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論文名稱(外文):Development and Measurement of An Active Rheometer for Cement-based Composite Materials
指導教授(外文):Yen Tsong
外文關鍵詞:Active RheometerComposite Materialsviscosityflowabilityconcrete
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主動式質流測儀 (Active Rheometer, ARM)的設計概念是以不強制施加外部驅動作用力為原則,須考量水泥材料組成基本特性,並依循量測原理與流體機械概念,設計出新型質流測儀。測儀的特性在於能導引水泥系材料試樣,由位能轉換成動能以產生流動,進而利用感測元件、轉換電路與資料擷取系統,讀取試樣的流動變形與轉動力矩等相關數據,再經由電腦程式,依質流模式分析以求得材料之質流參數。
Major industrial nations around the world started to engage in research and development of high performance concrete (HPC) in 1980. Without an exception, Taiwan joined the R/D programs to develop new concrete technologies meeting her national needs aiming at a moderate strength HPC (4,000 to 5,000 psi) called TAICON, while Japan spear-headed in the direction of Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC). Mixture designs, chemical admixtures, and apparatus for measuring flowability of fresh concrete are very important to the HPC development. Significant progresses have been made for the first two items but the last one. So far, the HPC flow-measuring procedure used today seems still hanging on the conventional technique that many scholars question its validity.
It is well known that the hardware for the conventional rheology test is of a coaxial cylinder rheometer or a mixing rheometer driven by a torsional force that disperses the test sample. The applied force causes undesirable heterogeneity to the test sample and results to inaccurate measurements. Conceivably, a new rheometer suitable for measuring flowability of HPC, TAICON, and SCC is desirable.
The objective of this study is to develop a new rheometer and its test procedures. The new apparatus was designed by our research group taking into account of the rheometry principles and was contracted to a mechanical contractor for fabrication. The design concept considered the fluid dynamics that is partially caused by the potential energy inhibited in the test sample. The system was designed to cause the test sample to flow by its own gravitation rather than an external force, and is therefore, called "Active Rheometer (ARM)." A commercially available data acquisition system was used in conjunction with a notebook computer to digitize and process the collected data.
Series of tests including calibrations were carried out to generate direct flow measurements that are subsequently converted to shear stresses and strain rates. Samples for the ARM and conventional rheometer tests involved freshly mixed cement paste, mortar, and concrete. The obtained data were made into desirable tables and charts for comparing the ARM measurements against the conventional rheometer ones. The maximum deviation between them is less than 10%. It is worth to note that the Active Rheometer is sensitive enough to measure viscosity of test samples as low as 0.35 N.s/m2. Although the highest viscosity measured in the investigation is 60 N.s/m2, it is our belief the apparatus is suitable to measure even higher viscosity. The research group is profoundly pleased with the performance of the Active Rheometer and flowability measurements that yield.
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研發動機 1
1-2 研究目的 5
1-3 研究內涵 7
1-4 研究方法與流程 8
第二章 文獻回顧 19
2-1 質流理論與模式 19
2-1.1質流之定義 19
2-1.2水泥漿之質流行為與模式 20
2-1.3水泥砂漿之質流行為與模式 23
2-1.4新拌混凝土之質流行為與模式 24
2-2 質流測儀發展 29
2-2.1同軸圓柱質流儀 30
2-2.2 MK-I、MK-II、MK-III質流儀 31
2-2.3 HPC質流測儀 33
2-2.4 TRM質流儀 34
2-3 數值解析模式 36
第三章 理論模式之建立與分析 63
3-1 黏性流體力學基本原理 63
3-1.1黏性流體應力場 63
3-1.2黏性流體應變場 65
3-1.3應力與應變關係 67
3-2 理論模式推導 74
3-3 數值模擬分析 80
第四章 質流測儀之設計與研發 93
4-1 主動式質流測儀組構 94
4-1.1導引及感測裝置 96
4-1.2信號處理與傳輸設備 100
4-1.3資料擷取系統 101
4-1.4控制與攝影系統 102
4-2 資料擷取與分析軟體 103
4-3 量測不確定度分析 105
4.3-1重複性與重現性分析 108
4.3-2 ARM量測不確定度分析 109
第五章 實驗計畫與量測方法 127
5-1 實驗設計與實驗變數 128
5-2 試驗流程 131
5-3 試驗材料與配比 132
5-4 量測方法與測儀 136
5-4.1質流測儀 136
5-4.2黏度測儀 139
5-4.3流動性測儀 141
第六章 試驗結果與討論 161
6-1 率定試驗 161
6-1.1空載率定試驗 161
6-1.2荷載率定試驗 163
6-2 驗證試驗 166
6-2.1牛頓流體 167
6-2.2水泥漿體 168
6-3 分析試驗 172
6-3.1水泥砂漿 172
6-3.2混凝土 181
6-4 ARM流動特徵判別圖 195
6-5 工程實務應用 197
第七章 結論與建議 243
7-1 結論 243
7-2 未來研發建議 247
參考文獻 251
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