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外文關鍵詞:solvencyregulationsearnings managementdiscretionary accruals
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在研究設計上,為捕捉各類操縱財務報表的淨影響,本研究採用總裁量性應計項目作為代理變數。在所有可用的裁量性應計項目估計模型中,研究指出Modified Jones模型顯示了相對較強的檢定力(Dechow et al. 1995)。因此本研究援引Modified Jones模型估計裁量性應計數字。其次,將該模型析出的裁量性應計數字與各類監理門檻距離組成一迴歸模型,以測試其關聯性強弱。實證結果如下:一、在產險業,保單持有人盈餘與實收資本之45%的距離愈小者,其盈餘管理幅度愈大。二、壽險業比較沒有利用裁量性應計項目來達到監理標準的動機。但依公司規模來看,大小公司行為仍有所差異,即相較於大公司,小公司利用裁量性應計項目來達到監理標準的動機較為強烈。根據本文實證研究結論,建議監理機關與被保險人應特別注意產險業及小壽險公司的財務狀況,並確認其清償能力之品質。
This paper examined whether insurance companies have incentives to manipulate accounting accruals to appear more solvent and less risky. In Taiwan, virtually all industries are regulated to some degree, but insurance industry faces regulatory monitoring that is explicitly tied to accounting data. Insurance regulators required that insurers meet conditions for minimum financial health. It is frequency asserted that such regulations create incentives to manipulate financial statement to avoid regulatory intervention The primary hypothesis of this paper is that the incentive to manipulate financial statement is a decreasing function of the insurers’ difference between policyholders’ surplus and 45% of capital. This paper assumes that insurance managers use their reporting discretion to achieve solvency goal and avoid exceeding investment limits. Following Healy (1985), accruals-based measures are wide employed in test of earnings management hypothesis. In the past, the most frequency used techniques for estimating discretionary accruals are the cross-sectional versions of the modified Jones model. In this paper, the magnitude of earnings management is proxied by the discretionary accruals which are estimated by using a cross-sectional version of the modified Jones model and regressed by three differences of regulatory requirements which measure the insurers’ behavior under the regulation. The evidence indicates that when policyholders’ surplus of property-casualty insurers is closer to 45% of capital, the incentive to manipulate financial statement is stronger. On the other hand, life insurers have less incentive to manipulate financial statement, but relative to big size insurers, small size insurers have stronger incentive to meet regulatory requirements.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………………………1
第二節 研究問題……………………………………………………5
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 盈餘管理動機之研究………………………………………7
第二節 裁量性應計項目衡量方法……………………………….15
第三節 保險會計理論與實務…………………………………….22
第四節 保險公司盈餘管理之研究……………………………….32
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究假說………………………………………………….36
第二節 研究設計………………………………………………….39
第三節 變數衡量………………………………………………….43
第四節 資料來源與樣本選取…………………………………….49
第四章 實證結果與分析
第一節 敘述性統計……………………………………………….52
第二節 監理動機與盈餘管理關聯性分析……………………….59
第三節 敏感性分析……………………………………………….71
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 實證結果彙總與結論…………………………………….74
第二節 研究限制與建議………………………………………….76
附錄一 本研究相關保險法民國90年7月增修後新舊條文
對照表……………………………………………………… 85
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