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研究生(外文):Tsai Pei-Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Consolidation Mechanism of a Series of Direct Compression Excipint on In-vitro Dissolution of Buspirone HCl
指導教授(外文):Cham Thau-Ming
中文關鍵詞:致密化Buspirone HCl直壓性賦形劑
外文關鍵詞:consolidation mechanismBuspirone HCldirect compression excipient
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一個錠劑在形成會經過粒子的形變、分子鍵鍵結及彈形回復的過程,而此過程會因粉體本身物性的不同而導致所形成之錠劑亦在物性上有所差異。在本篇實驗中,使用buspirone HCl作為本研究之模式藥。利用兩種不同性質之直壓錠賦形劑 (Avicel® PH102,Era-Tab®) 作為充填物,並改變主成分於配方中之比例,將混合好之粉體於四種不同壓錠力下加以製錠。並利用體外溶離試驗來評估錠劑之致密化機制對溶離釋出之影響。溶離試驗依據USP XXIII中第二種實驗方法來進行。而各粉體需進行各種物性試驗檢測其物性,如粒子大小、比表面積、流動性等,利用掃描式電子顯微鏡觀測外觀、X射線繞射進行晶形測定。在藥物及賦形劑之交互作用方面,利用示差掃描熱分析及傅立葉紅外線分析加以探討。
在結果中發現,buspirone HCl、Avicel® PH102、Era-Tab®及Primojel®四種粉體皆有不同的物性。在藥物及賦形劑之交互作用方面,於示差掃描熱分析之結果可看出Primojel®與主成分buspirone HCl具有交互作用之可能性較大;而傅立葉紅外線分析儀之分析結果顯示,藥物及Primojel®之間有氫鍵之生成。在溶離結果中,顯示Avicel® PH102具有較Era-Tab®快的釋出效果。且以Era-Tab®作為主要充填物所製成之自製錠,其溶離釋出率隨壓錠力之增加而增加;反之,Avicel® PH102之自製錠,其釋出速率隨壓錠力之增加而減少。在變更主成分比例後,隨著主成分比例的增加,以Avicel® PH102之自製錠釋出速率減緩,而Era-Tab®之自製錠釋出增加。顯示出不同的直壓錠賦形劑之不同的致密化機制,會造成buspirone HCl溶離上的差異。

Tablet formation is the result of densification, interparticle bonding and relaxation. In this study, the buspirone hydrochloride was a model drug. Two direct compression excipients and three drug loading dose ratios were used to prepare tablets at four compression pressure levels. The effect of consolidation mechanism of the solid on the tablet in vitro dissolution was investigated and the dissolution efficiency of the formulation was estimated. In vitro dissolution rates were determined with USP XXIII apparatus II (paddle) method. Physical characterization of powders included particle size distribution, specific surface area and flowability. Powder morphology was studied using SEM. The drug and excipients present in crystalline form were determined with X-ray diffraction analysis.
As results, the powders of buspirone HCl, Avicel® PH102, Era-Tab® and Primojel® all had different characteristics. DSC and FT-IR results showed that a possible interaction between buspirone HCl and Primojel®. Increasing compression pressure levels, the release of buspirone HCl from tablets made by Era-Tab® also increased. However, for Avicel® PH102 tablets, increase in compression pressure would decrease the dissolution rate of buspirone HCl. About the different loading ratios, an increase in the percentage of drug in the formulation would also increase the dissolution rate of drug from the Era-Tab® tablet, and the reverse was true for Avicel® PH102 tablets. As results, the release of buspirone HCl from both Avicel® PH102 and Era-Tab® tablets was affected the compression pressure, percentage of drug in the formulation and the difference in the consolidation mechanism of the two excipients.

一、Buspirone HCl之基本概述-------------------------------------------------1
1. 不同配方組成對溶離試驗之影響----------------------------------86
2. 不同主成分比例對溶離試驗之影響-------------------------------87
3. 不同製錠壓錠力對溶離試驗之影響-------------------------------99

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