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研究生(外文):Pansy Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Investigating the Impact on Doctor''s Repruchase Intention of Drug Prescription
指導教授(外文):Pei ChaoC. P. Chen
外文關鍵詞:drug qualityrelational communication traitscommercial friendshiprepurchase intentions
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健保局制訂了詳細嚴格的「全民健康保險藥品給付規定」及「藥價基準」等來限制處方藥品的使用量,以降低藥品的給付支出;這樣的管理法令目前已嚴重影響到製藥產業的生存空間,而且藥價在全民健保實施後普遍被壓抑,這可能產生使商業單位運轉不易,進而阻斷了藥廠增加設備與提高品質的投資能力與投資意願之可慮後果。有鑑於此,藥商如何因應如此的經營環境是一值得探討的議題, 通常藥商因應艱困的經營環境之道,不外是如設法加速新藥品上市或舊藥品擴展新用途等「開源」方法,抑或如節省公司內部成本或控制對外的交際費用支出等「節流」方法;但由於新藥品的研發時期較長及上市的法規申請過程不易掌控,而舊藥品的新用途也必須經過冗長的學術研究證實與法規申請才可推廣使用,所以若能有效地運用現有資源而設法讓醫師忠誠地重覆處方藥品則是一個藥商可以加強組織內部競爭優勢且因應任何環境變遷衝擊及適用於任何新舊藥品之行銷推廣,又對提升組織利潤有幫助的因應環境衝擊之道,故而引發對醫師處方藥品的重購意願之研究動機。誠如前述,有關醫師處方藥品的重購意願之研究應是有助於擬定公司因應策略的,然而目前在此方面及針對製藥產業行銷特性之研究並不多,所以本研究擬針對製藥產業的行銷特性,以探討影響醫師處方藥品的重購意願之因素特性為何?以及各因素特性與重購意願之間的關聯性為何?
The regulations recently issued by Bureau of National Health Insurance (BNHI) have a serious impact on pharmaceutical companies that sell drugs for chronic diseases. In dealing with the changes in business conditions derived from the BNHI’s regulations, the pharmaceutical companies may search for strategies to make business operations more efficiently. One feasible way of reducing operational costs is to motivate doctors’ willingness to continuously “patronage” the same drug products (i.e., repurchase intention). Therefore, this study is to examine what factors influence the doctors’ repurchase intention.
This study integrates relevant research to propose a comprehensive conceptual framework. In this framework, product quality, relational communication traits, and commercial friendship treated as antecedent factors influence doctors’ repurchase intentions through two mediating factors, satisfaction and loyalty.
This study adopted self-administrated survey. The sample of this study came from the name lists of Doctor’s union in several regions in Taiwan, such as Taipei City, Taipei County, Tainan City, Kaohsiung City, Kaohsiung County, and Pintong City. Three hundred questionnaires were either mailed or delivered by person. The respondent rate was 41.33%. This study used SPSS software for data analysis.
The analytical results have showed that almost all hypothetical relationships were not disconfirmed. According to the research findings, we may provide the pharmaceutical companies with some insightful information. That is, to increase drug quality, to improve salesperson’s communication capability, and to nurture commercial friendships with doctors are beneficial to doctors’ satisfaction and loyalty that further promote the likelihood of doctors’ repurchase intention.
Keywords: drug quality, relational communication traits, commercial friendship, repurchase intentions
目錄-------------------------------------------------------------------I表次-------------------------------------------------------------------II圖次-------------------------------------------------------------------III目 錄第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------------------1第一節 研究背景與動機-------------------------------------------------1第二節 研究目的與問題------------------------------------------------3第三節 研究流程---------------------------------------------------------5第四節 研究範圍---------------------------------------------------------5第五節 預期貢獻---------------------------------------------------------6第二章 文獻探討---------------------------------------------------7第一節 重購意願---------------------------------------------------------7第二節 醫師忠誠度與重購意願---------------------------------------9第三節 醫師滿意度與重購意願---------------------------------------11第四節 醫師滿意度與醫師忠誠度------------------------------------13第五節 藥品品質---------------------------------------------------------15第六節 關係性溝通特質------------------------------------------------18第七節 商業性友誼------------------------------------------------------21第八節 研究假設與研究架構------------------------------------------23第三章 研究方法---------------------------------------------------25第一節 變數操作型定義------------------------------------------------25第二節 研究設計---------------------------------------------------------28第四章 資料分析與實證結果------------------------------------32第一節 描述性統計分析------------------------------------------------32第二節 信度分析與因素分析------------------------------------------35第三節 假設檢定與迴歸分析------------------------------------------35第四節 單因子變異數分析與t檢定---------------------------------40第五章 結論與建議------------------------------------------------44第一節 結論--------------------------------------------------------------44第二節 研究建議--------------------------------------------------------53 第三節 研究限制與後續建議-----------------------------------------56參考文獻-------------------------------------------------------------57表 次表1.1本研究之研究範圍----------------------------------------------------5表3.1研究變數衡量表------------------------------------------------------27表4.1描述性統計分析結果一覽表---------------------------------------32表4.2本研究問卷的衡量問題項數與信度分析------------------------35表4.3因變項對自變項的迴歸係數β值、t值與R 值表------------37表4.4研究假設分析結果彙整---------------------------------------------40 表4.5藥品類別與樣本醫師個人基本資料對重購意願的變異數分析結果---------------------------------------------------------------41表4.6樣本醫師個人的婚姻、性別與教育程度對重購意願的t檢定分析結果-------------------------------------------------------42圖 次圖2.1本研究之實證研究架構-----------------------------------------------24圖5.1本研究實證結果架構-------------------------------------------------44
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