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研究生(外文):Hank Yeh
論文名稱(外文):A study on the application of Audatex system introduced in Taiwan Motor Insurance Market
外文關鍵詞:Audatexobjectiveness and accuracyloss assessorsrepair cost
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Road traffic accidents occur every day and spark a sequence of complex claim settlement procedure to consumers, motor insurers, accidents managers, loss assessors, repairers, motor manufacturers and many other related parties. In each claim of motor damages, a few linked stages need to be observed, i.e. claim registration, estimating and approving the repair cost, completing the repair work, auditing and invoicing claim settlement.
In Taiwan, it is conventional that car repairers estimate motor damages by their individual discretion and opinions case by case. Given lack of objectiveness and accuracy, it often causes a lot of arguments and conflicts among consumers, motor insurers and car repairers. Under such a circumstance, it calls for a need for an end-to-end and comprehensive system to manage the above procedure.
The Audatex system, a computerized estimating and integrated claims management system, is adopted in many developed countries to assist motor insurers in claim handling and cost estimating more efficiently. It could not only reduce duplication and errors, but also improve authorization turnaround time. All estimates are calculated and validated through the system, with the rate and terms of business agreed between individual repairers and work providers. Based on the most up-to-date parts and labor information, a fully cost assessment, is automatically sent to the work provider in the approved format.
This paper is to examine the feasibility of introducing the Audatex to the motor insurance market in Taiwan. The main theme of this paper is to examine the feasibility of the Audatex in Taiwan motor insurance market. It analyzes the cost of establishing such a system and compares the experiences in certain countries, such as Japan and U.K. It observes that a computerized estimating system would be invaluable both for repairers and work providers. It is suggested that Taiwan shall firstly have a motor vehicle repair research center in place and then a computerized estimating system such as the Audatex.
Key Words: Audatex, loss assessors, repair cost, objectiveness and accuracy,
claim handling computerized estimating

第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………… 1
第二節 研究方法與步驟…………………………………………… 4
第三節 研究內容…………………………………………………… 6
第二章 我國現行汽車保險對車體損失鑑定與理賠方式
第一節 傳統受損車輛鑑定模式…………………………………… 8
第二節 遠端視訊鑑定系統………………………………………… 14
第三節 遠端視訊鑑定系統之優點………………………………… 18
第四節 車體損失險以「回復原狀」為原則,以「現款賠償」
為例外之探討……………………………………………… 21
第五節 現行之汽車險理賠應有改善空間………………………… 28
第三章 Audatex電腦估價系統
第一節 Audatex之意義…………………………………………… 35
第二節 Audatex電腦估價系統之估價理念……………………… 36
第三節 Audatex電腦估價系統之使用…………………………… 38
第四節 Audatex電腦估價系統之缺點…………………………… 41
第五節 保險業者以及修車業者利用Audatex之方式…………… 42
第六節 遠端視訊鑑定系統與Audatex電腦估價系統比較……… 44
第七節 Audatex Holding Co.,之組織與變革……………………… 46
第四章 我國導入Audatex電腦估價系統之效益分析
第一節 我國汽車保險修理費用規模……………………………… 49
第二節 導入Audatex電腦估價系統之投資、效益與成本……… 55
第三節 導入Audatex電腦估價系統成功之關鍵因素…………… 59
第五章 國外類似電腦估價系統之經驗
第一節 美國………………………………………………………… 61
第二節 英國………………………………………………………… 62
第三節 瑞士………………………………………………………… 68
第四節 日本………………………………………………………… 70
第六章 結論與建議
第一節 結論………………………………………………………… 71
第二節 建議………………………………………………………… 76
參考資料:………………………………………………………… 90

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7. 中時晚報,消費者報導,民國八十四年六月十九日
8. 孫森焱;民法債篇總論七十九年修訂九版
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11. 陳繼堯;汽車保險理賠論 三民書局, 八十四年二月初版
12. 日本自動車保險料率算定會;蔡玉輝譯述;各國汽車保險概要,保險事業發展中心出版,民國八十年十二月
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2. Thatcham The Motor Insurance Repair Research Center, Methods Manual,1994/10
3. Auto Bodyshop, http://www.autobodyprojects.co.uk/news/messages/989.shtml ,最終瀏覽日2002/05/01
4. Personal Auto , http://www.affirmativer:skmgmt.com/perscommauto.htmy ,最終瀏覽日2002/03/21
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7. Audatex Press Roow, http://www.audatex.co.uk/pressarchive/release 05102001.html,最終瀏覽日2002/05/19
8. Audatex Products, http://www.audatex.co.uk/products/index.html,最終瀏覽日2002/05/19
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10. Audatex Products, http://www.audatex.co.uk/products/benchmarking,html ,最終瀏覽日2002/07/01
11. Audatex Products, http://www.audatex.co.uk/products/pad.html,最終瀏覽日2002/05/19
12. Audatex Products. http://www.audatex.co.uk/products/net.html,最終瀏覽日2002/07/01
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14. Audatex Products, http://www.audatex.co.uk/products/manager,html,最終瀏覽日2002/07/01

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