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論文名稱(外文):Factors of eMarketplace adoption for small and medium enterprises — An example of Taiwan’s steel industry
外文關鍵詞:B2Be-commercee-marketplaceiron and steel industriesadoption factors
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知名的管理顧問公司ADL與Giga Group指出︰1996年以前電子商務處於「萌芽草創」階段,1997年在克服種種障礙後,電子商務邁向真正進入「實質發展」的階段。電子商務因此將成為未來的主要商業模式,就是傳統產業也無法置身事外。2000年起雖因為全球經濟衰退、網路泡沫化,使得網路相關議題稍有冷卻,不過從國外的經驗來看,企業要提升競爭力,電子化或導入電子商務是必經之過程,因此各界仍認為電子商務是未來非常重要的商業模式。電子市集是近年來興起的電子商務新模式,也是B2B電子商務的主要趨勢之一,電子市集的特性正好可提供國內中小企業創造新的競爭優勢,惟目前推行成效不彰,因此藉由本研究瞭解傳統產業電子市集之概況、困難與影響業者之採用因素,希望對電子市集現狀之改善有些許幫助。本研究首先藉由整理國內外相關文獻,釐清電子市集之經營模式、本質,以及各模式之優劣,接著以鋼鐵業為對象,邀請業者參與焦點團體,從中萃取影響企業採用電子市集因素,並與文獻資料整合後,建立研究架構。然後依據研究架構設計問卷,針對鋼鐵業者做抽樣調查,問卷回收後透過因素分析將採用因素濃縮並命名。另外並透過二元邏輯斯迴歸分析,瞭解採用因素對採用決策之影響。研究結果發現,政府雖極力倡導電子市集,但以中小企業為主的國內傳統產業,資源缺乏,也較無電子市集之觀念,目前導入電子市集之比例也不高,對電子市集也興趣缺缺。在採用因素方面,最後萃取出影響鋼鐵產業採用電子市集的要素有9個,包括「內部管理效率」、「市場競爭優勢」、「安全機制」、「電子交易障礙」、「企業資源」、「電子市集之趨勢」、「使用者之付費」、「貿易機會」與「文件認可」,其中較重要之採用因素為安全與相關機制的健全與否。在滿意度方面,則發現除在產業訊息方面偏向滿意外,其餘項目都偏向不滿意,此結果值得電子市集業者未來在規劃平台時參考、注意。
Noted management consultant companies ADL and Giga Group indicated that before 1996 E-commerce laid in a pioneering stage, and stridden forward the stage of practical development after breaking through barriers in 1997. E-commerce will become the business model in the future and traditional industries can’t place themselves without any concern. In 2000, Internet relevant issues became slightly calm because of global economic recession and network bubble has burst. But as paying attention to the overseas experience, it is a necessary course to heaving the industrial competitiveness by driving electrification (digitization) or by promoting e-commerce. Hence, all circles would still consider e-commerce a very important business model in the future. Characteristics of e-commerce will just right to give chances for industries to create newly advantageous positions for competition. E-marketplace is a newborn business model of e-commerce, which raised and developed recently. It is also one of main trades on B2B e-commerce moreover a wonderful plan for middle/small-sized industries to get into e-commerce. However, it achieved little on promoting e-marketplace up to now. We would like to investigate the general situation of e-marketplace, its difficulties, and factors influencing adoption of traditional industries. We’d also like to propose guidance for improving e-marketplace at present through this study. Business model of e-marketplace, its intrinsic qualities, and superiorities and inferiorities of each model are formulated by reading related literatures native and foreign in this study. And we proceed to take iron and steel industries as subjects by inventing proprietors and target organizations. With extracting factors that influence adoption of industries toward e-marketplace from those subjects and integrating relevant literatures, the research model is established. Next, designing questionnaire according to the research model and doing sampling surveys on iron and steel industries. After retrieving questionnaires, the factors to adoption are compressed and denominated via factor analysis methods. Furthermore, in order to interpret influences of adoption factors on adoption decision, binary logical regression analysis are conducted. There are some findings in the research results. Even though government gives every effort on preaching e-commerce, yet the domestic middle/small-sized industries are lacking of resource and conceptions of e-commerce. They are short of interests on e-commerce and the proportion of promotion is not high as well. When discussing the aspect of adoption factors, there are 9 factors extracted which would influence iron and steel industries to adopt e-marketplace. They are including the “Internal management efficiency”, “Market competition superiority”, “security mechanism”, “barriers of electric transactions ”, “ enterprise resource”, “tendency of e-marketplace”, “user payer”, “chances for trading”, and “document identification”. Among these factors, the more critical adoption factor is whether the security mechanism has integrities or not. When discussing the aspect of satisfaction, except for satisfying with industrial information, industries are not satisfied with the other items. These results of the study are worthy for proprietors of e-marketing to consult and pay attentions to plan platform in the future.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 研究重要性 5
第四節 研究流程 6
第五節 研究範圍 10
第六節 研究限制 11
第二章 文獻探討 13
第一節 電子商務與電子市集 13
第二節 採用因素與效益 24
第三節 鋼鐵產業 31
第四節 中小企業 34
第三章 B2B電子商務市場概況 43
第一節 全球電子商務市場狀況 43
第二節 我國B2B電子商務狀況 45
第三節 我國鋼鐵電子市集概況 47
第四節 國外主要鋼鐵電子市集介紹 49
第四章 焦點團體之執行與結果 51
第一節 焦點團體簡介 51
第二節 焦點團體之執行 53
第三節 焦點團體執行結果 54
第四節 採用因素彙整 60
第五章 問卷設計與研究方法 63
第一節 建立研究架構 63
第二節 問卷調查 65
第三節 資料分析方法 67
第六章 資料分析與討論 71
第一節 敘述性分析 71
第二節 卡方檢定 78
第三節 因素分析 80
第四節 二元邏輯斯迴歸 87
第五節 其他分析 89
第七章 結論與建議 93
第一節 研究發現與結論 93
第二節 建議 95
參考文獻 98
附件一 「鋼鐵產業電子市集」焦點團體執行計畫 103
附件二、「鋼鐵產業電子市集」焦點團體參與人員名單 104
附件三 焦點團體內容 105
附件四 問卷題目 142
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