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研究生(外文):Feng-Jie Lai
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Adrenal Atrial Natriuretic Peptide and Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in Water-Electrolyte Homeostasis
指導教授(外文):Shyi-Jang Shin
中文關鍵詞:腎上腺心房利鈉胜神經性一氧化氮合成 每水分電解質
外文關鍵詞:adrenal glandatrial natriuretic peptideneuronal Nitric Oxide SynthaseWater-Electrolyte
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心房利鈉胜(Atrial Natriuretic Peptide, ANP)及一氧化氮(Nitric oxide, NO)可刺激產生第二訊息guanosine 3'',5''-cyclic monophosphate (cGMP)而影響血流,血液動力學及鹽份排泄等。在腎上腺ANP具有抑制類固醇生合成及兒茶酚胺的分泌;而NO同樣具有抑制類固醇生合成能力,但對兒茶酚胺的釋放仍沒有一明確定論。過去我們實驗室研究發現人類腎上腺嗜鉻細胞瘤細胞具有ANP分泌顆粒,並在原發性皮質醛酮過多症患者之非腫瘤腎上腺組織,發現人類腎上腺髓質可分泌ANP,且其合成量比正常人為高。而神經性一氧化氮合成(neuronal Nitic Oxide Synthase, nNOS)為神經內分泌系統中產生NO的重要酵素,亦可在腎上腺中發現。ANP與NO在功能上雖有許多相似,但ANP是經由ANP接受器活化與細胞膜鍵結的guanylyl cyclase,而NO則是活化水溶性的guanylyl cyclase,其產生第二訊息的活性或量有明顯差異。腎上腺為維持體液衡定一重要器官,而ANP與NO在維持體液衡定上亦扮演重要角色,且均存在腎上腺中,因此,當體液容積變動時,腎上腺內之ANP與nNOS是否也有所變動,值得探討。所以本論文計畫就上述問題,探討以下連續性相關課題:
(1) 重新觀察腎上腺ANP的合成部位及觀察腎上腺皮質內是否含有ANP分泌顆粒。
(2) 為進一步評估腎上腺本身的心房利鈉胜在體液衡定中所扮演的角色,我們探討老鼠給予deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt處理後,腎上腺心房利鈉胜的基因表現。以確定腎上腺ANP之合成是否也像心房一樣受到體容積變化的影響。
(3) 探討在體容積變動下,包括禁水處理造成體容積減少及DOCA-salt處理造成體容積擴張,nNOS的表現情形。同時探討腎上腺荷爾蒙合成過程中重要的蛋白或酵素其 mRNA 的變化,包括Tyrosine Hydroxylase (TH)、phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT)以及Steroidogenic Acute Regular Protein(StAR)等之mRNA 表現。
1. 在正常大白鼠及人類腎上腺,除腎上腺髓質為ANP合成處外,發現腎上腺皮質球狀層亦是ANP合成部位。另外,起源於腎上腺皮質球狀層細胞之原發性皮質醛酮腫瘤,亦具有合成ANP的能力。
2. 原位雜交及免疫組織化學方法顯示:在對照組腎上腺ANP mRNA及胜主要表現在腎上腺球狀層及腎上腺髓質。經過DOCA-salt處理後12小時到整個8天的研究期間,腎上腺的ANP mRNA及胜在腎上腺所有層表現均增加,特別是在腎上腺束狀層/網狀層。利用半定量RT-PCR的技術,腎上腺ANP mRNA表現的相對量,在DOCA-salt處理組從第1天到第8天有明顯較對照組增加。然而,腎上腺的重量經過DOCA-salt處理後從第2天開始到第8天則有明顯低於對照組。
3. 腎上腺nNOS mRNA及蛋白質主要表現在腎上腺髓質,在禁水12小時到4天時明顯上升,同時伴隨TH mRNA及PNMT mRNA 的上升,然而,StAR mRNA並沒有意義的改變。
4. 腎上腺nNOS mRNA及蛋白質在DOCA-salt處理後明顯下降,同樣PNMT mRNA、StAR mRNA亦下降,然而,TH mRNA並沒有意義的改變。
由以上的結果我們可以獲得以下結論:我們的結果為首度顯示腎上腺的心房利鈉胜不僅存在於腎上腺髓質,同時亦存在於腎上腺皮質,而且它們的表現在DOCA-salt處理後有明顯的上升。這樣的結果暗示,腎上腺的心房利鈉胜可能經由自體分泌或旁分泌的方式參與腎上腺功能的調節進而影響水分及電解質的衡定。禁水時腎上腺nNOS基因表現增加,而當體液擴張時,腎上腺nNOS表現下降,特別是在腎上腺髓質,因此, nNOS表現與體液變動有著密切關係。腎上腺ANP與nNOS 表現在DOCA-salt處理時有明顯差異,雖然從本實驗的結果並無法證明其真正的機轉,但我們認為ANP在腎上腺皮質表現增加可能與抑制類固醇生合成有關,而nNOS為維持腎上腺血流衡定,當體液變動時,腎上腺nNOS表現亦隨之變動,以調節一氧化氮的產生,來衡定腎上腺的血流。
Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is a peptide not only with potent diuretic, natriuretic and vasorelaxant effects but also with potent aldosterone and other steroid hormone inhibitory activities. In the past few years, we demonstrated that immunoreactive ANP substance was present in the secretory granule of human adrenal pheochromocytoma cells. We also found that ANP was synthesized in the human adrenal medulla, and such medullary ANP synthesis increased in the patients with hypermineralocorticoidism. However, no evidence exists that adrenal medullary ANP affects the zona glomerulosa synthesis of aldosterone. The three subtypes of ANP receptors have been found in both adrenal cortical and medullary cells. Therefore, we hypothesize that ANP can be synthesized in the adrenal cortex in addition to the adrenal medulla, and adrenal ANP expression can be regulated in response to volume overloading. In additon, the expression of adrenal neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) and changes in mRNA of key proteins or enzymes of adrenal hormone synthesis under volume change are still unclear. Based on the above mentioned background, we performed several continuous studies with the aims to investigate the following questions.
