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研究生(外文):Ming-Feng Hung
論文名稱(外文):Three Essays on the Economics of Pollution Control
指導教授(外文):Daigee Shaw
外文關鍵詞:Command and controlCap and tradeEmission feeTax-allowance subsidyTrading-ratio systemEffluent tradingEnvironmental Kuznet curvesimultaneity model
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本論文包含三篇有關汙染防治議題之經濟論文。其中,第一篇與第二篇論文從理論面與實務面,分析、比較汙染防治之相關政策工具,並針對水汙染防治問題設計一套新的排放交易制度。第三篇論文則利用台灣地區空氣汙染等相關資料,對台灣之經濟成長和環境品質間的互動關係進行探討,實證檢驗環境顧志耐曲線假說(environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis),以及探討政策工具的汙染防制成效。各篇論文均有其政策意涵與建議。
在第一篇論文中,研究主題是台灣地區空氣汙染防制政策的演化以及其評價。過去五年來,台灣地區城市的空氣品質已經逐漸改善,部分的原因歸功於1995年開始執行的空氣汙染防制費計畫,在此之前,傳統的行政管制方式(command and control)以及汙染防制補貼是主要的空氣汙染防制工具。空氣汙染防制法於1999年初修訂,在諸多修訂中,總量管制排放交易制度是最重要的一項,而先執行空汙費再採用總量管制排放交易制度是台灣特有的經驗。本文即從經濟學以及公共選擇理論的觀點,比較行政管制、汙染防制補貼、空氣汙染防制費,以及總量管制排放交易四種汙染管制工具,並且分析其演化的過程以及各利益團體在汙染防制政策中所扮演的角色。
在第二篇論文中,探討的主題是水汙染總量管制排放交易制度之設計,我們利用「水往低處流」的特性,設計一套交易比制度 (trading-ratio system) 。此交易比制度具備三項特性:(1) 預先扣除上游下流之汙染量,設定分區排放量上限;(2)交易比等於外生之轉移係數(transfer coefficient)的倒數;(3)汙染源依據交易比,自由交易排放許可證。我們證明此交易比制度不只可以考量汙染排放的位置效果,也可以用最小的總汙染防治成本達成既定的水質標準,並且能避免熱點 (hot spots) 和坐享其成者 (free rider) 的問題。此外,相對於其他既有之排放交易制度,此制度對汙染源以及環境管制者所造成的交易成本較低。
在第三篇論文中,研究主題是經濟成長與環境間的互動關係以及環境顧志耐曲線假說。既有之EKC相關文獻,通常以縮減式(reduced form)進行實證估計,但是由於所得和環境品質都是內生變數,會對彼此造成衝擊,因而當此聯立性存在時,估計單一等式關係所得到的估計結果便有偏誤並且不具一致性。在本文中,我們設定一聯立模型以考量所得和環境間的互動關係,並以兩階段最小平方法估計之。結果顯示,在台灣,EKC的倒U字形關係存在於NO2/CO與每人所得之間;另一方面,空氣汙染則對所得沒有影響。此外,課徵空氣汙染防制費對SO2的減少有顯著的影響。
This dissertation is composed of three essays on the economics of pollution control. The first two essays analyze and compare policy instruments of pollution control from both theoretical and practical viewpoints. Moreover, a new trading system is designed for effluent trading. The third essay empirically examine the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) and the interactive relationship between economic growth and environmental quality, as well as the effects of policy instruments on air pollution control in Taiwan. Policy implications are drawn.
In the first essay, the evolution and evaluation of air pollution control policy in Taiwan are examined. Over the last five years the air quality in Taiwan’s cities has gradually improved. Part of the credit for the improvement has been given to the air emission fee program that was first implemented in 1995. Before then, the traditional command-and-control program and tax-allowance subsidy were the two major instruments used for air pollution control. The Air Pollution Control Act was revised in early 1999. Among its many new features, the most important one was a new control program, the cap-and-trade program. Moving from a fee to a cap-and-trade program has been a unique Taiwan experience. The purpose of this essay is to compare the four existing programs (i.e., command-and-control, tax-allowance subsidy, emission fee, cap-and-trade) in terms of both economic and public choice theories.
In the second essay, the design of a new trading system, the trading-ratio system (TRS), is analyzed. This study regards the cap-and-trade program for trading water pollution discharge permits. The fact that water flows to the lowest level uni-directionally is a very specific and useful property of water. TRS utilizes this property and has three main characteristics: (1) zonal effluent cap is set by taking into account the water pollution loads transferred from the upstream zones; (2) the trading ratios are set equal to the reciprocals of the exogenous transfer coefficients among zones; and (3) permits are freely tradable among dischargers according to the trading ratios. This essay shows that the TRS can consider the location effect of a discharge and can achieve the predetermined standards of environmental quality at minimum aggregate abatement costs. Problems with hot spots and free riding are avoided. In addition, the burdens on both dischargers and environmental authorities are comparatively more modest relative to existing trading systems.
In the third essay, a simultaneity model for economic growth and the environmental Kuznets curve is studied. In the EKC literature, EKC is always estimated in the form of a single equation. However, since both income and environmental quality are endogenous variables that they mutually influence each other, the estimation of single equation relationships where simultaneity exists will produce biased and inconsistent estimates. We specify the channels through which Y (income) affects P (pollution) and P affects Y in a conceptual model and then formulate a two-equation simultaneous model for empirical research. We test for exogeneity with the Hausman test and estimate the simultaneity model using the two-stage least squares method. The inverted U-shaped relationships are found between NO2/CO and per capita income in Taiwan. The results show that, however, air pollution does not significantly affect income. Moreover, the effects of the air pollution emission fee program are significant on SO2.
Abstract x
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
References 4
Chapter 2 Evolution and Evaluation of Air Pollution Control Policy in Taiwan 6
1 Introduction 6
2 Theoretical comparisons of control programs 9
3 Assessment of air pollution control policies in practice 16
4 Conclusions 28
References 30
Chapter 3 A Trading-Ratio System for Trading Water PollutionDischarge Permits 39
1 Introduction 39
2 A formal statement of cost-effectiveness: a benchmark case 42
3 Trading discharge permits with the trading-ratio system 44
4 Some considerations for implementation 53
5 Conclusions 58
References 60
Chapter 4 Economic Growth and the Environmental KuznetsCurve in Taiwan: A Simultaneity Model Analysis 63
1 Introduction 63
2 Model specification and data 67
3 Empirical estimation and results analysis 73
4 Conclusions 79
References 81
Chapter 5 Conclusions 92
References 95
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