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研究生(外文):S.J. Leu
論文名稱(外文):Nurses’Attitudes and Difficulties in Nursing Intervention towardSuicidal Behavior in Emergency Departmennt
指導教授(外文):M.S. Yang
外文關鍵詞:emergency department nurseattitudedifficulty in nursing intervention
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The aim of this study was to explore the attitudes and difficulties in nursing
interventions toward suicidal behavior of nurses working in the emergency department(ED) . Cross-sectional and retrospective method was applied and 194 ED nurses from three medical centers and five district hospitals in southern Taiwan were recruited with the convenience sampling method. Participants were asked to respond to a valid and reliable questionnaire requiring the attitudes and difficulties in nursing interventions to suicidal behavior. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied to analyze the data.
The results were as follows(1)The mean score of ED nurses’ attitudes toward suicidal behavior on 4 points scale was 2.4, and the leading three of negative attitudes as proportion were “ Patients with a history of repeated suicidal attempts should pay the medical fee by themselves ,because they wasted the social medical resources.” ,
“Suicide is a selfish behavior” and “Suicide is aimed behavior, not worthy to sympathize.”(2)The standardized score of the difficulties to care suicidal patients and their families was at the medium level(50.9-54.4). The most difficult nursing interventions were “To encourage expression of feeling ”,“To assess and resolve the factor which evoke a patient to suicide”,” To assess and resolve the family’s problem in caring the patient”(3)The ED nurses who participated religious activity regularly, had more emergency nursing experience, had more positive attitudes toward suicidal patients.(4)The ED nurses who were elder, had more positive attitudes toward suicidal behavior, more general and emergency nursing experience, received training program about the care of patients with suicidal behavior, had lower difficulty to nurse the patient who made an attempt on her self’s life by cutting wrist.(5)Patient’s incorporative attitude, inadequate time and staffing were the major factors to induce the difficulty of nursing the patient with suicidal behavior.
The results of this study could be used for reference in providing the training
program for ED nurses to improve positive attitudes and reduce difficulties in nursing
interventions toward patients with suicidal behavior, thereby raising the level of
emergency nursing quality in the care of suicidal patients and their families.
第壹章 緒論
第一節 研究背景及重要性
第貳章 文獻查證
第一節 自殺問題之現況
第二節 急診護理人員在自殺防治的角色功能
第三節 醫護人員對自殺行為的態度及其影響因素
第四節 自殺個案的護理處置
第五節 急診室自殺個案之護理困難及其影響因素
第參章 研究架構與研究假設
第一節 研究架構
第二節 研究假設
第三節 名詞界定
第肆章 研究方法
第一節 研究對象
第二節 研究工具
第三節 研究工具之信度與效度檢測
第四節 研究步驟
第五節 資料分析
第伍章 研究結果
第一節 研究對象之基本屬性分布
第二節 急診護理人員對自殺行為的態度
第三節 急診室自殺個案與家屬之護理困難度
第四節 急診護理人員對自殺個案與家屬護理困難之主要原因
第五節 急診護理人員基本屬性與其對自殺行為的態度之關係
第六節 急診護理人員基本屬性與護理自殺個案及家屬困難度之關

第七節 急診護理人員對自殺行為的態度與護理自殺個案及家屬
第八節 急診護理人員對自殺個案及家屬護理困難度之預測因素
第陸章 討論
第一節 急診護理人員對自殺行為的態度
第二節 急診護理人員對自殺行為的態度之影響因素
第三節 急診室自殺個案與家屬之護理困難度
第四節 急診護理人員護理自殺個案與家屬的困難度之影響因素
第柒章 結論與建議
第一節 結論
第二節 研究限制
第三節 建議
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