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研究生(外文):Li-ru Chen
論文名稱(外文):Border Crossing: Re/Presentation, Subversion and Identity in Nadine Gordimer's My Son's Story
指導教授(外文):Chien-chi Liu
外文關鍵詞:representationmimicrythe third/liminal spaceidentitysubversionmirror stage
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<<吾兒故事>>是葛蒂瑪第一本以非白人的敘事觀點寫成◦她一方面以有色人種的革命家庭為縮影‚揭示南非種族隔離社會中‚少數族裔的困境◦ 另一方面‚她質疑男性觀點下女性形象再現的偏頗‚突顯非白人女性再殖民統治及父權宰制下的顛覆力量‚並描繪跨種族之認同心理◦藉此,葛蒂瑪呈現了多元文化中跨越界線的可能◦ 葛蒂瑪超越了種族及性別觀點的限制‚將她慣用的白女性觀點轉為非白人的男性觀點‚以突顯非白人革命社群中的內部問題◦正如她之前的小說‚<<吾兒故事>>不僅呈現了南非的轉變和她自己寫作策略的改變‚更標明了葛蒂瑪處理非白人議題時‚跳脫白人觀點的新里程碑◦
My Son’s Story is Nadine Gordimer’s tenth novel but is her first novel narrated in the nonwhite perspective. Gordimer uses a colored revolutionary family as a microcosm in the apartheid society to unveil the dilemma and predicament of the in-between men and women in South African apartheid. In the colored male’s narrative, Gordimer attempts to interrogate the partial and problematic representation of South African women, to highlight the oppression and subversion of the nonwhite women dominated by colonial and patriarchal authority and to scrutinizes the psychic desire of the interracial relationship between a colored man and a white feminist. In this novel, Gordimer presents a possibility of the boundary crossing in the multiracial and multicultural South Africa through the story of the colored family. My thesis aims to tackle the problems of the representation of South African women in masculine narrative, the subversion of the oppressed, and the identities of the in-between people.
The main body of the thesis consists of three parts. First, I will explore Gordimer’s new narrative strategies and objectives in the novel. Second, I will probe how these marginal and oppressed people break silence to articulate their resistance to the colonial and patriarchal domination in the apartheid society. Third, I will investigate the process of the quest for identities of the in-between people and their transgression.
In My Son’s Story, Gordimer keeps her concern about anti-apartheid revolution and about the oppression of the in-between groups and women oppression. She breaks through the racial and gender limits of perspectives and shifts her typical white female perspective to a nonwhite male to uncover the inner problems of the nonwhite revolutionary community through a colored family. Like her pervious novels, My Son’s Story represents the transition of South Africa. Through the novel, her transformation in writing strategy also marks her new start to look beyond her white perspective while dealing with the issue of the nonwhite in apartheid.
Table of Contents
Chinese Abstract………………………………………………………iv
English Abstract……………………………………………………….v
Chapter I Introduction…………………………..…………………1
Chapter II The Problematic Re/Presentation of Women in Masculine Narrative………………………………………………… 24
Chapter III Subversion: From Silence-breaking to Resistance
Chapter IV Between Black and White: A Quest for Identity
Chapter V Conclusion >.…………………………………………97
Works Cited ……...………………………………………………….104
Works Cited
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