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論文名稱(外文):The Study Of “Shorten Working Time” Policy And The Strategy Of the Enterprise Corresponding To Change
外文關鍵詞:shorten working timetwo days off weeklyharmonious degree between labor and managementcompetitive ability
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The reduction of lawful working time has been the tide of the development of working conditions in the world. Moreover, it is not only the significant index of every country’s quality of national life and welfare but also the important administrative policy of the government. As far as the employees are concerned, a cut in working time is an advantage; however, in contrast to the employers, it is a heavy burden. Especially in recent years, enterprises in Taiwan have faced the intensive competition of industries in the world, the thought about the global business strategy, and more and more domestic workers’ asking every kind of welfare. All of these are some of the reasons why the employers end the business or move the industry to foreign countries. In the same way, the business shutdown or the moving abroad of industry will indirectly contribute to the hollowing of industries in Taiwan and the high unemployment rate. No matter what the argument about if the shorten working time policy will affect the moving abroad of industry is, we can’t ignore the impact of the whole social problems, coming with this policy.
Under the bad economic environment and the impact of the “shorten working time” policy, some enterprises choose to move abroad; nevertheless, a lot of enterprises still stay in Taiwan after considering each subjective and objective condition, such as the tourism industry, agriculture, forestry, fishery, livestock, service industry, the equipment having been set up, and the enterprise social responsibility. Therefore, the study, based on the current laws about working hours and the different characteristics of the industries’ management, will discuss that the enterprises, choosing to stay in Taiwan, can adopt some possible regulative systems and strategy when facing the “shorten working time” policy. Furthermore, the study will compare our working time system to other major industry countries’. Besides, the study also discusses every country’ present rules about working time, the background of the working time reduction, our working time laws, and history. Moreover, in Taiwan, different industries are governed by their special laws. The study arranges the influence of productivity, labor costs, and whole industries from many researches. In addition, the study will use three positions of the labor, the employer, and the government to illustrate the disadvantages and advantages of this policy and the methods and steps that every scholars have reposed to the enterprises in order to reduce the influence of the society before the policy is carried out.
The studying methods in the research will be based on the special case of researching “how executing twice two days off weekly every month affects the competitive ability of the nations”, which the Council For Economic Planning And Development of the Executive Yuan entrusts to the professor Li and others in the research center for Taiwan economic development in National Central university before not executing the shorten working time policy in 2000 and the result of investigation about the working time condition in every Taiwan enterprise, investigated by the board of labor of the Executive Yuan after the Executive Yuan carried out the “shorten working time” policy. The study uses the results of the two big investigations, done by the government, and the “inferior information” analytic way to compare and analysis the steps and strategy the enterprises actually use before the “shorten working time” policy was carried out and after the “shorten working time” policy was carried out. At the same time, the study considers the real need in the employees’ mind. After comparing and analyzing, the study will provide the enterprises a reference in practical operating and hopes that the enterprises can reduce the impact when facing the “shorten working time” policy. Moreover, the study suggests that after considering the real need of the employees, the enterprises change the management system or the operating mode in order to enhance the harmonious degree between labor and management and advance the business competitive ability and the operating performance. Finally, the expected goal that the worker, the employer, and the government, and economy all win can be carried out.

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景
第二節 研究動機與預期貢獻
第三節 研究方法
第二章 主要工業國家與我國工時政策之比較
第一節 主要工業國家工時發展歷程及現況
第四節 企業因應「縮短工時」政策之步驟及方式
第四章 企業因應對策與勞工之期待
第一節 企業所採取的策略
第二節 勞工的期待
第五章 結論:「勞資和諧度」的建立
第一節 結論

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1. 49. 黃同圳,1997,「日本縮短工時對生產力的影響」,人力發展月刊,第45卷,pp.4-8。
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3. 47. 盛惠煜,1995,「我國與工業化國家縮短工時之比較研究(一)」,勞工之友雜誌,pp.15-19。
4. 37. 周昌湘,2000,「工時變革對人力資源管理的影響」,管理雜誌,第312期,pp21-31。
5. 36. 林振賢,1999,「談企業如何因應工時之縮短」,中國勞工,第990期,pp22-27。
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