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研究生(外文):MingChieh Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The Determinants of Short-Term Expected Stock Returns in Taiwan: Market Sentiment v.s. Fundamental Value
外文關鍵詞:merket sentimentfundamentalthe predictability
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This article investigates the forecasting power of market sentiment over the stock return in Taiwan stock market. To study the predictability of the stock return, the “real-time” forecasting model suggested by Pesaran and Timmermann (1995) is used to compute one-step-ahead forecasts of excess stock return in a recursive fashion. We not only evaluate the explanatory power of the fundamental variables but also exploit that of the variables about investor’s psychology in predicting the stock’s excess return. Our empirical result suggests that the indicators of both stream variables are in a close relation with the market excess returns. The forecasting performance would be deeply influenced not only by the political unsettlement but also business cycle.
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