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研究生(外文):Ja-Hwung Su
論文名稱(外文):OMARS: The Framework of an Online Multi-Dimensional Association Rules Mining System
指導教授(外文):Wen-Yang Lin
外文關鍵詞:data miningassociation rulesdata warehousemultidimensional dataOLAM
  • 被引用被引用:3
  • 點閱點閱:461
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Recently, the integration of data warehouses and data mining has been recognized as the primary platform for facilitating knowledge discovery. Effective data mining from data warehouses, however, needs exploratory data analysis. A user often needs to investigate the data warehouse data from various perspectives and analyze them at different granularities levels of abstraction. To this end, comprehensive information processing and data analysis have to be systematically constructed surrounding data warehouses, and an on-line mining environment should be provided. In this thesis, we propose a system framework to facilitate on-line association rules mining, called OMARS, which is based on the idea of integrating the OLAP service and our proposed OLAM cubes and auxiliary cubes. According to the concept of OLAM cubes, we define the OLAM lattice framework to model all possible OLAM data cubes that involve arbitrary hierarchies of dimensions. Moreover, we propose two algorithms, called CBWoff and CBWon, to construct the OLAM cubes and auxiliary cubes off-line and to generate frequent itemsets on-line respectively. Experimental evaluations show that CBWoff outperforms two leading Apriori-like methods. Experiments also show that our CBWon algorithm is well suitable for on-line association mining environment.

誌謝 VII
Chapter 1 1
Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 2
1.2 Contributions 3
1.3 Thesis organization 4
Chapter 2 6
Background and Related Work 6
2.1 Data Warehouse and OLAP 6
2.2 Data Warehouse Data Model 7
2.1.1 Star Schema Data Model 8
2.1.2 Snowflake Data Model 9
2.3 Data Cubes and Precomputation 11
2.4 Data Mining and Association Rules 13
2.4.1 Association Rules 13
2.4.2 Multi-Dimensional Association Rules 14
2.5 Off-Line Associations Mining 18
2.6 On-line Associations Mining 25
2.7 Mining with Concept Hierarchy 30
Chapter 3 33
The OMARS Framework 33
3.1 Panorama 33
3.1.1 Cube Manager 35
3.1.2 OLAM Mediator and OLAM Engine 36
3.2 OLAM Cube and OLAM Lattice 37
3.3 Auxiliary Cube 48
Chapter 4 51
OLAM Cube Computation 51
4.1 OLAM Cube Construction 51
4.1.1 The Specification of prims 51
4.1.2 Algorithm OLAML_Const 53
4.2 Off-Line Preprocessing 56
4.2.1 Basic Idea 56
4.2.2 Off-Line Cut-Both-Ways Algorithm (CBWoff) 59
4.3 On-Line Mining 64
4.3.1 Motivation 64
4.3.2 On-Line Cut-Both-Ways Algorithm (CBWon) 65
Chapter 5 71
Experiments 71
5.1 Performance Study of Algorithm CBWoff 72
5.1.1 Foodmart2000 Database 72
5.1.2 Synthetic Database 74
5.2 Performance Study of Algorithm CBWon 78
Chapter 6 82
Conclusions and Future Work 82
6.1 Conclusions 82
6.2 Future Work 83
References 85
Publication Lists 89

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