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研究生(外文):Po-Song Fu
論文名稱(外文):Three dimensional analysis of occlusal plane and dental arch form in young adults
指導教授(外文):Jau-Min Hong
外文關鍵詞:occlusal planedental arch formthree dimensional analysis
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本實驗以100位正常齒顎關係者(男50位,女50位)齒列模型為樣本,利用三次元精密測量儀器(CE-503V,Chien Wei Precise Technology CO., LTD)測量HIP平面與各種定義咬合平面之夾角(咬合平面I : 上顎右側中門齒近心唇側切端及上顎左右第一大臼齒近心頰側咬頭尖端所構成之平面 ; 咬合平面II : 上顎右側中門齒近心唇側切端及上顎左右第二大臼齒近心頰側咬頭尖端所構成之平面 ; 咬合平面III : 上顎右側中門齒近心唇側切端及上顎左右第一大臼齒近心腭側咬頭尖端所構成之平面 ; 咬合平面IV : 上顎右側中門齒近心唇側切端及上顎左右第二大臼齒近心腭側咬頭尖端所構成之平面) ; 同時計測上顎各齒(不包含第三大臼齒)標記點與HIP平面及門齒乳頭中點之三次元位置關係。另外,再測量門齒乳頭與上顎中門齒及犬齒相對位置,牙弓深徑、寬徑、上顎前牙齒列弓曲率半徑以及腭穹窿深徑。所得之數據以SAS程式作統計與相關性分析,以探討性別間的差異及彼此間的相關程度。
結果 :
1、 HIP平面和咬合平面I夾角為3.53±0.80°,男女間無顯著差異(p>0.05)。
2、 上顎中門齒近心唇側切端位於門齒乳頭中點前方約7.30±0.64 mm處,男女間無顯著差異(p>0.05)。
3、 上顎犬齒咬頭尖端連線位於門齒乳頭中點後方約0.27±1.30 mm,男女間無顯著差異(p>0.05)。
4、 上顎前牙齒列弓曲率半徑,全體測量值為23.98±2.71mm,男性大於女性,且有統計上明顯差異(p<0.05)。
5、 除上顎側門齒區牙弓深徑女性大於男性,下顎犬齒區及上下顎第二大臼齒區牙弓深徑男性大於女性具統計上顯著差異外(p<0.05),其他區域牙弓深徑男女皆無顯著差異。
6、 上顎牙弓寬徑男性於各區測量值皆顯著大於女性(p<0.05),下顎牙弓寬徑除側門齒與犬齒區男女無顯著差異外,小臼齒及臼齒區的牙弓寬徑男性皆顯著大於女性(p<0.05)。
7、 腭穹窿深徑,除側門齒區女性顯著大於男性外(p<0.05),其他區域男性皆顯著大於女性(p<0.05)。腭穹窿深徑有從前牙區往後牙區增加的趨勢,而其最深徑,男女多位於第一大臼齒區。
8、 相關性分析結果顯示,本實驗計測之齒列弓形態與咬合平面間皆無顯著相關(r<0.75)。

The purposes of this study were estimating the relationship between HIP plane and occlusal plane, investigating the dental arch form and analyzing the correlation of dental arch form and occlusal plane in Taiwanese young adults with approximately optimal occlusion.
Study casts of 100 young adults (50 males and 50 females) aged from 19 to 28 years were selected in this study. All the marked points on maxillary and mandibular casts of labial incisal edge angles, cusp tips of canines, premolars and molars were measured in three dimensions by a three-dimensional precise measuring device (CE-503V, Chien Wei Precise Technology Co., LTD). All the data of following items: (1) the angles among HIP plane (hamular notch-incisive papilla plane) and various definied occlusal plane; (2) the relative position of maxillary teeth landmarks to HIP plane and the center of the incisive papilla; (3) the relationship of the incisive papilla to the maxillary central incisor and canine; (4) the dental arch depths; (5) the dental arch widths; (6) the maxillary anterior arc radius; (7) the palatal vault depths were calculated and analyzed with SAS program (JMP version 4.02).
The results are:
1. The occlusal plane defined as the mesial-labial incisal edge of upper right central incisor and mesial-buccal cusp tips of upper first molars had the included angle of 3.53±0.80º with HIP plane. There was no significant difference in gender (p>0.05).
The occlusal plane defined as the mesial-labial incisal edge of upper right central incisor and mesial-buccal cusp tips of upper second molars had the smallest included angle with HIP plane (2.61±0.81º). There was no significant difference in gender (p>0.05).
The occlusal plane defined as the mesial-labial incisal edge of upper right central incisor and mesial-palatal cusp tips of upper first molars had the largest included angle with HIP plane (7.72±1.60º). The female had significantly larger angle than the male (p<0.05).
The occlusal plane defined as the mesial-labial incisal edge of upper right central incisor and mesial-palatal cusp tips of upper second molars had the included angle of 6.54±1.08º with HIP plane. There was significant difference in gender (p<0.05).
2. The mesial-labial incisal edge of upper central incisor was 7.30±0.64 mm anterior to the center of the incisive papilla. There was no significant difference in gender (p>0.05).
3. The intercanine line was 0.27±1.30 mm posterior to the center of the incisive papilla. There was no significant difference between male and female (p>0.05).
4. The maxillary anterior arc radius was 23.98±2.71 mm. Besides, the male had significantly larger radius than the female (p<0.05).
5. There were significant differences between female and male in dental arch depths (p<0.05). The female had deeper arch depth in the maxilary lateral incisor region, but the male had deeper arch depths in the mandibular canine and second molar of both arches.
6. The male had significantly wider dimensions than the female in maxillary arch widths (p<0.05). Except for the mandibular lateral incisor and canine areas, the mandibular arch widths of male were significantly wider than the female (p<0.05).
7. As for palatal vault depth, the male had significantly larger dimensions than the female (p<0.05) except for the lateral incisor area. Whether male or female, the deepest palatal vault depth was located in the first molar area.
8. Regarding the correlation of dental arch form and occlusal plane, there were low correlations (r<0.75) among the analyzed items of dental arch form and the included angles of HIP plane with various occlusal planes.
Hence, the excellent parallelism between HIP plane and occlusal plane can be concluded in this study. Using HIP plane as a reference for the orientation of occlusal plane may be recommended.

一、 中文摘要 …………………………………… 1
二、 前言 ………………………………………….4
三、 文獻回顧 …………………………………….6
四、 材料與方法 …………………………………31
五、 結果 …………………………………………39
六、 討論 …………………………………………44
七、 結論 …………………………………………66
八、 參考文獻 ……………………………………69
九、 英文摘要 ……………………………………80
十、 附表與附圖 …………………………………82

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