璃之熔製 31
3-2 熱處理之設計 33
3-2-1 熱處理溫度之決定 33
3-2-2 結晶化熱處理 33
3-3 結構及成分分析 34
3-3-1 X-光繞射分析 34
3-3-2 顯微組織觀察 34
3-4 磁性量測 35
3-4-1 磁滯曲線 35
3-4-2 電子順磁共振光譜 35
第四章 結果與討論 37
4-1 LFMCPS系玻璃陶瓷 37
4-1-1 LFMCPS玻璃之熱處理 37
4-1-2 Fe2O3含量對LFMCPS系玻璃陶瓷相變化之影響 43
4-1-3 Fe2O3含量對LFMCPS系玻璃陶瓷顯微結構之影響 46
4-1-4 結晶化時間對LFMCPS系列玻璃陶瓷顯微結構之影響 51
4-1-5 LFMCPS系列玻璃陶瓷之磁性量測 58
4-1-6 LFMCPS系列玻璃陶瓷之電子順磁共振光譜 64
4-1-7 Fe2O3含量對LFMCPS系列玻璃陶瓷之磁性影響 72
4-2 LFMCPST系玻璃陶瓷 75
4-2-1 LFMCPST玻璃之熱處理 75
4-2-2 Fe2O3含量對LFMCPST系玻璃陶瓷相變化之影響 83
4-2-3 Fe2O3含量對LFMCPST系玻璃陶瓷顯微結構之影響 83
4-2-4 結晶化時間對LFMCPST系列玻璃陶瓷顯微結構之影響 90
4-2-5 LFMCPST系列玻璃陶瓷之磁性量測 97
4-2-6 LFMCPST系列玻璃陶瓷之電子順磁共振光譜 103
4-2-7 Fe2O3含量對LFMCPST系列玻璃陶瓷之磁性影響 108
4-3 LFMCPS系及LFMCPST系玻璃陶瓷之比較 111
4-3-1 DTA分析結果 111
4-3-2 X-光繞射分析 111
4-3-3 顯微結構觀察 112
4-3-4 磁性性質 112
第五章 結論 116
參考文獻 117
附錄 122

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