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研究生(外文):Shen Wan
論文名稱(外文):Correlation between Social Changes and Advertising DevelopmentsIn Taiwan During the Past 40 years
指導教授(外文):Cheng,Tzn LeongKau, Shaw-Fawn
外文關鍵詞:Social ChangesAdvertising DevelopmenAdvertising Expenditure
  • 被引用被引用:6
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摘 要
研究結果發現,台灣過去四十年來的社會變遷中與廣告量影響深遠的因素, 以「逐步迴歸」分析所得之結果是「經濟因素」影響力最大。同時,經濟變遷與廣告發展更是息息相關。
關鍵字:社會變遷 廣告發展 廣告量
Correlation between Social Changes and Advertising Developments
In Taiwan During the Past 40 years
The past forty years have frequently witnessed social changes in Taiwan. This research is aimed at uncovering those important social-economical factors, which are closely correlated with Taiwan’s advertising progress. The researcher, adopting a multi-dimensional approach, carefully analyzed from local publications the evolution of Taiwan’s history; employed stepwise regression method to explore the correlation between Taiwan’s advertising expenditure and social changes during the period from 1962-2001, and furthermore, conducted repeated in-depth interviews, on the same subject, with local advertising scholars and practitioners.
This research, it must be emphasized, especially examine those significant factors such as during the above-mentioned period. For those factors represent Taiwan’s advertising experience, foretell the trend of Taiwan’s future advertising, also conform to the viewpoints of both advertising academies and experts. In fact, the accurate data being gathered from the stepwise regression method confirm the hypnosis of this research, that is, social changes and advertising developments are closely correlated.
The findings of this research, especially yielded from the stepwise regression method, can be summarized as follows: (1)social changes influenced Taiwan’s advertising developments during the past four decades, and (2)among those influential factors, the economic ones played the predominant role in the process of advertising developments.
Finally, the in-depth interviews conducted for this research, though qualitative in nature, have begotten several variables:(1)economics may increase or decrease advertising expenditure, (2)politic may manipulate the direction of economic policies, as well as interfere with advertising creativity, notably in the aspect of production(either print or broadcast), and also provide more advertising media, (3)technology may upgrade quality of advertising, change the production and broadcasting of advertising in different way. Also(4) education and culture, in addition to strengthening the competitive edge of a country, vitalize general economic activities, and also influence advertising creativity. But, the more important is: all those variables either influence or affect local advertising developments.
Keywords: Social Changes, Advertising Development, Advertising Expenditure
目 錄
摘 要
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 廣告發展沿革
一、 台灣廣告 3
二、 美國廣告 7
第二節 社會變遷之意涵
一、 社會變遷 11
二、 社會變遷與經濟、政治及文教之關聯 12
三、 台灣的社會變遷 13
第三節 廣告量 14
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究方法及變數說明 16
第二節 統計迴歸模與型深度訪談簡介 19
第三節 研究假說與問題 23
第四章 研究發現
第一節 從台灣社會變遷探討廣告發展過程 24
第二節 探討影響廣告量的主要因素
一、 廣告量及其影響變素 35
二、 迴歸分析 41
第三節 展望未來廣告發展趨勢 44
第五章 研究結論與建議
第一節 研究結論 52
第二節 研究建議 62
參考書目 63
附錄 72
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