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外文關鍵詞:financingpreferred stockprice spread
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With the change of economic environment and the loose regulation of law for financing ways, firms have many choices of financing, and preferred stock is an alternative. This study examines, during 1985-2001 for a sample of preferred stocks in Taiwan Stock Exchange, what firm is appropriate for issuing preferred stock and what type of preferred stock has higher value. By studying the factors that determine the issuance of preferred stock and that affect price spread between common stock and preferred stock, the empirical result could be used for decision-making of firms and investors.
In the factors of determining the issuance of preferred stock, we find that financial position and capital structure could indeed affect the firm’s decision of whether to issue preferred stock or not. When firms are in weaker financial position, they are inclined to finance by issuing preferred stock to avoid worse financial structure. Besides, when firms that have debt ratio higher than the average levels of industry, they are not likely to finance by issuing additional debt to make the debt ratio even higher. On the other hand, empirical evidence does not support the tax benefit hypothesis. By the advanced analysis of preferred stock and common stock, the empirical result shows that firms with weaker financial position or with higher potential growth are more inclined to issue preferred stock.
As for the price spread between common stock and preferred stock, preferred stock with convertible right or stock dividend provisions, which give the preferred stockholders additional rights, tend to have higher stock price. In addition, when the market liquidity and the volatility of common stock returns are relatively higher, the preferred stock of the corresponding firms tends to have lower stock price. However, the coefficients of the variables about approval provision and dividend rate on common stock have signs contradictory to the prediction. The reasons may be that the approval provision (APR) and the return of preferred stock (RET_PS) are significantly positively correlated. Therefore, when APR is smaller, RET_PS is also lower, leading to worse preferred stock price. As for the stock dividend rate (ST_D), since the preferred stock price may have risen with the common stock price, higher ST_D may on the contrary leads to higher preferred stock price.
目 錄
第一章 緒論 ..................................1
第一節 研究動機與目的 .........................2
第二節 研究問題 ..............................4
第三節 論文架構 ..............................6
第二章 特別股的簡介 ..........................7
第一節 特別股的特性 ..........................7
第二節 特別股、普通股和公司債之比較 ................11
第三節 各家發行條件綜合比較 ................14
第三章 文獻探討 ..................................18
第一節 發行特別股的原因與目的 ................18
第二節 特別股發行之決定因素 ................19
第三節 普通股與特別股價差因素 ................23
第四章 研究方法 ..................................27
第一節 研究假說 ..................................27
第二節 實證模式 ..................................33
第三節 變數衡量 ..................................35
第四節 資料來源與樣本選取 .........................41
第五章 實證結果與分析 ........................43
第一節 變數基本統計描述 ........................43
第二節 發行特別股決定因素之實證結果 ...............50
第三節 影響普通股與特別股價差模型之實證結果 ......58
第六章 結論與建議 .................................62
第一節 研究結論 .................................62
第二節 研究限制 .................................64
第三節 研究建議 .................................64
參考文獻 ..........................................66
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