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研究生(外文):Ming-Tang Hsueh
論文名稱(外文):Periodontal and Prosthetic Management for Periodontitis Cases
指導教授(外文):Chi-Cheng Tseng; PhD.
外文關鍵詞:periodontal regenerationbone regenerationosseointergratedperiodontal-prosthetic.
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In the last two decades, comprehensive dentistry has seen a breakthrough and wide spread use of periodontal and bone regeneration, included nonabsorbable and absorbable regenerative membrane, periodontal plastic surgery, and osseointergated implant assisted oral reconstruction. Both the esthetics and functions of the final construction can be dramatically enhanced using theses techniques, but success is dependent on precise planning and execution.
Long-term success in periodontal-prosthetic treatment depends on case design that is influenced by the number and location of periodontally healthy abutment teeth, sound occlusal concepts, and maintenance therapy. This goal can best be achieved with a team approach that includes the periodontist and general practitioner or prosthodontist, and which may be expanded to involve the endodontist, orthodontist, and oral surgeon.
This clinical thesis included 9 periodontal -prosthetic cases that had the standard therapeutic sequence and the surgery of GTR or GBR with regenerative membranes, or dental implant surgery and all clinical outcomes were good.

I、 前言:
II、 臨床病例報告:
壹、 牙周─引導骨再生術(GBR)─補綴贗復(使用Gore-Tex® 再生膜)
貳、 牙周─引導組織再生術(GTR);(使用Vicryl® 再生膜)
參、 牙周─瓣膜翻開牙根刮平術─補綴贗復(使用改良式C.S.C.假牙及固定假牙贗復)
肆、 牙周─單一植體植入─補綴贗復(單一牙冠)
伍、 牙周─牙科矯正─游離牙齦移植手術─補綴贗復(固定牙橋)
陸、 牙周─牙根平整數─補綴贗復(固定牙橋及可撤式活動假牙)
柒、 牙周─多顆植體植入─引導骨再生術(GBR)─補綴贗復(固定牙橋);(使用Gore-Tex® 再生膜)
捌、 牙周─引導骨再生術(GBR)─補綴贗復(第一次使用BioOss®+Capset®,第二次使用Unigraft®+PeriAid®再生膜)
玖、 牙周─引導骨再生術(GBR)─補綴贗復(使用HA+Vicryl® 再生膜)
Part I-GTR 與GBR之探討
Part II-牙周整形與黏膜牙齦手術─游離牙齦移植術
Part III-牙科種植體周圍炎(Peri-implantitis)的治療策略
Part IV-贗復補綴
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