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論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Hospital Accerditation on Medical Quality of Internal Medicine
外文關鍵詞:hospital accreditationmedical qualityinternal medicine
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本研究採用S-P-O系統模式,分別由結構(Structure)、過程(Process)及結果(Outcome)三構面探討醫院評鑑對醫院內科系醫療品質之影響。其樣本醫院為83年度與86年度曾參加醫院評鑑之醫學中心、區域醫院及地區醫院。以各年度之內科系評量表為主,利用德菲法篩選出有代表性的內科系醫療品質指標。再分別以T-test檢定未配對醫院品質指標資料,Paired-t test分析配對醫院品質指標資料, one-way ANOVA分析不同權屬別醫院之間品質差異,再觀察變異係數推測品質一致性;最後分析內科系主管對醫院評鑑成效之看法。
Objectives: Although the hospital accreditation has been implemented for a long time, there are few studies related to this project. The objectives of this study were: 1) to investigate the improvement of internal medicine quality in each hospital level during the different years; 2) to investigate the consistency of internal medical quality in each hospital level during the different years; 3) to compare the improvement of internal medicine quality among different ownership of hospitals; 4) to objectively evaluate the opinions of the chiefs of internal medicine to hospital accreditation.
Methods: This study design was longitudinal and cross-sectional. The data sources included primary data and secondary data. Primary data was collected by a nation-wide survey on the chiefs of internal medicine. Secondary data was derived from data bank of hospital accreditation for 1994 and 1997, provided by the Department of Health (DOH). This study was based on the S-P-O theoretical model, in order to evaluate the effect of hospital accreditation on the medical quality of internal medicine from the dimensions of structure, process, and outcome. According to the Delphi method, we selected the indicators representing the quality of internal medicine for analysis. The statistical analysis in this study was t-test, Paired-t, one-way ANOVA and chi-square.
Results: In objective data: the quality of internal medicine of regional hospitals has been improving for 1994 and 1997, but district hospitals have not been improving in the longitudinal study. Although the difference of medical quality of internal medicine isn’t observed in different ownership of hospitals, the improvement of the medical quality can be observed in the same ownership of hospitals for 1994 and 1997. With respect to the changes in coefficients, the value of CV for quality indicators of medical centers, regional hospitals and district hospitals did not decrease, between 1994 or 1997.
In subjective survey: more than 50%(54.86%) of the samples have a positive viewpoint on the effect of hospital accreditation to improve medical quality of internal medicine, especially in the quality of history writing and total quality of internal medicine.
Discussion and Suggestion: The objective and subjective results support that hospital accreditation has a positive effect on improving the quality of internal medicine, regardless of different hospital levels or the ownerships of hospital. We would like to suggest trying to make the data bank complete, to put more importance on quality of process and outcome dimensions, and to manage medical quality as usual. This study is limited in that the sample might not represent the whole population and the variation of the sample hospital, and the personality of the judge might cause the score of process dimension to be unfair.
