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研究生(外文):Liao Shih-Yueh
論文名稱(外文):The Application of Low Energy Laser in the Caries of Children
指導教授(外文):Shien Tine-Yu
外文關鍵詞:PulpitisLow energy lasersMicrocirculationPermeability
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在研究中應用了低能量雷射即半導體(GaAlAs Diode)雷射器為主體經照射後齲齒之牙髓可產生生物刺激效應,及微循環學原理,使牙髓的微細血管通透性(Permeability)逐漸流通及功能改善,再更進而達到齒髓保存之價值。
在研究中發現前三組(經雷射治療之研究組),比起第四組(未經照射之對照組),反應良好的人數為多。而且在三組研究組中,照射兩次(間隔24小時)之第三組,又比照射一次(不同齒髓覆罩劑)之一、二組,有更顯著的效果,反應良好的人數也較多。同樣組員有30人且反應效果良好者,在照射兩次(研究組)佔29人(96.67%),傳統療法(對照組)佔19人(63.33%)。因此證實了選用適當機種之低能量雷射,有助於齒髓炎之恢復正常代謝功能。 本研究能成功降低乳牙根管治療之機率,或許可進一步應用到成人恆牙的齲齒治療。

The popularization of the dental caries of children is always in a certain gravity. Although such situation is now mollifying because of guidance and coordination of the related authorities. However it found, by means of the checkup of oral sanity, that many patients’ caries are very often to have delayed cure that is not only to cause the lost of treatment in time, and what is worse is to make their dental pulp more bad. From the start, it misses the significance end and object of earlier checkup, earlier cure to which the oral-cavity education is promoting.
This study is mainly based on the children of the third and forth Grade in a certain elementary school in Taichung City, those who are in infection of dental caries are of 382 students. After the parents of the children understanding the process of treatment, 120 students are seriously chosen from the 382 students, whose dentine zone eroded away are within(C2~C3), and their intention to treatment are higher. The dental caries of and then divided them into 4 divisions, 30 students/each division. Aiming at 2nd milk molar tooth, the former 3 divisions are set up to be research division, the forth one is of correlation division.
This study is making use of low energy laser that is (Ga AIAS, Diode) after laser machine (semi-conduct) radiating the dental pulp of dental caries may produce biotic effect and microcirculation principle and its function improved, furthermore, to achieve the value of dental pulp preservation.
In the process of the research, it found that the good reaction of people in former 3 divisions (research division cured with laser) are much more than the forth division’s (correlation division no radiated). Moreover, among 3 researching divisions, radiated twice (24h/each), the outstanding effect in the third division is better than the first and second division’s which were radiated one time (Different pulp capping agent), and the people in good reaction is much more than it as well, that means the difference between both divisions is as follows: 2-time radiation in one of the research divisions: there are 29 students among the said 30 students in good reaction (96.67%); as to the traditional treatment division (correlation division): there are 19 students among the said 30 students in good reaction (63.33%). Such situation has proved the selected to a proper laser machine in low energy is able to help to recover its metabolism of dental caries. This study could reduce successfully the rate of milk tooth root canal, it may be further to apply to the cure of adult’s permanent caries.

目 錄
中文摘要( Abstract )
第一章 緒論( Introduction ) 1
第一節 研究動機 1
第二節 研究的重要性 2
第三節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討(Literature Review)
第一節 齒髓症狀的探討 5
第二節 低能量雷射與微循環學作用機理的探討 7
第三節 雷射應用在齲齒預防之探討 8
第四節 國外文獻雷射應用在牙科相關研究之探討 10
第五節 國外文獻雷射應用在齒髓相關研究之探討 11
第三章 材料與方法( Materials and Methods ) 13
第一節 研究對象 13
第二節 研究樣本的大小 13
第三節 研究方法 15
第四節 研究工具與設計過程 15
第四章 結果( Results ) 18
第五章 討論( Discussion ) 21
參考文獻( References ) 28
附錄( Appendix ) 本研究之相關圖表 34

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