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研究生(外文):Jui Shien Chang
論文名稱(外文):A Survey for the Adults in Tai An .Miao Li About the Relationship Between Areca/betel Chewing, Cigarette Smoking,Alcohol Drinking And Impaired Liver Function
指導教授(外文):Yi-Hsin Yang
外文關鍵詞:areca/betel quid chewingcigarette smokingalcohol drinkingliver function
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為瞭解泰安鄉成年人檳榔嚼食、抽菸、喝酒、B、C型肝炎帶原之盛行率及檳榔、菸、酒、B、C型肝炎帶原情形與肝功能異常之相關性。本研究於民國九十年針對泰安鄉居民進行家庭訪視,及採血檢查肝功能等方式收集資料以完成調查。研究設計以抽樣方式,採分層多步驟集束抽樣調查法(stratified multi-stage cluster sampling),抽樣機率以等比隨機抽樣(probability proportional to size, PPS design),針對泰安鄉18歲以上成年人,依村里別、性別、年齡分層,抽取208位樣本後,以該鄉實際性別年齡人口數加權。其項目包括:嚼食檳榔、抽菸、喝酒生活狀態、健康狀況、肝功能檢查。同時以GOT大於40U/L、GPT大於40U/L,為本研究肝功能異常之指標。研究結果共回收問卷252份(血液資料208筆)。問卷輸入藉MS Access設計資料鍵入螢幕完成資料建當,以SAS統計軟體進行資料整理及JMP進行統計分析。
肝功能方面:GOT大於40U/L、GPT大於40U/L、GOT大於40U/L或GPT大於40U/L任一項之盛行率分別為49.8﹪、49.1﹪、54.9﹪;有無嚼食檳榔、檳榔嚼食顆數、年數均與肝功能異常無統計上顯著相關。居民性別、抽菸量、喝酒與GOT大於40U/L或GPT大於40U/L任一項有統計上顯著相關。探討肝功能異常在檳榔嚼食、抽菸、喝酒各項行為組合與、B、C型肝炎帶原相關性,結果發現:男性 GOT或GPT任一項異常相對危險性為女性2.10倍機率,B型肝炎帶原者肝功能異常相對危險性是沒有帶原者7.69倍機率,C型肝炎帶原者肝功能異常相對危險性是沒有帶原者16.16倍機率,同時有抽菸及喝酒者肝功能異常相對危險性為沒有嚼食檳榔、抽菸、喝酒者的2.94倍機率;其他各行為組合均無顯著相關。
關鍵字:嚼食檳榔(areca/betel quid chewing)、抽菸(cigarette smoking )、喝酒(alcohol drinking )、
肝功能( liver function)
A Survey for the Adults in Tai An, Miao Li
About the Relationship Between Areca/betel Chewing,Cigarette Smoking,Alcohol Drinking
and Impaired Liver Functions
The purpose of this survey is to investigate the prevalences of areca/betel quid chewing, smoking, drinking and hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus (positive) of the adults living in Tai An (泰安鄉) , and to study the relationship between areca (betel nuts), cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and impaired liver functions. This survey was conducted during the year of 2001. Sufficient data was collected through home investigations and blood samples to study the liver functions of the residents in Tai An. This study practiced a sampling design called stratified multi-stage cluster sampling. Its probability is based on the PPS design ( probability proportional to size ). This design was used specifically upon the 4280 adult residents (aged 18 or more) within Tai An. Classified by different areas, genders and ages, 208 samples were taken, consisting mostly of the real population in Tai An. These samples gave useful information, such as their behavior of areca/betel quid chewing, smoking, drinking, and the health conditions and liver functions of the residents. The study used GOT>40U/L and GPT>40U/L as indexes of impaired liver functions.
In the end of the survey, 252 copies of questionnaires were received ( 208 blood samples). The data was keyed into the program MS Access, and organized by SAS software, and the statistical analysis was conducted by JMP.
This study shows that the prevalences of areca/betel quid chewing, smoking and drinking are 26.60%, 51.22%, and 24.14%. They are directly connected with different genders, ages, degrees of education and careers. Males, from ages 35 to 49 , receiving only junior high school education, and without technique or a steady career possess the highest occurrence. The acquisition rates of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infection are 21.6% and 20.9%. They are greatly related with ages, smoking behavior, and the length of drinking.
Concerning impaired liver functions: the respective prevalence of GOT (+), GPT (+), [GOT or GPT (+) ] is 49.8%, 49.1%, and 54.9%. Areca/betel quid chewing, the frequency and the length of it
are not directly connected with impaired liver functions. The resident’s gender, the frequency of smoking, and drinking are greatly related with [GOT or GPT (+) ]. After studying the relative importance of areca/betel quid chewing, smoking, drinking combination behavior and the acquisition of hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus infection to the presence of impaired liver functions, we find that the odds ratio of [GOT or GPT (+) ] on males is 2.10 times higher than that on females. The odds ratio of impaired liver functions for hepatitis B virus carrier and for hepatitis C virus carrier are 7.69 times and 16.16 times higher than those who are not infected, respectively. The odds ratio for those who smoke and drink is
2.94 times higher than those who do not chew areca /betel quid, smoke or drink. Other permutations and combinations show no direct relationship.
Keyword:areca/betel chewing, cigarette smoking,alcohol drinking,
Impaired Liver Functions
目 錄
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景
第二節 研究目的
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 原住民健康狀況
第二節 國內肝病盛行情形和其對健康影響
第三節 國內外檳榔嚼食盛行情形和對健康影響
第四節 國內外抽菸、喝酒盛行情形和對健康影響
第五節 檳榔嚼食、抽菸、喝酒與肝臟疾病的相關性
第三章 材料與方法
第一節 研究對象、範圍
第二節 抽樣方法
第三節 資料收集方式
第四節 研究工具設計
第五節 資料分析
第四章 研究結果
第一節 基本人口學分佈情形
第二節 民眾嚼食檳榔情形與其他變項關係
第三節 民眾抽菸、喝酒和其他變項之關係
第四節 嚼食檳榔、抽菸、喝酒與自覺健康、全身疾病相關性
第五節 B、C型肝炎帶原與其他變項關係
第六節 肝功能GOT、GPT異常與其他變項關係
第七節 肝功能異常相關因素探討
第五章 結論與討論
第一節 檳榔嚼食、抽菸、喝酒之盛行情形與過去研究比較
第二節 檳榔嚼食、抽菸、喝酒之人口學特性與過去研究比較
第三節 B、C型肝炎帶原之盛行情形與過去研究比較
第四節 肝功能異常與檳榔嚼食、抽菸、喝酒、B、C型肝炎帶原之相關性
第五節 肝功能異常之相關因素多變項對數迴歸分析
第六章 建議
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