(1) To re-evaluate the sites of ANP synthesis and to explore whether the ANP secretory granules are exist in the zona glomerulosa.
(2) To further evaluate the role of adrenal ANP in body fluid homeostasis, we investigated the changes in adrenal ANP in rats receiving DOCA-salt treatment.
(3) To investigate whether adrenal neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) expression and mRNA of key proteins or enzymes of adrenal hormone synthesis are responsive to alterations in body volume, including water deprivation-induced volume deficiency and DOCA-salt treatment-induced volume expansion.
The results in this study reveal:
1. In adrenal glands both in normal rats and human, we found that not only adrenal medulla but also adrenal zona glomerulosa are the sites of ANP synthesis. ANP secretory granules are found in the zona granulosa cells. Aldosterone-producing adenoma, originally from zona glomerulosa, is also a site of ANP synthesis.
2. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemical studies showed that adrenal ANP mRNA and ANP-like immunoreactivities were mainly localized in the zona glomerulosa and medulla of vehicle-treated rats. DOCA-salt treatment activated ANP mRNA and peptide expression in all adrenal zones, especially in the zona fasciculate/reticularis from 12 hours to the entire 8-days study period. Using a semiquantitative RT-PCR technique, the relative quantities of ANP mRNA in the adrenals of the DOCA-salt-treated group were significantly increased from 1 to 8 days, whereas the adrenal weights of DOCA-salt-treated rats were significantly decreased from day 2 to day 8.
3. Using a semi-quantitative multiple RT-PCR technique, the relative quantities of nNOS mRNA as well as the tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) mRNA and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) mRNA in the adrenals of the water-deprived group significantly increased from 12 h to 4 days, whereas the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR) mRNA showed no significant change during the same study period. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemical studies showed that water deprivation activated adrenal nNOS mRNA and protein expression in the medulla. Four days after water deprivation, nNOS protein expression, determined by Western blot, increased significantly in the adrenal gland.
4. The relative quantities of nNOS mRNA as well as the PNMT mRNA and StAR mRNA in the adrenals of the DOCA-salt-treated group significantly decreased, whereas the steroid acute regulatory protein TH mRNA showed no significant change during the same study period. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemical studies showed that DOCA-salt treatment inactivated adrenal nNOS mRNA and protein expression in the medulla. Eight days after DOCA-salt treatment, nNOS protein expression determined by Western blot decreased significantly in the adrenal gland.
In conclusion, our results are the first to indicate that ANP is synthesized not only in the adrenal medulla but also in the adrenal cortex, and their syntheses are markedly increased in DOCA-salt-treated rats. These results imply that adrenal ANP may participate in the intraadrenal regulation of adrenal function on water-electrolyte homeostasis in an autocrine or paracrine manner. The augmentation in nNOS gene expression in the adrenal glands of water deprived rats and the decrement after DOCA-salt treatment, particularly in the adrenal medulla, may participate in the adrenal regulatory pathways. It is reasonable to propose that NO derived from the adrenal nNOS may locally preserve adrenal blood flow through counteracting the circulating vasoconstrictive substance effect to help the autoregulation of the adrenal gland.
目  錄
致謝 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
中文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
英文摘要 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
第一章 緒論 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7
第二章 腎上腺皮質球狀層細胞亦能合成心房利鈉 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 14
前言 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 15
材料和方法-------------------------------------------------------- 18
結果 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 28
討論 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 31
圖表 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 35
第三章 Deoxycorticosterone acetate-salt處理後大白鼠腎上腺
皮質及髓質之心房利鈉及其基因表現增加--------------- 47
前言 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 48
材料和方法 -------------------------------------------------------- 50
結果 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 57
討論 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 60
圖表 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 64
第四章 禁水處理後腎上腺神經性一氧化氮合成之傳訊者
核醣核酸及蛋白質表現增加---------------------------------------- 73
前言 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 74
材料和方法 ------------------------------------------------------- 77
結果 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 81
討論 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 84
圖表 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 87
第五章 Deoxycorticosterone acetate-salt處理後大白鼠
腎上腺神經性一氧化氮合成表現減少 ------------------------ 97
前言 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 98
材料和方法 --------------------------------------------------------100
結果 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 103
討論 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 107
圖表 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 110
第六章 總結論與未來研究方向 ----------------------------------- 118
參考文獻 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 123
附錄I 英文名稱縮寫及全名 -------------------------------------------------- 139
附錄II 發表相關論文之摘要 -------------------------------------------------- 140
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