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研究生(外文):Nien-Tzu Wang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Using Knowledge Management on Value Migration and Marketing Strategies
指導教授(外文):Yih-Ping Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Knowledge ManagementValue MigrationMarketing Strategy
  • 被引用被引用:3
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How enterprise was survival at Information age?it depends on his intellectual property and transfer to useful enterprise knowledge,it merge those to organization internal learning mechanism,it make organization knowledge disseminate to ability;in other words,Enterprise can not dominate information,it has to disseminate and make use of knowledge to make it become competitive advantage。 By manipulate with produce、storage and strategy of knowledge management,organization internal experience and technical broker industrial knowledge to come into knowledge management systems,Enterprise put to use innovative strategy to discover organization innovative activities,it make enterprise value growth through challenge of organizational migration。
Enterprise should apply his ability,to ascertain future direction and cope with new situation and future direction。Enterprise value growth with enter to extensive market regions,product and service can in keeping with customer needs,so;organization migration challenge take effect need more than one kind of knowledge,it combine different industrial knowledge from technical broker to increase organization innovation。
In recent years,advertise and promotion activities of marketing combination have change intensive。 Except advertise,more expenditure are make use of marketing communication,it called Integrated Marketing Communication。It depends on organization internal knowledge transformation and sharing,it produce marketing strategy relative activities。
This study attempt to focus Information Technology channel industry, it should increase value growth with organization migration model and technical broker to intensive knowledge system;with marketing strategy activity to transfer organization knowledge to share customer and achieve to products promotion and sale。
第一章 緒  論
第一節 研究背景與動機
第二節 研究目的
第三節 研究方法與步驟
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 組織創新
第二節 組織價值
第三節 行銷策略
第四節 知識及知識管理
第五節 知識管理的策略及活動
第六節 技術仲介
第七節 知識管理及行銷策略
第三章 實證個案的現況描述及分析
第一節 個案組織說明
第二節 個案問卷分析說明
第三節 個案公司訪談說明
第四節 個案公司現況彙總
第四章 實證個案對未來轉型的規劃及分析
第一節 企業價值轉型
第二節 價值轉型與知識管理
第三節 行銷策略與知識管理
第五章 建議與結論
第一節 建議與結論
第二節 後續研究方向
第三節 研究限制
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