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研究生(外文):Sheng-Iang Lin
論文名稱(外文):Political Economy of Venture Capital in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Szu-Yin Ho
外文關鍵詞:stateTaiwanese venture capitalTVCApolicyinstitutioninteractive relationship
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摘 要
本文主要透過制度分析途徑檢視創業投資事業(venture capital)在台灣的發展歷程,探討國家、創投業與創投公會各自所扮演的角色,以及彼此間互動制度之形成、發展與變遷的過程。文中將台灣創業投資事業的發展分為三個階段,萌芽期、創建期、成長期,以探討不同階段中國家角色與創投業的動態演變。從對這三個時期的觀察,我們可以發現,國家與創投業關係的演變,是以漸進、有脈絡可循的模式進行。
1990年到1994年,是創投業的創建期。國內外政經情勢的扭轉,以及創投公會的成立,都刺激創投政策的調整,對台灣創投制度產生結構性的影響。雖然創投業在創建期的實力尚未建立,國家與創投仍處於不對等的地位,但創投公會凝聚了創投業者的力量,成為創投業者向國家爭取權益的正式管道,並奠定國家與創投業間的良性溝通機制。即使公會的功能會受限於創投業當時的成長規模,然透過各種正式、非正式活動的交流,亦能扮演居間仲介的關鍵角色。簡言之,公會身兼雙重身份:一為集體創投業者的代表,有匯整業者意見、向主管機關表達意見、爭取業者權益和參與政策協商等任務。另一則為承辦國家委託業務的半官方機構,協助國家輔導創投發展,傳達相關的施政措施。於是,藉由公會的協助,創投業逐漸有能力向國家提出各種要求。而國家也開始評估業者的反映,小幅放寬各項對於創投業的限制。此時,國家角色轉變為民主指導(tutelary democracy)。
Since Taiwanese venture capital (VC) was formally introduced from Silicon Valley in 1983, it has played a role of policy instrument in supporting Taiwan''s high-tech industry. Owing to impressive growth, Taiwanese VC has drawn more and more attention from people around the world for the past several years. And studies concerned with Taiwanese VC have centered around: (1) VC''s investing strategies; (2) the interactive tactics of the VC and invested companies; (3) the process and performance of VC''s investment. However, academic researches on the link between Taiwanese VC and the state have remained intact.
Thus, this research is devoted to empirical and theoretical examinations of the relationship between Taiwanese VC and the state. To tackle this issue, the role of Taiwan Venture Capital Association (TVCA)-a medium mechanism of the relationship is an inevitable kernel of exploration. Further more, because the development of Taiwanese VC used to be conducted by the Regulations Governing Venture Capital Investment Enterprises, through which the state exerted dual strategies-enforcing constraints and providing incentives. So I shall also focus on how these strategies controlled Taiwanese VC''s behavior as well as the reaction of Taiwanese VC.
According to variable political and economic circumstances, the development of Taiwanese VC is divided into three stages: embryonic stage (1982-1989), building stage (1990-1994), and thriving stage (1995- ), individually. In respective stage, the study compares the changes of the roles of the state, the VC and TVCA. Moreover, this study adopts the research approach of new institutionalism to construct a framework of institutional analysis. It helps to exam the specific interactive connection among the state, the VC and TVCA, how it was built and the process of its dynamic evolution in different stages. The background materials of the thesis came from various documents, periodicals, web data and personal interviews, etc.
Scrutinizing the analytic framework can realize that the state, Taiwanese VC and TVCA possess particular resources, and have convertible impacts on each other. Besides, under different circumstances, each stage demonstrated distinct interactive institution. It means that when the resources varied with time, the state always adjusted its leverage with VC, and TVCA transformed itself to catalyze the change of the relationship between the state and the VC. As a result, with the decreasing interference of the state, the Regulations Governing Venture Capital Investment Enterprises was finally abolished in 2001, and the Taiwanese VC turned from a policy instrument to a freewheeler. In other words, the state and TVCA have played pivotal roles in the development of Taiwanese VC. Briefly speaking, by means of the framework of institutional analysis, we can inspect the subject in terms of macro (the state)-, meso (TVCA)-, and micro (the VC)- angles at the same time. Additionally, the framework elucidates not only the static facets but also the dynamic evolution of the interactive institution composed by the three actors.
目 次
第一章 緒論………………………………………………………………1
第一節 創投業、高科技產業與國家經濟競爭…………………………2
第二節 創業投資事業發展特性…………………………………………5
第三節 比較他國創業投資事業…………………………………………13
第四節 問題的提出與論文架構…………………………………………24
第二章 制度架構的建立與發展…………………………………………27
第一節 政經關係與經濟發展之論辯……………………………………28
第二節 創業投資事業網絡結構…………………………………………36
第三節 國家介入創投的背景因素………………………………………39
第四節 結論………………………………………………………………48
第三章 萌芽期(1982∼1989)…………………………………………51
第一節 國家主導的產業發展模式………………………………………51
第二節 政府對創投業的管制與鼓勵……………………………………62
第三節 萌芽期創投業的發展狀況………………………………………76
第四節 結論:國家與創投業的關係……………………………………79
第四章 創建期(1990∼1994)…………………………………………83
第一節 國家角色的轉變…………………………………………………83
第二節 公會的成立………………………………………………………93
第三節 創建期創投業的發展概況………………………………………98
第四節 結論:國家與創投業的對話……………………………………103
第五章 成長期(1995∼)………………………………………………107
第一節 跳躍式成長的創業投資事業……………………………………107
第二節 國家:由主導轉為輔導…………………………………………111
第三節 公會的成長………………………………………………………122
第四節 結論:國家與創投業關係的轉變………………………………127
第六章 結論………………………………………………………………129
第一節 制度的建立與變遷………………………………………………129
第二節 未來研究方向……………………………………………………132
參考文獻 …………………………………………………………………135
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1. 彭若青。1999。創投公司高科技產業的幕後推手。管理雜誌,第309期。頁46 - 48。
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4. 傅寧。1997。台灣創投未來發展的幾點個觀察。能力雜誌,十二月號。頁 52-53。
5. 杜英儀。2000。台灣創投事業發展現況與瓶頸。經濟前瞻,九月號。頁90—94。
6. 李國鼎。1992。金融政策與金融體制之演變。自由中國之工業,十二月號。頁1- 19。
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