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研究生(外文):Min-Hsin Hung
論文名稱(外文):The Relationship Between 「the Chief and the Subordinate Relationship Degree of the Subordinate Consciousness」and 「Similar Degree of Turnover Intention」
指導教授(外文):Tung-Hsuan Wan
外文關鍵詞:the Relationship between the Chief and the SubordinateSimilarity of Turnover IntentionTurnover IntentionLeader-Member Exchange.
  • 被引用被引用:4
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This study hope to understand the relationship between 「the chief and the subordinate relationship degree of the subordinate consciousness」and 「similar degree of turnover intention」and which whether are affected by the person and organization each item factor of the subordinate consciousness.
Result show the chief and the subordinate have good relationship, although it have favorable to decrease the subordinate’s turnover intention, but it could happen when the chief choose turnover, it is easy to happen the chief and the subordinate choose common turnover. Finally the study suggest that the organization should to plan related policy to remain persons of talent of the business; otherwise the relationship between 「the chief and the subordinate relationship degree of the subordinate consciousness」and 「similar degree of turnover intention」are not affected by the person and organization each item factor of the subordinate consciousness.
第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2研究目的-------------- ----------------------------------------------------------4
1.3研究流程------------------- -----------------------------------------------------5
第二章 文獻探討-------------------- ----------------------------------------7
2.1離職------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------7
2.2離職傾向一致性------------------------------ -------------------------------12
第三章 研究方法---------------------------------------------------- ------29
3.1研究架構---------------------------------- ------------------------------------29
3.2研究假設---------------------------------- ------------------------------------31
3.3問卷設計----------------------------------- -----------------------------------33
3.4研究對象--------------------------------- -------------------------------------38
3.5資料分析方法--------------------------- -------------------------------------40
第四章 研究結果------------------------------------------------------------------43
4.2研究變數間的相關分析------------------------------ ---------------------52
4.3研究假設實證分析---------------------------------- -----------------------56
第五章 結論與建議-------------------------------------------------------70
附錄一:主管問卷-------------------------------------------------------------- ------75
附錄二:部屬問卷----------------------------------------- ---------------------------76
參考文獻---------------------------------------------------- -----------------79
圖1-1 本文研究流程-----------------------------------------------------------------6
圖2-1 離職行為的分類--------------------------------------------------------------9
圖2-2 集體離職的方式-------------------------------------------------------------14
圖2-3 LMX理論發展階段---------------------------------------------------------18
圖2-4 LMX發展過程模型---------------------------------------------------------22
圖3-1 本文研究架構----------------------------------------------------------------30
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