Key Words: Hospital Accreditation, Medical Quality, Internal Medicine
【表 目 錄】 頁碼
表2-1 結構麵、過程面、結果面品質之定義及其內容與限制---------------------------------- 22
表3-1 主觀問卷項目專家效度得分情形------------------------------------------------------------- 40
表3-2 學中心與區域醫院之內科系醫療品質評估指標------------------------------------------- 41
表3-3 區醫院(含地區教學醫院)之內科系醫療品質評估指標------------------------------- 42
表4-1 歷年參與各級醫院評鑑之醫院家數---------------------------------------------------------- 46
表4-2 醫學中心組織結構投入與產出變項之變化------------------------------------------------- 49
表4-3 區域醫院組織結構投入與產出變項之變化------------------------------------------------- 50
表4-4 地區醫院組織結構投入與產出變項之變化------------------------------------------------- 51
表4-5 83及86年度通過醫院評鑑暨教學醫院評鑑之醫院家數------------------------------- 53
表4-6 83及86年度具完備醫院評鑑暨教學醫院評鑑之內科系資料表醫院家數---------- 54
表4-7 83及86年度具完備醫院評鑑暨教學醫院評鑑之內科系評量表醫院家數---------- 54
表4-8 區域層級以上醫院83及86年度品質指標得分百分比橫斷比較--------------------- 59
表4-9 地區醫院(含教學醫院)醫院83及86年度品質指標得分百分比橫斷比較---------------------- 60
表4-10 區域以上醫院83及86年內科系品質指標得分百分比縱貫比較---------------------- 63
表4-11 地區醫院(含教學)83及86年度內科系品質指標得分百分比縱貫比較------------------------------- 64
表4-12 83與86年度區域層級以上醫院CV值比較------------------------------------------------- 67
表4-13 83與86年度地區醫院(含地區教學醫院)CV值比較---------------------------------- 68
表4-14 區域層級以上之不同權屬別醫院家數------------------------------------------------------- 69
表4-15 83年度不同權屬別區域層級以上醫院之內科系「診斷適當」類品質指標分析-------------------------- 70
表4-16 83年度不同權屬別區域層級以上醫院之內科系「處置適當」類品質指標分析---- 71
表4-17 83年度不同權屬別區域層級以上醫院之內科系「用藥適當」類品質指標分析--- 72
表4-18 83年度不同權屬別區域層級以上醫院之內科系其他品質指標分析------------------ 73
表4-19 86年度不同權屬別區域層級以上醫院之內科系「診斷適當」類品質指標分析------------------------- 74
表4-20 86年度不同權屬別區域層級以上醫院之內科系「處置適當」類品質指標分析---- 75
表4-21 86年度不同權屬別區域層級以上醫院之內科系「用藥適當」類品質指標分析--- 76
表4-22 86年度不同權屬別區域層級以上醫院之內科系其他品質指標分析------------------ 77
表4-23 地區醫院層級以上之不同權屬別醫院家數------------------------------------------------- 78
表4-24 83年度不同權屬別地區(含教學)醫院之內科系「診斷適當」類品質指標分析--- 79
表4-25 83年度不同權屬別地區(含教學)醫院之內科系「處置適當」類品質指標分析 79
表4-26 83年度不同權屬別地區(含教學)醫院之內科系「用藥適當」類品質指標分析 80
表4-27 83年度不同權屬別地區(含教學)醫院之內科系「臨床試驗」類品質指標分析 81
表4-28 83年度不同權屬別地區(含教學)醫院之內科系「病歷內容」類品質指標分析 82
表4-29 86年度不同權屬別地區(含教學)醫院之內科系「診斷適當」類品質指標分析 83
表4-30 86年度不同權屬別地區(含教學)醫院之內科系「處置適當」類品質指標分析 84
表4-31 86年度不同權屬別地區(含教學)醫院之內科系「用藥適當」類品質指標分析 85
表4-32 86年度不同權屬別地區(含教學)醫院之內科系「臨床試驗」類品質指標分析 86
表4-33 86年度不同權屬別地區(含教學)醫院之內科系「病歷內容」類品質指標分析 88
表4-34 區域層級以上財團法人醫院83及86年內科系品質指標得分百分比縱貫比較--- 91
表4-35 地區醫院層級之私立醫院83及86年內科系品質指標得分百分比縱貫比較------- 92
表4-36 主觀部分問卷回收情形------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93
表4-37 主觀問卷部分基本資料描述------------------------------------------------------------------- 95
表4-38 主觀問卷資料統計(五等量表)-------------------------------------------------------------- 98
表4-39 主觀問卷資料統計(三等量表)--------------------------------------------------------------- 101
表4-40 「醫院評鑑有助於提昇內科系檢查之適當性」選答「幫助不大/無幫助」之分析比較------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 104
表4-41 「醫院評鑑有助於爭取合宜的設備」選答「幫助不大/無幫助」之分析比較------- 105
表4-42 「醫院評鑑有助於增加內科系人員編制」選答「幫助不大/無幫助」之分析比較 106
表4-43 「醫院評鑑有助於提供遺傳諮詢保健」選答「幫助不大/無幫助」之分析比較---- 107
表5-1 研究結果與研究目的對照一覽表------------------------------------------------------------- 116
【圖 目 錄】
圖3-1 研究設計架構圖----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
圖3-2 研究計畫流程圖------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 35
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