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研究生(外文):Hsieh Jing-Tsung
論文名稱(外文):Cost Effectiveness Analysis of the elderly Health Examination Program:Example of Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation Screening
指導教授(外文):Chiu Herng-Chia
外文關鍵詞:cost effectivenessatrial fibrillationincidence rateprevalence ratestroke
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關鍵詞:心房顫動(AF) 、成本效果、發生率、盛行率、腦中風
Background and Purpose: Elderly Health Examination Program(EHEP) has been carried out for many years. However, the utilization were just about 25~40%.Cost-
Effectiveness Analysis of EHEP was seldom discussed in Taiwan. Therefore, the major purposes of this study are to understand the prevalence and incidence rates of atrial fibrillation(AF) of the elderly who attended health examination program; furthermore, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis(CEA) was used to evaluate the cost and effectiveness of EKG AF screening with the example of stoke patients. This study aims to provide resource relocation reference to related institution in charge of health and social welfare policy decision- making of elderly.
Method: Elderly who attended 1996 -1999 Health Examination Program in one of the municipal hospital, sponsored by Kaohsiung City government and Bureau of National Health Insurance, were included in the study. Three hypothetical models for each prevalence and incidence were developed to evaluate the cost effectiveness in different conditions. Sensitivity analysis was used to evaluate effect of each estimation indicators on the cost effectiveness.
Results: The results indicated that prevalence rate of atrial fibrillation in 1996-1999 were 1.43﹪, 1.39﹪, 1.55﹪, and 1.11%, and incidence rate were 0.49%, 0.62%, and 0.33%. Conservative estimation as shown in Model 1, both of prevalence and incidence inferential models indicated that, each atrial fibrillation patient who had attended health examination not only saved NT$ 8,169~54,059, but also increased the life of 185 days. In model 3, ideal estimation, each atrial fibrillation patient who had attended health examination not only saved NT$77,456~123,347, but also increased the life of 482 days. According to the results of sensitivity analysis, cost effectiveness was sensitive to following estimation indicators: stroke rate in untreated elderly, proportions of stroke patients in home care, monthly average direct cost of nursing home, discount rate , and to compliance of medication.
Conclusion and Suggestion: The prevalence and incidence rates of atrial fibrillation of the elderly who attended health examination program are lower than those of general elderly group of Westerners, and EHEP of AF screening with treatment is cost-effective for stroke prophylaxis. The implications of the results can be useful for health and social welfare policy relate to the elderly. This study suggests more promotion for the health examination program of the elderly is critical to maximizing its cost effectiveness. Scheduled education programs, before and after health examination, are also essential for atrial fibrillation patients who should seek for treatment and keep compliant for a lower incidence rate of stroke.
Key Word: atrial fibrillation, cost effectiveness, incidence, prevalence, stroke
目 錄
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究的重要性 3
第三節 研究目的 5
第四節 預期貢獻 6
第五節 名詞界定 7
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 AF盛行率 9
第二節 AF發生率 10第三節 AF治療費用與腦中風醫療費用 11
第四節 AF治療與未治療中風的發生率與死亡率 13
第五節 成本效果分析法 14
第六節 AF患者預防腦中風之成本效果分析 16
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構 22
第二節 研究假設 28
第三節 研究對象與資料來源 28
第四節 研究變項定義 36
第五節 資料分析 38
第四章 研究結果
第一節 AF盛行率與發生率 40
第二節 盛行率推估模式之成本效果 44
第三節 發生率推估模式之成本效果 50
第五章 討論與建議
第一節 討論 58
第二節 建議 63
第三節 研究限制 64
參考文獻 65
圖 表 目 錄
表2-1 AF盛行率與發生率之文獻摘要 19
表2-2 治療與未治療中風的發生率與死亡率之文獻摘要 20
表2-3 AF患者預防腦中風成本效果分析之文獻摘要 21
表3-1 AF患者平均每月門診醫療費用估算表 31
表3-2 腦中風患者平均每人之住院醫療費用 32
表3-3 死於腦中風者平均每人之醫療費用 33
表3-4 AF篩檢成本效果分析採用之數據 34
表3-5 治療與未治療中風的發生率與死亡率之試驗結果摘要 35
表4-1 85-88年度高雄市某市立醫院老人健檢參檢者分佈情形 41
表4-2 85-88年度高雄市某市立醫院老人健檢參檢者AF分佈情形 41
表4-3 85-88年參檢者之retention rate 43
表4-4 85-88年某市立醫院老人健檢參檢者AF新個案分佈情形 43
表4-5 盛行率推估模式之成本效果摘要 45
表4-6 盛行率推估模式MODEL1與MODEL3之成本效果比較 46
表4-7 盛行率推估模式的成本效果敏感度分析 48
表4-8 發生率推估模式之成本效果摘要 51
表4-9 盛行率推估模式MODEL1與MODEL3之成本效果比較 52
表4-10 發生率推估模式的成本效果敏感度分析 54
圖3-1 盛行率推估模式之費用評估架構圖 24
圖3-2 發生率推估模式之費用評估架構圖 25
圖3-3 盛行率推估模式之效果評估架構圖 26
圖3-4 發生率推估模式之效果評估架構圖 27
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