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研究生(外文):Michelle Hsiao
論文名稱(外文):The Reseach of the Internet Bank and International Capital Transfer
指導教授(外文):Jian-Sen HuangJenho Peter Ou
外文關鍵詞:Internet bankingElectronic cashflowInternational electronic capital transfer
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研究生: 蕭聖文 指導教授: 黃建森 博士
歐仁和 博士
關鍵詞: 網路銀行、網路金流、國際電子資金移轉
The Reseach of the Internet Bank and International Capital Transfer
Student: Michelle Hsiao Advisor: Dr. Jian-Sen Huang
Dr. Jenho Peter Ou
In the past few years, internet and intranet-supported services have been improving dramatically. As a result, computer technology and communication skills merged to form new internet products. As online banking and international electronic capital transferring businesses combine, international capital transfer shall improve more rapidly and spread with no limits.
Recently however, some foreign financial software companies start to provide on-line payment system, which not only offers e-solution for complex international trade process but also provides safe and effective clearing mchanism. This revolutionary change has brought, although not directly affecting our clearing system, a lot of aspects for our banking authorities and banking industry to ponder over.
At this stage of financial reform, we have tried to learn and understand the integrated model of new payment and clearing system. We hope we can provide our banking authorities who now facing fast changing global banking environment useful information to plan and prepare the establishment of the best international funds clearing system for Taiwan’s banking institutions. In addition, we hope we can help our banking industry set up a thorough system for current capital transfer mechanism by using new technologies, hence constructing a better electronic banking environment.
Our conclusion: we believe our banking authorities, the banking industry itself, and the academia should work closely together for the construction of suitable transaction environment for international electronic capital transfer through internet banking, so that we can enhance our competitiveness and improve business strength. Our conclusion is summarized as below:
1. The blooming of internet virtual banks should be a trend in the future. In terms of profitability and security, the performance of pure internet virtual banks in western countries is still far from satisfaction. We believe at present we should still follow international trends of incorporating reality and virtuality in order to build sound internet environment for exchange of funds.
2. Under current inevitable trend of global e-banking, we must seek new management concepts and skills to break the barriers and problems of international electronic capital transfer through internet banking. This will then let us improve our financial strength and adapt to new financial environment, and enhance our competitiveness further.
3. Based on current capital transfer pattern of Taiwan’s banking industry, we should introduce the skills and concepts of related innovative western internet banking services so as to further develop feasible pattern of international capital transfer through internet banking for Taiwan.
4. Technology should never be apart from human nature. The key point is how to meet the demand of human nature and make everyone embrace new technology. We believe in the years to come the trend for humanized banking which incorporates traditional and internet banking will still remain.
5. Banks should develop more financial planning, personal banking or VIP centers, and their marketing strategies for internet banking should be broadly connected from s single point to the entire area.
Keywords: Internet banking、Electronic cashflow、International electronic capital transfer
目 錄
論文口試委員審定書…………………………………………… …..II
誌 謝……..…………………………………………………….…..IV
目 錄………………………………………………………………..VII
第一章 緒言
第一節 研究背景及動機………………………………………2
第二節 研究目的與方法 …………………………………….4
第三節 研究範圍與限制…………………..…………………6
第四節 研究流程與架構…………..…………………………7
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 國內文獻…………………………………………….10
第二節 國外文獻…………………………………………….17
第三章 網路銀行國際電子資金移轉之發展
第一節 傳統銀行與網路銀行國際電子資金分析………….22
第二節 網路銀行與國際電子資金移轉之結合…………….25
第三節 國際電子資金之需求種類及應用層面…………….27
第四節 電子支付系統與電子貨幣…………………………. 29
第四章 網路銀行國際電子資金移轉之瓶頸
第一節 網際網路之交易安全、相關稅法與法令規章…….34
第二節 銀行導入網際網路國際電子資金移轉服務之盲點.42
第三節 網路國際電子資金移轉之風險及匯率議價問題….44
第四節 國際資金清算中心缺乏與支付工具整合困難……..46
第五章 台灣網路銀行資金移轉可行之模式
第一節 現行台灣金融業資金移轉之模式………………….47
第二節 創新國際電子資金移轉網路化之解決方案……….50
第三節 台灣網路銀行資金移轉可行之模式………………..57
第六章 台灣銀行因應國際電子資金移轉網路化之願景
第一節 落實三層次策略規劃降低交易風險……………….64
第二節 善用人文知識增進資訊科技新知………………….67
第三節 結合傳統銀行與網際網路開創利基……………….69
第七章 結論與建議
第一節 結論………………………………………………….75
第二節 建議…..…………………………………………….77
第三節 研究貢獻……………………………………………..79
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