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論文名稱(外文):Two-Dimensional Simulation and Measurement of IGBT
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絕緣閘雙極性電晶體(IGBT)因其優異的特性,現今在大多數的電力電子電路上,已漸取代BJT而成為重要且常用的現代功率半導體元件。但其缺點就是在電流過大時,會引發寄生的閘流體導通,引起閘極失控(亦即閂鎖現象);另外當元件關閉時,在N-drift區及N-buffer區的大量多餘少數載子需經再結合回復至平衡狀態,引起曳尾的問題,而減緩了元件的切換速度。另一問題是IGBT至今尚無標準且準確的SPICE模型,以供電路設計使用。所以本篇論文的重點,首先將導出IGBT在室溫下之二維靜態及暫態之電流電壓的解析關係,以了解其物理意義,接著對IGBT元件內部的各項特性,依據物理特性及量測結果萃取其參數以建立精確的二維等效電路SPICE模型。最後實驗量測與SPICE模擬結果比對,證實本論文之2D SPICE模型十分精確。

Because of its excellent characteristics, the Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) has replaced BJT as an important modern power semiconductor device used in many power electronic circuits. However, when the turn-on current reduces some critical point, the parasitic thyristor will be triggered, and the gate control is lost (i.e. latch-up effects). When IGBT switches off, the large amount of excess minority carriers in the N-drift and N-buffer regions will recover to the equilibrium value through recombination, and this process causes so called tail-current problems, hence the turn-off speed of IGBT becomes very slow. Another problem of IGBT is that the standard and accurate SPICE models of IGBT for circuits design have not been well established. Thus in this thesis, a 2D analytical model for the steady-state and transient behaviors of IGBT are presented first to understand the insight physical significance. Then the physics-based 2D IGBT SPICE models are implemented with parameters extracted from analytical and measurement results. Finally, the SPICE simulation results are verified by comparison with experimental results and MEDICI simulation results, and the proposed 2D SPICE models in this thesis are proved to be very accurate.

第一章 序論.............................................1
1.1 研究動機.........................................1
1.2 IGBT之回顧.......................................2
1.3 本論文之目的與架構...............................9
第二章 IGBT之二維靜態及暫態解析解......................15
2.1 正向導通時少數載子分佈之二維解析解..............15
2.2 少數載子分佈常數解析解..........................19
2.3 IGBT正向導通特性................................22
2.4 閂鎖電流........................................24
2.5 關閉暫態分析....................................24
第三章 IGBT之2D SPICE Model............................32
3.1 靜態模型........................................32
3.2 大訊號模型......................................34
3.3 小訊號模型......................................35
第四章 結果與討論......................................44
4.1 IGBT電路板之製作................................44
4.2 量測方法........................................44
4.3 靜態特性........................................45
4.4 暫態特性........................................46
4.5 SPICE模擬與量測結果比對.........................46
第五章 結論............................................78

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