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研究生(外文):Tzu- Hui Wu
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Novel Dosage Form of Liu-Wei-Di-Huang-Wan
指導教授(外文):Thau-Ming ChamWen-Ho Chuo
外文關鍵詞:Liu-Wei-Di-Huang-Wanextrusion-spheronizationorthogonal arrayTraditional Chinese Medicines (TCM)Differential Scanning Calorimetry(DSC)
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六味地黃丸為中國傳統的製劑,主要由熟地黃、山茱萸、山藥、茯苓、澤瀉及牡丹皮等六味藥所組成,本實驗將市售六種藥材研磨粉末分別與三種常用賦形劑(Era-Tab®、Lactose、Avicel PH102®)以擠壓搓圓機製備成中藥新劑型。並將所製得錠劑、圓粒與市售品置於三種溫度(30℃,37℃,45℃)及相對濕度(75%)的條件下貯存,並定時取出以高效率液相層析層析(HPLC)分析指標成分paeonol及loganin之含量變化情形,由實驗結果顯示,分析paeonol指標成分,錠劑安定性與市售品類似;但對分析loganin而言,錠劑及圓粒劑型皆有比市售品佳的安定性。
利用示差掃描熱分析法(DSC),針對六味地黃丸之二種主要成分(Paeonol,Loganin)來與三種常用賦形劑進行交互作用探討,結果發現賦形劑Avicel PH102®與兩種指標成分皆不會有交互作用情形發生,但Era-Tab®和Lactose卻會產生交互作用。

Liu-Wei-Di-Huang-Wan, one of the Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM), composed of rehmanniae radix, corni fructus, dioscoreae rhizoma, alismatis rhizoma, moutan cortex and polyporus. In this study, the powders of six herbs with three frequently used excipients (Era-Tab®, Lactose, Avicel PH102®) were made to be novel herbal dosage form by extrusion -spheronization method. The tablets, pellets and common products were then stored at three conditions (30℃/ 75% R.H., 37℃/ 75% R.H., 45℃/ 75% R.H.) for three months. The contents of two active ingredients paeonol, loganin of these six herbs were then analysed periodically by HPLC. The results show that the active ingredients of paeonol for tablets are as stable as common products. Another active ingredient, loganin, tablets and pellets are more stable than common products.
The possible interaction of the excipients (Era-Tab®, Lactose, Avicel PH102®) and active ingredients (paeonol, loganin) were studied by Differential Scanning Calorimetry(DSC). The result showed that Avicel PH102® had no interaction effect with the two active ingredients, but Era-Tab® and Lactose had the interaction effect.
The second part is the development of novel dosage form of Liu-Wei-Di-Huang-Wan by extrusion-spheronization using orthogonal array design. In the shape of pellets and yield study, the extrude screen and spheronization time are significantly variable. Then, the pellets are compressed at proper pressure and the dissolution rates of tablets are compared with TCM dosage forms. The result showed that the novel dosage forms of tablets and TCM dosage form had no similarity.

中文摘要--------------------- --------------------------------X
英文摘要----------------------- -----------------------------XI
(一)地黃(Rehmanniae Radix)------------ -------------------7
(二)山茱萸(Corni Fructus)--------------------------------10
(三)山藥(Dioscoreae Rhizoma)--------- -------------------11
(四)澤瀉(Alismatis Rhizoma)------------------------------13
(五)牡丹皮(Moutan Cortex)--------------------------------15
(一)複因子實驗設計法------------ --------------------------23
(三)複因子試驗直交表之應用--------------- -----------------29
(五)直交表之應用--------------------------- ---------------31
一、示差掃瞄熱分析法(DSC)--------------------- ------------38
二、以擠壓搓圓機進行六味地黃丸圓粒之製備--- -----------------38
(一)賦形劑Avicel PH102®之六味地黃丸圓粒---- ------------39
(二)賦形劑Era-Tab®之六味地黃丸圓粒-------------- -------40
(三)賦形劑Lactose之六味地黃丸圓粒--- -------------------40
(二)掃瞄式電子顯微鏡- -----------------------------------41
(四)Loganin分析條件------ -------------------------------47
十一、安定性試驗------------------- -------------------------49
(一)賦形劑Avicel PH102®圓粒之圓度(E value)分析-------- 65
(二)Avicel PH102®圓粒之E value所採用的模式進行檢查-------66
(三)賦形劑Avicel PH102®圓粒之產率分析---- --------------67
(四)Avicel PH102®圓粒之產率分析所採用的模式進行檢查------69
(五)賦形劑Era-Tab®圓粒之圓度(E value)分析--------------76
(六)賦形劑Era-Tab®圓粒之E value所採用的模式進行檢查------76
(九)賦形劑Lactose圓粒之圓度(E value)分析----------------- -85
(十)賦形劑Lactose圓粒之E value所採用的模式進行檢查-----------85
四、體外溶離試驗結果------------ ----------------------------95
(一)Main effect A與C之分析------------------------------ -107
(二)Interaction effects A與C之分析------------------------108
(三)溶離模式線性探討 -------------------------------------111
柒、參考文獻------------------------------- -------------- -133

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謝明村, 六味地黃丸增強學習記憶能力之藥理學研究,中國醫藥學 院,中醫藥委員會年報:1999;399-430

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